
Build the five-Ring Industrial chain and reconstruct Agriculture new business type

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Internet and high and new technology make many industries constantly generate new forms of business. Some industries may die overnight, and some industries may rise overnight. Shunfeng Express messes up the postal service, Alipay makes banks face an archenemy, e-commerce makes shopping malls panic, Didi,

The Internet and high and new technology make many industries constantly generate new forms of business. Some industries may die overnight, others may rise overnight, SF Express messes up postal services, Alipay makes banks look like an archenemy, e-commerce rattles shopping malls, Didi and fast make taxi companies confused, and 3D printing endangers traditional manufacturing. The revolution of the agricultural industry is also taking place quietly, and the reconstruction of new business type has become a trend. The key to new business type's reconstruction is to create a "five-ring industrial chain" and form an agricultural interest community under the role of the value chain.

Industrial chain is the sum of a product and associated upstream and downstream products. The formation of the industrial chain is caused by the social division of labor. As the social division of labor becomes more and more subtle and the trading activities become more and more complex, an enterprise is difficult to deal with, so a number of specialties are separated. These professional links divide and cooperate, complement each other, and coordinate operation. The upstream delivers products or services to the downstream, and the downstream feeds back information to the upstream to exchange value with each other, so as to maximize the value of the industry. When the benefit of a node in the industrial chain changes, it may lead to the corresponding multiplier effect in other related industries, and the benefit produced is not the physical accumulation of the benefits of each link, but the chemical reaction.

The industrial chain includes four dimensions: the value chain, the enterprise chain, the supply chain and the spatial chain. The industrial chain is the interest community of each link in the equilibrium process of these four dimensions. This "docking mechanism" is an "invisible hand", which controls the rise and fall of the industrial chain. The type of industrial chain can be divided into connected type and extended type. Agricultural new business type is to break the old pattern that agriculture only makes a fuss in primary production, integrate primary, secondary and tertiary industries, integrate upstream, middle and downstream, promote each other's production, supply, increase and marketing, extend the industrial chain, develop agricultural tourism, and build an industrial form in line with the development trend of agricultural modernization. The industrial chain of Agricultural new business type mainly includes five major links of "planting, raising and selling Brigade". To build this industrial chain, it is urgent to improve each link on the one hand, and connect many links that fight in their own way on the other hand to form a community of interests, and constantly extend the development and lengthen the chain.

I. optimizing the planting industry

In 2014, China's grain output increased for 11 consecutive years, reaching 1.2142 trillion jin. Grain shows a state of "production, inventory and import". Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that "in recent years, grain stocks have been increasing, the storage capacity is tight, and the financial burden is heavy." China's grain production has got rid of the predicament of fighting against "deficiency" for a long time, and is gradually evolving in the direction of fighting against "surplus". In this situation, agriculture must change with time and change "taking grain as the key link" to meet the demand. The planting industry is at the front end of the agricultural industry chain and is the main support for the extension and development of the downstream chain. The planting industry should optimize the structure according to the various needs of modern and pluralistic civilization.

