
Flower-growing techniques are suitable for plants raised in the office. What do you plant?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The office is a different area from the home. What are the flowers and green plants suitable for growing in this place? What are the differences between them and the plants raised in the home? Next, the editor invited a very experienced florist.

The office is a different area from the home. What are the flowers and green plants suitable for growing in this place? What are the differences between them and the plants raised in the home? Next, the editor will invite a person who is very experienced in growing flowers to explain it to you.

He is the owner of a horticulture and nursery near the editor's house. he has been growing flowers and planting trees for more than ten or twenty years, and he can be said to be an experienced gardener. It says there are many kinds of plants that are most suitable for farming in the office, usually evergreen plants that give people a sense of vitality and purify the air.

First, hanging orchids

Hanging orchid, also known as hanging pot grass, fishing orchid, bluegrass, hanging orchid and so on, is also known as airplane grass and spider grass in the West. Cymbidium is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Orchidaceae. It has a normal or oblique rhizome, and the roots are fat. The leaves of the orchid are tufted and linear in shape, some of which are similar to orchids, hence the name orchid. There are usually green or yellow stripes above the leaves, and the flower stems are drawn from the leaves. Flowers white, occasionally purple petals, capsule oblate globose trigonous. The whole plant can be used as medicine, it is a kind of green plant with strong clean air effect, and it has a very obvious purification effect on the pollution of office crowded areas and the exhaust gas produced by cigarettes. Cymbidium is suitable for breeding in fertile sandy loam, humus soil, peat soil, fine sandy soil plus a small amount of base fertilizer, high adaptability, no choice of soil. The hanging orchid likes the semi-overcast environment and is not resistant to direct sunlight. It needs more sunshine in winter. Cymbidium is a kind of plant that likes to be wet, and the basin soil should always be moist, especially adequate watering in summer; Cymbidium is a fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, which can meet the growth requirements by applying organic liquid fertilizer once every 10 days from late spring to early autumn.

Green pineapple

Green pineapple is a large evergreen vine of the unicorn leaf genus of Araceae, also known as devil vine, golden kudzu, golden vine, mulberry leaf and so on. It has strong climbing ability, air root is quite developed, and can be fixed on anything it can climb. It is a plant variety that is easy to grow. The mature branches of the green pineapple have a stout petiole, the base is slightly enlarged, and the upper joints can reach 2.5ml 3cm, slightly thick, with a broad groove on the abdomen, long leaf sheaths, thin and leathery leaves, emerald green in color, and most irregular yellow patches on the leaf surface. Leaf blade entire, ovate or ovate-oblong in shape, apex short and gradually pointed, base deeply cordate, slightly shorter, slightly raised on both sides. Green pineapple is a negative plant variety and can not accept strong light. It likes hot and humid and is suitable for planting in soil rich in humus, loose, fertile and slightly acidic. Green pineapple is not cold-resistant, and the indoor temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees in winter. The growing season should be fully watered, and the water should be controlled in autumn and winter. In terms of fertilization, inorganic liquid fertilizer can be applied every 15 days before winter.

Third, rich bamboo

Fugui bamboo is a small perennial evergreen tree of the genus Dracaena in tequila family. Its plants are slender, erect and branched upwards. Its rhizome develops horizontally, nodular, and the stem is stout. Bamboo leaves alternate or nearly opposite, the leaf shape is long lanceolate, with obvious main veins. The color of rich bamboo is thick green. Its umbels have 10 3mure flowers, which are bell-shaped and purple. The berries are black and subglobose in color. Because in China, there is a saying that bamboo is safe, so it is also called Kaiyunzhu. Fugui bamboo likes dampness and high temperature resistance, strong resistance to waterlogging and fertility, and also has a very strong cold resistance. It is suitable for planting in sandy loam or semi-silt soil with good drainage and water quality. The suitable temperature for the growth of Fugui bamboo is between 18mur24 degrees Celsius, and if it is below 13 degrees Celsius, it will enter the dormancy period. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees. Phyllostachys pubescens is suitable for culture in areas covered by scattered light. Excessive light will affect the discoloration of leaves and affect its growth rate.

4. Douban green

Douban Green is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Piperaceae. It is about 10 mur30cm high, the stem is fleshy, the base is creeping, much branched, the lower nodes often have adventitious air roots, and the internodes have thick longitudinal edges. The leaves of Douban green are dense, with 4 whorls of 3mi, almost equal in size. Petiole short, ca. 1mi 2 mm, glabrous or pubescent above, leaf blade elliptic or suborbicular in shape, obtusely rounded at both ends. Leaf blade glabrous or young leaves sparsely pilose. The leaf vein has 3, thin and weak is not obvious, the leaf has the fleshy, has the transparent gland spot, when dry will become light yellow, and show frown. Its spike is solitary, terminal at the top of the leaf, or born at the root of the leaf. Flowers small bisexual, without perianth, symbiotic with bracts in depression of inflorescence axis. Like the warm and humid semi-shady environment, the suitable temperature for growth is about 25 degrees, not resistant to high temperature and cold, ventilation and shade in summer, not resistant to direct sunlight. The minimum should not be less than 10 degrees in winter. Douban green prefers loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. It needs to be fully watered from May to September in the growing season. It also needs to spray water into the leaves and the surrounding air in summer to maintain air humidity and fertilize once a month.

In short, these four kinds of plants are evergreen foliage plant varieties, all have strong air purification functions, and are suitable for indoor breeding, do not need too much sunlight, for public areas such as the office, they are the best choice.

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