
The 14 best succulent plants worth starting

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Meatless beauty picture | Conservation experience | Dream garden | Hand-painted DIY Author: Village head/finishing: succulent plant atlas (reproduced please indicate the source) Next text opens: With the popularity of meat and the influence of meat atlas growing, every day there are...

Succulent beauty map, conservation experience, dream garden, hand-painted DIY

Author: village head / arrangement: map of succulent plants

(please indicate the source of the reprint)

Next, the text opens:

With the popularity of succulent meat and the growing influence of succulent map, new netizens leave messages in the background every day, asking for the recommendation of some meat that is worth getting. In fact, this question is very difficult to answer. After all, there are more than 10,000 kinds of meat in the world, and everyone's hobbies are different, so it is really difficult to answer that those varieties are worth recommending.

However, at the request of netizens, the village head still makes a general recommendation to friends with selection difficulties based on the appearance rate of meat and online sales in the past few years, just for your reference.

The meat recommended to you is mainly based on several criteria:

First, very easy to feed. Meat is not disposable tableware, is a "cure system" of the little life, easy to raise is worth recommending to beginners.

Second, the appearance is beautiful. Cute shape is of course the most attractive thing about meat and meat.

Third, the price is cheap. Once in the meat pit as deep as the sea, from then on the wallet is a passer-by! We all have some experience of this.

Fourth, it is very easy to get out of shape! What's the difference between not being able to grow up and raising a pot of green vegetables?

NO.1-- must be the first noble queen [snow lotus]!

Reason for being selected: once the precious fairy, with the unremitting efforts of the vast number of growers and succulent lovers, has basically fallen into the ranks of general goods. In the case of a large temperature difference, it is easy to show a kind of pink fairy air. PS: don't let anyone touch the leaves!

Burst index: ★☆☆☆☆

Representative of NO.2-- three Immortals with thin leaves [Guanghan Palace]

Reason for being selected: only ask you if you are immortal! It is recognized that one of the three Immortals of thin leaves has been successfully popularized, more unexplained.

Burst index: ★☆☆☆☆

The cute king of NO.3-- [Bear Boy]

Reason for being selected: the cute shape of bear claws has always been irresistible! Especially the red fingernails after the sun, how can they resist the temptation of red claws! The most beautiful one is Bear Boy Baijin, but the price is a little higher. Fortunately, the price of the green bear is already quite cheap. Do you remember the N multi-head small group that the village head organized everyone to buy a few dollars a few days ago?

Burst index: ★★★☆☆

Fighter in NO.4-- General cargo [Ji Meiyue]

Burst index: ★★★☆☆

NO.5-- used to be expensive [Chihuahua]

Reason for being selected: it is still a classic variety that has been tested by the market for a long time and has been popular by the majority of succulent lovers. Now, although it has been reduced to a giveaway, it is worth getting a good meat in terms of appearance and ease of maintenance. (poke the picture with a surprise)

Burst index: ★☆☆☆☆

NO.6-- 's neglected Beauty [Purple Heart]

The reason for being selected: meat, such as its name, can be raised casually to produce a flirtatious purple; coupled with the fact that it is easy to explode to show you, how can such meat not appeal to people?

Burst index: ★

The jade brocade of NO.7-- rainbow

Reason for being selected: one of the important reasons why Hongzhi Jade Brocade is recommended rather than Hongzhi Jade is that Hongzhi Yujin Town is too easy to get out of state! Compared with rainbow jade, it is really difficult to raise charming red if it is not for good geographical and climatic advantages.

Burst index: ★★★★☆

NO.8-- Dharma Funiang

Reason for being selected: in addition to being easy to explode, good-looking, cheap and easy to raise, Dharma also has one of the most attractive advantages-it will be very fragrant after sunbathing!

Burst index: ★

NO.9-- chicks

Reason for being selected: the representative varieties of the classic popular series, coupled with the small and lovely figure and invincible exploding skills, are the best reasons for countless gods and novice rookies to choose her.

Burst index: ★

NO.10-- golden perennial grass

Reason for selection: the most recommended potted herb! There is no one! It only takes a small grip to fill the whole balcony! Will the golden color bring you a feeling of "abundance"?

Burst index: ★

NO.11-- Black Master (Department)

The reason for being selected: the mage department most recommended is the round leaf black mage, no matter in any season, as long as it is exposed to the sun, it will show an oily black; the mage department can easily cultivate the old pile to do modeling bonsai, a big Hale and hearty, domineering black flesh, which can definitely attract the eyes of every guest who comes to visit.

Burst index: ★★★★☆

NO.12-- sunglow

Reason for being selected: the color will change with the change of the four seasons. The temperature difference in summer is small and basically all green, while in spring and autumn, when the temperature difference between day and night is large, there will be a variety of colors such as yellow, pink, green and red, which are as bright as flowers.

Burst index: ★★★★☆

NO.13-- purple peony

The reason for being selected: the skin of the evergreen grass is notoriously easy to raise, but everyone is most familiar with the fact that it is difficult for novice Guanyinlian to raise an amazing state, so I recommend her little sister, Purple Peony, to everyone! This season, it should have turned red easily.

Burst index: ★

NO.14-- millet star

Reason for being selected: Xiaomixing is pushed forward for a year, and it is also a real cute thing of expensive goods, but it also quickly falls into the ranks of gifts because it propagates too fast. But even so, it does not affect the appearance of Xiaomixing and its status in the eyes of succulent players. As long as there is enough light, you can definitely turn red. This advantage alone is enough to be selected.

Burst index: ★

All right, let's first recommend these 14 kinds of meat with the highest performance-to-price ratio. If there are novices around you who don't know what to raise, you might as well share this article with Ta.

Village head broken thoughts: since the revision of contribution pay, it has been strongly supported by many netizens, and the quality of the post has also been significantly improved. It will be May Day soon, and we can refer to the rules made before [contribution gift package luxurious upgrade again! Volunteers to help recommend high-quality articles also have boutique small expensive goods to get! Give priority to choosing a kind of meat you like (in addition, the village head will still randomly put the selected meat as a small gift). Please use WeChat duoroutupu2017 or duoroutupu2018 to get it.

Topic: your own local environment conservation experience, motivational comparison records, watering control type, changing pots and soil, garden stories, etc., find your audience here!

Release platform: Wechat official account, Jinri Toutiao, Taobao Toutiao, Kuaibao, Baidu Baijia and other mainstream self-media platforms.

Recruit volunteers: in order that the official account can better develop and share more high-quality content to hundreds of thousands of succulent enthusiasts, the village head welcomes interested and energetic friends to join the family to work hard to build a succulent plant map. WeChat account: duoroutupu2017

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