1. Optimize the structure to meet the needs of human life. With the increase of people's income, the improvement of living standards and the change of life style, great changes have taken place in life needs. The planting industry should also be adjusted and optimized to adapt to this change. Although the output of cotton, oil, meat, poultry and eggs, aquatic products, vegetables and fruits ranks first in the world, the structural contradiction between supply and demand is still prominent. First, we will not relax the production of grain, cotton, oil and sugar. Keeping the rice bowl firmly in your own hands is the top priority of governing the country. It is necessary to implement the strictest cultivated land protection system, delimit permanent basic farmland, build a number of high-quality and efficient grain production bases, and stabilize grain production capacity. By 2020, China will ensure that it is basically self-sufficient in grain and that the self-sufficiency capacity of food rations will reach 100%. At the same time, we should actively expand the production area of other crops such as soybeans, miscellaneous grains and potatoes, and promote the development and industrialization of potato staple food. We will steadily develop cotton, oil and sugar production, consolidate the production capacity of traditional advantageous areas such as cotton in Xinjiang, sugar cane in Guangxi and Yunnan, and rape in the Yangtze River Basin, and ensure a certain level of self-sufficiency (China was also a net exporter of soybeans in 1995. In 2014, the self-sufficiency rate of soybeans dropped to 14.6 percent, importing more than 70 million tons and producing only 12 million tons. In 1992, Guangdong ranked first in sucrose production, and after 1992, Guangxi ranked first. More than 80 sugarcane species were planted in 109 counties in Guangxi, of which more than 50 counties had sugar factories and more than 26 million sugarcane farmers. In 2012, China produced 11.788 million tons of sugar, with a total consumption of 14.0392 million tons. Originally, supply fell short of demand, but imports reached 3.747 million tons, resulting in an excess supply of 1.4958 million tons. The same is true in 2013 and 2014, if sugar is not saved, Chinese sucrose will be wiped out like soybeans. The second is to coordinate and grasp melons, fruits and cauliflower. Melon, fruit and cauliflower are labor-and technology-intensive agricultural products with significant competitive advantages in the market. With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for characteristic melons, fruits and cauliflower with nutrition and health care functions is increasing. China's output of melons and vegetables has accounted for 60% to 70% of the world's total, especially out-of-season melons and vegetables in the world. Plastic greenhouses and plastic film mulching are known as "the country's mountains and rivers are white." China's greenhouse accounts for 87% of the world, and the consumption of fruits and flowers is developing from group consumption and holiday consumption to daily household consumption. China's apple production accounts for 50% of the world's total output, reaching nearly 40 million tons, setting a record for 22 consecutive years of growth from 1991 to 2013. In recent years, China's per capita consumption of fresh apples has reached 13.2 kg, exceeding the world level of 8.2 kg, and is expected to reach 15 kg in 2018. Flower cultivation in China has reached 1.3 million hectares, accounting for 1 of the world's total area, with more than 3500 professional markets. In the more than 30 years since the reform and opening up, planting has increased by more than 50 times, sales by more than 90 times, and exports by more than 300 times. At present, we should meet the market demand, develop marketable high-quality varieties of melons, fruits and cauliflower, develop early-maturing and late-maturing varieties, and improve the ability of balanced listing. Develop winter facility vegetables in northern cities, consolidate and enhance the production capacity of winter melons and vegetables transported from the south to the north, develop plateau vegetables with western characteristics, and ensure a balanced supply of regional and seasonal vegetables. We should strengthen the key technologies such as the preservation of fresh cut flowers, the cultivation and breeding of potted flowers, and introduce foreign advanced bulb breeding and technical equipment.

2. Optimize the structure to meet the needs of aquaculture. Increase feed grain and forage production. From 1990 to 2012, China's per capita food consumption decreased by 16%, while meat, egg and milk consumption increased by 226%. It is estimated that by 2030, China's feed grain consumption will reach twice that of rations. There are more than 6400 species of forage and forage plants in China, which have different characteristics and ecological adaptability, and can meet all kinds of natural resources with different climate, soil, light, heat and water conditions for the production of green nutrients. Even land that is not conducive to the production of food and cash crops can be used to grow suitable forage and forage plants. In order to change the planting concept that grain is better than grass, alfalfa nutrient protein is 3 times higher than grain. Some experts suggest that the "sickle bend" area from northeast to northwest of our country can popularize the cultivation of feed grain and implement grass field rotation. A rotation period of 3 to 4 years can increase soil organic matter by 23% to 24%. Nitrogen can be increased by 100,150 kg per hectare, and grain yield can be increased by more than 10% without fertilizer application. At the same time, low-and middle-yield fields, fallow fields, forest and fruit gaps and grass slopes in the south are all superior choices for the development of grassland agriculture. In China, the area of low-and middle-yield fields is 80 million hectares, the area of fallow fields is nearly 9.9 million hectares, and the gap of all kinds of sparse forests, tea forests and orchards is 1.48 million hectares. If 10% of the above-mentioned land is used for planting fine forage grass, 100 million tons of forage hay can be increased without affecting the original productivity, and the production of about 10 million tons of beef and mutton can be increased according to the average conversion of 10 kg of forage grass dry matter to 1 kg of beef and mutton. In addition, there are 100 million hectares of grassy hills and slopes in China. The output of these grassland agriculture is equivalent to an increase of 100 million mu of cultivated land.

