
What if the gentleman orchid loses its leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are five main reasons for the falling leaves of Magnolia. The first is that the light is too strong, which needs to be shaded, and you can see the light in the morning and evening. The second is that the temperature is too high, especially in summer, to cool it down. The third is that the fertilizer is too much or too thick, so it is necessary to adjust the times and concentration. The fourth is too much water, stagnant water, the need to reduce the amount of water. The last one is a disease and insect, which needs to be prescribed to the case.

1. Light problem

(1) specific reason: this aspect mainly refers to the strong light in summer, especially at noon. If you get too much sun, its leaves may droop first, and then they may fall off.

(2) solution: when this happens, we first need to check its living environment and whether the light is too strong. If so, move its position, or block out the light. Generally speaking, it is OK to see the light in the morning and late afternoon. In winter, the time of seeing light can be extended appropriately.

2. Temperature problem

(1) specific reason: what we are talking about here is mainly summer. The temperature is too high, and no cooling measures are taken, its leaves are easy to fall off.

(2) solution: first, ventilation is very important. Second, you can spray some water around the place where it is placed, or on the leaves of the plant. In this way, it can also cool down effectively.

3. Fertilizer problem

(1) specific reasons: the first may be too much. The second possibility is that Nong has passed. In both cases, the leaves may fall.

(2) solution: for the first type, then the amount must be reduced appropriately, especially when the temperature is higher than 25 degrees Celsius. For the second kind, thin fertilizer must be applied, which must not be too thick.

4. Water problem

(1) specific reason: if there is too much water, the stagnant water is very serious, then the fleshy root is likely to rot. Then the leaves may fall off.

(2) solution: it is best to water the soil when the soil is semi-dry. And, when watering, it also needs to be watered thoroughly. Also, don't let the water stay in the middle of the leaves.

5. Disease and insect problems

(1) specific reasons: there are many kinds of diseases and insects, such as leaf blight, scale insects, etc., which will lead to the loss of leaves.

(2) solution: spray corresponding pesticides according to different kinds of diseases and insect pests.