
Prevention of Orchid virus Disease

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Prevention of Orchid virus Disease

Up to now, there is no specific drug that can completely treat viral diseases, and there is no good means to make blue strains not hurt and obtain better curative effects, because there is no drug or method that can distinguish the virus in the cell from the protein of the cell itself, and kill the virus without damaging the protein of the cell itself. Therefore, the prevention and control of orchid virus diseases are mainly based on prevention, as well as improving cultivation conditions to make it grow vigorously and increase resistance.

1. The plants without disease are strictly selected for cultivation.

2. Control of poisonous insects. Combined with weekly spraying of fungal drugs and systemic drugs such as chloromethoate, Wanling, etc., to eliminate piercing-sucking mouthparts insects.

3. Improve cultivation conditions, mainly do a good job of cooling and ventilation, increase humidity, reasonable fertilization.

4. Prevent artificial mechanical transmission. Because orchid virus disease has latent symptoms, it is necessary to disinfect pruning and other equipment that comes into contact with plants. Before and after each cut, the scissors should be burned before use.

5. Cut off the infection. Once a diseased plant is found, it must be isolated or burned.

6. Try to avoid artificial damage to orchid plants during cultivation, so as not to invade the disease from the wound.

Liu Zhongjian