3. Optimize the structure to meet the demand of industrial raw materials. Do a good job in the cultivation of special crops to meet the needs of industrial raw materials. The first is to develop biomass energy. At present, there are only 4 bioethanol production enterprises in China, while there are hundreds in the United States, which consume a lot of corn. In view of the large corn inventory in our country, we should strengthen the development of corn transformation technology. At the same time, focus on the marginal land such as semi-desertified areas and sandy areas in the "three north" areas, combined with ecological construction, build woody energy forest bases dominated by shrubs, and carry out large-scale planting of sweet sorghum in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and Shandong. Potato crops and plants such as banana and kudzu were planted in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. Build oil palm, paulownia, Coptis chinensis and other oil plant planting bases in Hainan, Fujian, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hebei, Anhui and other places; strengthen the research and development of oil-rich algae cultivation technology, and carry out algae raw material cultivation projects. The second is to support the cultivation of medicine and other raw materials. Vigorously develop the production of raw materials in pharmaceutical, chemical, food, wine and other industries, encourage enterprises to establish the form of "companies + new agricultural operators", and establish raw material production bases.

4. Optimize the structure to meet the needs of green development. The construction of green sustainable growth model is an effective way to improve the efficiency of planting industry. We will implement major ecological restoration projects, consolidate the achievements of protecting natural forests and returning farmland to forests and grasslands, promote the comprehensive control of desertification and rocky desertification, and protect wetlands. We will speed up the establishment of an ecological compensation mechanism and strengthen the ability of preventing wind and fixing sand in the northwest region. To promote the protection of black land in Northeast China, the thickness of the initial reclamation of black land in Northeast China has reached more than 1 meter, but now it is only 30 to 40 centimeters, and it is lost at a rate of about 1 centimeter every year, so it is in urgent need of protection. To restore the paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River, China is one of the 13 water-poor countries in the world. 81% of the freshwater resources are concentrated in the south of the Yangtze River, and the water content of the paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River is equivalent to that of the three Gorges of the Yangtze River. In recent years, with the change from water to drought in the south of the Yangtze River, the function of paddy field in regulating climate has greatly declined. At the same time, vigorously promote the matching of improved varieties and methods, the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, safe inputs, physical technology, and information technology, and strive to promote high-yield, high-efficiency and multi-resistant new varieties, large-scale mechanized cultivation techniques and the construction of cultivated land quality. great efforts should be made in fertilizer control, drug control and water control, and standardized production should be vigorously implemented, and the goal of agricultural product production should be the pursuit of ecological green organic. By 2020, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in China will increase to more than 40%, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in grain and agricultural production will grow zero, and the recovery rate of waste plastic film in farmland will reach more than 80%. In short, we should not only make proper use of the late-development advantages of intensive, efficient and fast western modern agriculture, but also fully tap the green, organic and circular advantages of China's traditional ecological agriculture, and the organic combination of the two can ensure the sustainability of agricultural development.

Second, adjust the aquaculture industry

Crop by-products and their wastes are the main raw materials of aquaculture production, and the abundance of planting industry directly affects the development of aquaculture industry. With the change of people's consumption structure from 8:1:1 to 4:3:3, animal husbandry, as the source of meat, eggs and milk, increasingly highlights the special status of ensuring food safety. However, at present, there are still some problems to be solved in the development of China's aquaculture industry: first, the pressure of effective supply is increasing. At present, the amount of meat per capita in China has just exceeded the world average, and the per capita consumption of milk is only 1% of the world average. In the future, the demand for major animal products of residents will show a rigid growth. Second, the restrictions and restrictions on the development of aquaculture are becoming more and more obvious. The treatment of manure from livestock and poultry breeding has become a prominent problem in the development of modern animal husbandry. In some areas, especially in the eastern coastal developed provinces and cities, more and more livestock and poultry farming are prohibited and restricted for the sake of environmental protection. Affected by the ecological environment, the natural production capacity of the aquaculture industry has been greatly reduced. In the 1950s, the catch of the Yangtze River reached more than 500,000 tons, while in recent years it was only tens of thousands of tons. Third, the industry is facing severe international challenges. The proportion of large-scale breeding of live pigs, dairy cows, beef cattle, mutton and other major livestock breeds in China is on the low side, and improved breeds of livestock and poultry such as live pigs, white-feathered broilers, dairy cows and beef cattle mainly rely on the international market, especially because of the great price differences at home and abroad. China's beef and mutton imports have increased rapidly in recent years. China's annual beef consumption is more than 9 million tons, of which imports (including smuggled imports) are more than 2 million tons. The annual consumption of milk is more than 50 million tons, and the self-production is only 36 million tons, and the import accounts for nearly 1 × 3 of the milk demand. according to the average per unit yield of domestic lactating cows, imported milk is equivalent to the annual output of 2.3 million lactating cows. In order to solve the problem of rapid and healthy development of China's aquaculture industry, there are hard constraints related to long-term scientific research and investment, as well as soft constraints related to ideas and methods.

