
An example of Luo Hansong's bonsai creation

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Plum blossom is not only often used to plant in the courtyard, plum blossom is also a commonly used material in our country to make bonsai, used to make bonsai has a long history, let's share the modeling and production methods of plum blossom bonsai. The plum blossom is.

Plum blossom is not only often used to plant in the courtyard, plum blossom is also a commonly used material in our country to make bonsai, used to make bonsai has a long history, let's share the modeling and production methods of plum blossom bonsai.

Plum blossom has been cultivated in China for more than 4,000 years, and there is a description of plum blossom in ancient books such as the Book of songs and Shangshu. Plum blossom bonsai mainly appears in the form of pile scenery, and its form, styling style and methods vary from place to place. Many works have become representative works of various schools, such as you Longmei of Hui School, split Plum of Su School, Rolling Dragon Baozhu Plum of Sichuan School and so on. Plum pile bonsai has regular type and natural type, traditional plum pile is mostly regular type, branch and dry shape are mainly curved dry type, split dry type and hanging branch type, etc.; modern multi-factor material concept, homeopathic modeling, smooth and natural, mainly withered peak type, oblique dry type and curved dry type.

Plum branches strong and old, beautiful tree shape, blooming in the cold winter months, although ice and snow, still blooming, reflected with the snow, the symbol is pure, stable, unyielding.

(1) sampling of plum blossom bonsai

The propagation methods of plum blossom include sowing method, cutting method, grafting method and pressing method. Grafting is the most commonly used method of plum blossom propagation. Because this method is faster to cultivate plum stakes. The seedlings of peach, apricot and plum after sowing can be used as rootstocks, and the sturdy annual branches are selected before plum blossom sprouting in spring, which are cut into five to six centimeters long, leaving two to three buds in the upper part, and the cut is about three centimeters long. cut off the upper part of the rootstock at three to five centimeters from the ground, then seal the soil, loosen the soil a month later, peel off the rootbuds, and check whether the rootbuds are alive or not. The buds of the branches of the same year can also be grafted in August and September, and then examined and observed a week later. If the buds show green and full, it means that they have survived. Plum blossoms are generally cultivated in the open field for years, and then pot when they grow into a certain tree shape.

The plum pile bonsai pile culture mostly uses the grafting method and the pressing method. If the plum pile is cultivated from an early age, choose more hillside land, sow peach, mountain peach, apricot, mountain apricot or plum, and cultivate seedlings as rootstocks. Splice, ventral grafting, or ventral grafting before spring germination in Jiangnan, or before and after the Autumn Equinox. Multi-line branch grafting in the north, or square budding during the End of Heat and White Dew.

(2) the modeling of plum blossom bonsai

Plum blossom bonsai from childhood to cultivate dried plum makeup mostly take brown silk clunky, rough tie rough cut. Climbing the trunk of the plum blossom bonsai once a year, resulting in a bend, usually relatively extensive management. Plum blossom bonsai branches can be clambered, more pruning should be done, pruning branches every year after bonsai blossoms, comprehensively sorting out plum blossom bonsai tree types; short cut is mainly light cutting, such as excessive heavy cutting will affect the next year's blossom; pruning diseased branches, withered branches and long branches before plum blossom bonsai blossom.

Plum blossom bonsai has been cultivated for a long time since childhood. in order to obtain pile material quickly, natural wild plum pile, single fruit plum pile or mountain apricot or apricot stump can be used as pile stock. It is better to grow on the steep slope of the cliff, along the mountain path or by the village house. Cut off all the branches of the stump with a hand saw at the top of the remaining part, and cut off the remaining branches of the stump with a machete, which can form ancient traces. Dig piles before and after falling leaves in autumn or before sprouting in spring, cut off and repair ancient piles, bring balls and move them out of the basin. The branches of the improved varieties of the same year were cut according to 10-20 cm as the grafting ear and sealed with wax in preparation for grafting. In order to watch the rapid prototyping in advance, we can adopt the "San Dang" culture method, SP: transplanting, grafting, shaping. The grafting methods are cutting and bark grafting, which should be carried out before germination and when the sap is flowing. After a year of cultivation and growth, several branches will grow. Before grafting, several branches will be fixed, located and oriented, and the remaining branches will be cut off for grafting. After survival, when the new shoots grow to 30-40 cm, 20-30 cm will be left for coring. After two years of cultivation, there will be a scene of withered wood and spring. When the bonsai changes or turns the pot, it is 5-10 cm higher than the original plant, gradually exposing its roots and forming the shape of hanging roots and claws. '

In order to produce two different color flowers in a potted plum blossom bonsai, two-color plum blossoms can be cultivated by artificial grafting, such as "compound jumping branch", "single jumping branch", "rice single jumping branch" and so on.

Plum blossoms have a long life span, ranging from hundreds to thousands of years. Like sunshine, like warm and humid climate, have a certain degree of cold resistance. It is not strict to the soil, it is more resistant to barren seven soil, and can grow normally in light alkaline soil; when planted on the soil with close subsoil, such as gravelly clay and gravelly loam, the branches of plum are full, and the flowers are fruitful and flourish. however, the branches growing on loose sandy soil or sandy soil are often not full enough. Plum blossom avoid wind, and afraid of stagnant water, require good soil drainage, otherwise easy to rot root death.

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