
The fungicide of orchid-- Cladesone

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The fungicide of orchid-- Cladesone

Prednisone is a broad-spectrum fungicide with internal absorption and permeability. The chemical name is sodium dimethylaminobenzene diazo phosphate. The pure product is light yellow crystal and the industrial product is yellowish brown odorless powder. Soluble in water and ethanol and other solvents, aqueous solution decomposes when exposed to direct sunlight, and is highly toxic to human beings and animals. There are two dosage forms: 70% wettable powder and 90% raw powder.

Dexong is a good soil treatment and seed fungicide, and it can also be used for spray. Spraying 500-1000 times of 70% wettable powder can control downy mildew, soft rot and bacterial plaque of many kinds of flowers. Mixing 5g of 90% raw powder and 20 times fine soil per square meter in the seedling bed can control a variety of flower water seedling diseases, such as orchid white silk disease, bacterial soft rot of orchid and so on.

Attention should be paid to: (1) the aqueous solution of prednisone is unstable in the sun, soil treatment and perfusion should be applied to the soil as soon as possible, spray should choose cloudy day or evening, should be used immediately; (2) can not be mixed with alkaline agents. (Liu Zhongjian)