1. Adjust grain and pig agriculture and give priority to the development of herbivorous animal husbandry. Chinese meat food is mainly food-consuming type, herbivorous cattle and sheep as by-products. The ratio of beef and mutton output to pork production in China is about 1:5, while that in the United States is 6:5. The special economic structure and consumption habits form "grain and pig" agriculture. More than 90% of meat products in countries such as Australia and New Zealand are converted from forage grass, while only 6% to 8% in China. Therefore, we should appropriately adjust the relative excess production capacity of pig farming and vigorously develop herbivorous aquaculture, which can not only change the dietary structure of excess fat in China, and reduce the diseases caused by obesity. It can also change the current situation of food competition between people and animals.

2. Adjust the separation of planting and breeding and vigorously develop agriculture with the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry. Vigorously promote circular agriculture with the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, open up the channel for the coordinated development of breeding and breeding industry, and promote the transformation of waste into treasure and recycling, so as to solve not only the feed problem of "import" of livestock and poultry, but also the problem of manure and urine of "export". We should fully tap the potential of forage production, vigorously develop grass and animal husbandry, and form a new planting and breeding structure with consideration of grain and grass, combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and circular development. We will actively promote the production of forage grain, actively develop forage corn and silage corn, develop high-quality forage grasses such as alfalfa, and promote the coordinated development of the ternary planting structure of grain, cash crops and forage in major grain producing areas. Support livestock and poultry breeders to establish planting bases and absorb manure. It is encouraged to closely combine the treatment and utilization of livestock and poultry manure with biogas projects, and actively promote the production, processing and utilization of organic fertilizers, so as to promote each other and develop together in a virtuous circle.

3. Adjust the mode of breeding and maximize the use of by-products and wastes of planting industry. People eat plant fruits, animals eat roots, stems and leaves, and human and animal manure are returned to the field as crop fertilizer, which is the distribution law of the food chain arranged by nature, which is insurmountable. From the practice of raising cattle and sheep, coarse fodder such as crop straw is necessary every day, and the demand of cattle and sheep is 2.5% of their body weight. A beef cow needs to consume 5 tons of straw roughage in two years, and a sheep needs to consume 500 kilograms of straw roughage in that year. Therefore, straw has a broad prospect of raising livestock. Improper breeding methods not only cause people and animals to compete for food, but also affect the healthy development of animal husbandry. According to the estimation of relevant experts, the ratio of concentrate and roughage for dairy cows in China is now 6 ∶ 4. If it is adjusted to 3 ∶ 7, the life cycle and fertility of dairy cows will be greatly improved. Improper feed ratio seriously restricts the development of dairy cows, thus affecting the market supply, so a large number of dairy products have to be imported. Therefore, the state should introduce incentive policies for livestock and breeding enterprises, large households and cooperatives to make use of wheat, rice and corn stalks to reach a certain proportion and enjoy the policy of rewards and subsidies for straw utilization. Special machinery for animal husbandry and breeding should be included in the scope of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery. We will stabilize the development of herbivorous animal husbandry in grassland areas, encourage agricultural and semi-agricultural areas to speed up the development of herbivorous animal husbandry, promote large-scale breeding of beef cattle, mutton sheep and dairy cows, and speed up the promotion of straw silage, ammoniation and fermentation technology. support the development of a number of straw feed processing enterprises and do everything possible to improve the level of straw feed utilization.

