
Control of Shrimp Ridge Orchid Mosaic Disease

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Control of Shrimp Ridge Orchid Mosaic Disease

Symptoms show bright mosaic-like leaves and yellow-green spots along the veins. Leaves and flowers do not show signs of necrosis.

Calanthes mosaic virus (CalMV) is the pathogen of Calanthes mosaic virus. Calanthes mosaic virus is the natural host. The virions were linear with 600~650×12~14nm, belonging to Carlavirus group.

The host range of transmission route is very narrow, and the infection is transmitted from the contact process of the diseased plants of shrimp and orchid.

Diagnosis method: Chenopodium amaranticolor, C.quinoa produced local disease spots; linear virus particles with length of 600~650nm were also observed.

Control methods were divided into healthy plants. To prevent mechanical infection, it is best to disinfect the blade. The diseased strains were finally operated and isolated.