
Six points that should be paid attention to when dividing orchids into pots

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Six points that should be paid attention to when dividing orchids into pots

Orchids that bloom in spring should be divided from late September to November or before new buds sprout. Attention should be paid to:

1. Langan needs to wash himself. After the potted soil is fully dried, gently take out the plant, cut off the rotten roots, cut off the roots, clean the roots and leaves with clean water, dry the orchid roots and soften them, cut them off at the bulbs with large gaps with scissors, and coat the scissors with charcoal or sulfonic acid powder (to prevent bacterial infection). And then plant.

2. The orchid basin should be ventilated. Generally speaking, the tile basin has the best ventilation, followed by the purple sand basin. Porcelain pots are the worst. No matter what kind of pot orchid is used, the basin bottom must be filled with thicker material to ensure ventilation and ventilation.

3. Plant materials should be drained. The emphasis of orchid cultivation lies in root cultivation, and orchid cultivation is not good. Nine times out of ten, the problem lies in the rotten root caused by poor ventilation and drainage of plant materials. Practice has proved that it is better to mix granular plant material with sifted orchid mud.

4. The root soil should be closely connected. When planting, the new buds will be outward to facilitate growth. When potting, put the plant in the middle of the basin, so that the basin is evenly distributed. Hold the seedling in one hand. Fill the nutritious soil with one hand and shake the flowerpot while filling the soil. Close the root to the soil.

5. Water should be thoroughly watered. Pour water thoroughly after putting on the basin, put it in a place away from the wind and slightly damp, and then properly control the amount of water until the new buds sprout.

6. The site should be ventilated. Whether it is courtyard cultivation or balcony cultivation, it is best to put it on the four-sided ventilated orchid rack, closed balcony should have sliding windows, which is very good for reducing orchid diseases and insect pests.