4. Adjust the aquaculture structure and enrich the various needs of the people's life. According to the resource endowment, industrial foundation and breeding tradition of different regions of our country, we should constantly adjust and optimize the aquaculture structure to meet the market demand. We should not only stabilize pig and poultry production, but also vigorously develop cattle and sheep, but also actively develop fish, shrimp, crabs and other aquatic products. Pig and poultry production should be concentrated in major grain producing areas to improve the conversion rate of crops and by-products and wastes. Dairy farming is still mainly in the north, speed up the development of the south, and make full use of the straw resources in the south. Beef cattle production takes pastoral areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas as the main breeding areas, and the main grain producing areas concentrate on fattening and strive to improve breeding efficiency. Mutton sheep production insists on the development of both agricultural and pastoral areas, and cashmere sheep breeding is mainly in the northeast and northwest regions, giving full play to their respective comparative advantages. On the one hand, aquaculture should protect the ecology and purify the water body, on the other hand, it should restrict the damming of rivers and keep the biological chain from breaking. Hubei is one of the four major producing areas of domestic fish. with the construction of the three Gorges Dam, the fish fry production dropped sharply from 20 billion to 200 million. Since the 1960s, the United States has been planning to dismantle 50-60 dams to solve the problem of biological chain, but China has made great efforts to promote the construction of dams.

5. Adjust the breeding vision and vigorously develop microbial products. Many countries in the world are focusing on cultivating the biological industry as a new economic growth point and accelerating to seize the commanding heights of the "biological economy". The global output value of biological medicine alone has reached 199.7 billion US dollars in 2013 and is expected to reach 497.9 billion US dollars by 2020. Global bio-manufacturing reached $170 billion in 2013, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts that 22 percent of global chemical products will be made from biological raw materials by 2025. The OECD predicts that by 2030, 35 per cent of chemicals and other industrial products will come from industrial biotechnology. Facing the rapid development of bio-economy, China plans to adopt curve overtaking, and its total output value will reach 1 trillion to 1.1 trillion by 2020. In the practice of production and life, human beings study and utilize more animals and plants, but pay insufficient attention to the behind-the-scenes protagonists in the ecosystem of microorganisms, and their development and utilization are far from enough. We should adjust our thinking and change "two-dimensional agriculture" of developing and utilizing traditional animal and plant resources into "three-dimensional agriculture" of developing and utilizing animal, plant and microbial resources. The expert concerned sums up microbiology agriculture for 6 big respects. One is microbial feed, the other is microbial fertilizer, the third is microbial food, the fourth is microbial pesticide, the fifth is microbial energy, and the sixth is microbial environmental protection agent. Fully exploiting and utilizing the six functions of microbial agriculture, making microorganisms change from "micro" to "great", and receiving the same attention as animals and plants, should be a new field of agriculture in the 21st century.

III. Upgrading the processing industry

Planting industry and breeding industry jointly provide raw materials for agricultural product processing industry, which is the sum of industrial production activities based on artificial breeding or wild animal and plant resources. Agricultural product processing industry is a strategic pillar industry for economic and social development, an important livelihood industry to ensure national nutrition safety and health, and a central link to promote the integrated development of agricultural primary, secondary and tertiary industries. By the end of 2014, there were 75,700 agricultural product processing enterprises above designated size nationwide, with a main business income of 1.848 billion yuan. The ratio of output value of agricultural product processing industry to agricultural output value has increased from 1.1: 1 in the Tenth Five-Year Plan to about 1.7: 1 at present.

However, compared with developed countries, the overall development level of China's agricultural products processing industry is still very low, and there are still many problems to be solved urgently. First, the value-added rate of products is low. The value-added of China's agricultural product processing industry is less than twice that of developed countries, which is 5-8 times. The ratio of output value of fruit and vegetable processing industry to raw material output value in China is 0.43∶1, while the value added in developed countries is more than 3 times. Second, the comprehensive utilization rate of resources is low. It is estimated that only plant fiber resources, China has about 500 million tons of straw per year can be comprehensively utilized. At present, these resources not only have a very small proportion of development and transformation, but have even become sources of environmental pollution. From the variety category of processed products, the variety is small and the variety is monotonous. Take special flour as an example, there are more than 60 kinds in Japan, more than 70 kinds in Britain, more than 100 kinds in the United States, and only about 20 kinds in China. In terms of edible oil, Japan has more than 400 kinds of special oils, while China has only a few kinds. Third, the ability to innovate in science and technology is low. Lack of scientific reserves and technical support to adapt to the development of agricultural products processing industry, such as supercritical fluid extraction, ultra-fine grinding, membrane separation and other technologies are less applied. Low technological innovation capacity, especially the lack of technology with independent intellectual property rights, is the fundamental reason why China's agricultural product processing lags behind developed countries. Promoting the rapid, stable and healthy development of agricultural products processing industry has become an important part of China's agricultural modernization and agricultural competitiveness.

