
Sihong County Hongze Lake ten thousand mu fish crab dead black sewage continuously poured in

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Affected by recent heavy rainfall, a large amount of upstream sewage flows into Hongze Lake. Since the early morning of the 25th, the water quality has deteriorated seriously. As of 5 pm on the 28th, about 31,000 mu of breeding area in Linhuai Town, Sihong County has been seriously affected, including 160 crab households in Shengli Village, Linhuai Town, located on an island in the lake.

Affected by the recent heavy rainfall, a large amount of upstream sewage was collected into Hongze Lake. From the early morning of the 25th, the water quality seriously deteriorated. As of 5: 00 p.m. on the 28th, about 31000 mu of aquaculture area in Linhuai Town, Sihong County, was seriously affected. Among them, 12600 mu of crab farmers in Shengli Village, Linhuai Town, located on a small island in the lake, almost all died.

Fishermen watched a large number of crabs die.

Shengli Village, Linhuai Town, Sihong County is an island in Hongze Lake, with a total of 260 villagers, of which 160 are crab farmers. A few days ago, the lake suddenly turned black and smelly, giving off a pungent smell, and all the fish and crabs in the 12600 mu crab pond in the village died in just a few days.

On the morning of the 29th, the reporter stepped onto a small fishing boat bound for Shengli Village, and the fishy smell of dead fish and crabs could still be smelled in the air. The fisherman who set sail said: "many dead fish and crabs have been fished up in the past few days, otherwise the whole lake will stink and the water quality will deteriorate." Walking along the river, piles of dead crabs and dead fish can be seen on both sides from time to time.

"the water quality is much better now. The water was black a few days ago." Wang Zhiming, party committee secretary of Linhuai Town, said that it is a pity that there will be a large number of deaths due to favorable weather this year and that crabs will be on the market after a period of time. Wang Zhiming said: at present, only the direct input losses of fishermen can be counted, and the rest cannot be counted at all.

When we got to the island, we saw more than a dozen small boats docked on the dock, each with a large number of dead crabs stacked in its cabin or bow.

Liu Peixi, a 54-year-old fisherman, told reporters that this year he raised 80 mu of crabs, put 2300 jin of crab seedlings, and invested nearly 300000 yuan. He was going to be listed before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, but unexpectedly, in the early morning of the 25th, a large amount of sewage suddenly flowed into the waters of Hongze Lake, giving off a pungent smell. On the morning of the 25th, we saw that a large number of crabs began to die, and many crabs climbed onto the purse seine, but they did not last long to fall into the water and die. On the 27th, all the crabs, fish and shrimp in his 80 mu crab pond died.

Like Liu Peixi, all the crabs, fish and shrimp in the 12600 mu crab pond on the island died within a few days.

Fisherman Zhu Dejun has also been engaged in aquaculture for many years. Due to the good crab market last year, this year he invested more than 500,000 yuan to raise crabs in nine Tangkou, a total of more than 230 mu. "it's hard to raise crabs, and now all the hard work has been in vain!" Zhu Dejun said that his lover burst into tears as soon as he saw that all the crabs had died.

Fishermen said that there has never been such a large-scale crab death before, every year when the upstream water is large, occasionally sewage crossing, but the time is very short, there is little impact on fishermen.

Some people have nausea and headaches.

On the afternoon of August 29, Sihong County reported the relevant situation on the "August 25" pollution incident. According to reports, recently, under the influence of the typhoon, northern Jiangsu and Anhui suffered continuous sudden heavy rainfall. The sluice gates in the upper reaches of Sihong County were opened and water was released in Anhui area. A large number of floods flowed through the Lihewa of the county, and then converged into Hongze Lake. The water level of the river entering the lake was above the warning water level and exceeded the highest water level in history.

In the early morning of August 25, a large area of crab fish died in about 10,000 mu of purse seine culture area in Shengli Village, Linhuai Town, Sihong County. In this regard, the Sihong county party committee and county government attached great importance to it and quickly arranged for the county environmental protection bureau, together with aquatic products, water conservancy and other departments, to immediately go to the field to investigate and verify, and found that there were large-scale deaths of crabs, fish and shrimp in the culture area.

According to township staff, some people nearby have nausea and headaches due to the stench of the water.

After the disaster, the Sihong county party committee and county government quickly set up the headquarters of the leading group for the disposal of the "August 25" incident, dispatched and disposed of the incident, and requested the higher departments to make overall arrangements for the flood discharge time and flow across provinces and regions, so as to guide the affected and surrounding fishermen to take emergency measures to reduce losses.

Sewage has no effect on water source.

On the morning of August 29, Suqian Environmental Protection Bureau issued a circular. The report said that the on-site investigation found that Hongze Lake into the lake river, the new Sui River a large amount of sewage transit, the current is fast, the water quality is black, significantly deteriorated, and the monitoring results are inferior to ⅴ.

The Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province has initiated emergency response, and a five-member working group sent to Sihong on the afternoon of the 28th immediately participated in the investigation and disposal work. At present, all rivers entering the lake and Xinsui River in Hongze Lake Sihong area have implemented encryption monitoring measures, and sewage has no impact on the water source.

As of 5: 00 p.m. on the 28th, the polluted area of fish and shrimp culture is about 31000 mu. Due to the reduction of upstream water inflow, the regional expansion and spread has slowed down, but the water quality has not been significantly improved and the dissolved oxygen is very low.

The reporter learned that at present, the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department has informed the Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Department that it is requested to launch the "Yangtze River Delta Cross-border Environmental Emergency response Linkage Assistance and Mutual Assistance procedure" to coordinate the response to cross-border water quality anomalies.