First of all, the top-level design should be done well. The state should place the agricultural product processing industry in an important position as a strategic pillar industry with great potential and a new economic growth point from a strategic and overall perspective, include it in the important agenda, increase support and promote the integrated development of agricultural primary, secondary and tertiary industries. At present, top-level design should be strengthened at the national level, product research and development should be strengthened on the one hand, and industrial construction should be strengthened on the other. A policy document should be formulated to make arrangements for the development of agricultural product processing industry, especially for the main difficulties and problems restricting the development of agricultural product processing industry, and targeted and operable policy measures should be put forward. Four industrial systems of processing industry should be constructed, namely, grain and agricultural and sideline products processing industry system, animal husbandry and aquatic products processing industry system, forest and forest products processing industry system, crop straw and waste processing industry system. To pick up the other half of agriculture, 600 million tons of grain also produces 6 tons of dry matter from straw.

Second, focus on promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. This is an important and urgent task at present and in the future. We should adhere to the main line of changing the development mode, adjusting and optimizing the structure, and improving the quality and efficiency. We should vigorously promote the development of key fields such as primary processing, intensive processing, comprehensive utilization, staple food processing, new formats and new models, technical equipment, leading enterprises, brand strategy, processing parks and processing industries in main producing areas, and guide and promote the agricultural product processing industry from scale expansion to transformation and upgrading, factor-driven to innovation-driven. Decentralized layout changes to industrial clusters.

Third, vigorously implement the "four products" strategy. The "four products" are appearance, quality, taste and brand. The so-called appearance, that is, the appearance of the product should be beautiful, should be good-looking; the so-called quality, that is, the product should ensure the texture; the so-called taste, that is, the product should select the right level of consumption and classified production for the high, middle and low end market. Today's service has developed from public service, focus service and niche service to personalized service, with one taste for each person. There should be as many varieties as possible to meet the needs of different groups, especially the consumption of the middle class, which is characterized by freshness, personalization and non-conformity. Pay attention to the discovery of minority products, the highest added value; the so-called brand, that is, to improve awareness, reputation, to create their own brand. The Internet era is the era in which the brand is king. The word "product" has three mouths, and the so-called brand is a brand that is jointly set up in taste, evaluation and appreciation through people's word of mouth. It comes from the senses and exists in the hearts of the people. Mankind has entered the brand era, food is the most important thing for people, and the first brand of "product" is agriculture. Therefore, to build, protect and develop brands is the key task to speed up the agricultural products processing industry. Efforts should be made to build brand products, brand enterprises and brand industries. Foreign herbs are seizing the country of origin of traditional Chinese medicine, setting standards, registering patents and seizing the market. In 2014, foreign herbs sold 5 billion yuan in the mainland, accounting for 1% of domestic sales of traditional Chinese medicine. Artemisinin is the only drug listed in the list of basic medicines of the World Health Organization, but all of them have been patented by similar products abroad. at present, the annual sales of this drug and its derivatives reach 1.5 billion US dollars, while the Chinese market accounts for less than 1%. Chinese native medicine has become a cash cow abroad. Germany has more than 2,000 world famous brands and more than 100,000 international industrial standards. There are 100,000 century-old stores and 8 thousand-year-old stores in Japan. So far, there is not a century-old brand in China. It is impossible to talk about the international standard of processing industry products. Among the world brand products announced by BusinessWeek since 2006, there are more than 15 million enterprises and 1.7 million brands in China, and none of them has been on the list. The first priority for brands is food safety, said Joseph J. Jen, a Chinese expert and former deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. U. S. food is regulated by the Food Safety Inspection Bureau under the Department of Agriculture. If each slaughterhouse has one inspector, there are 8000 in the country, the inspector cannot leave the factory without the approval of the inspector, and the inspector is completely independent, such as having a meal in the enterprise and losing the rice bowl.