
Keeping a pot of lavender at home blossoms year after year smells better than perfume

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, ? Lavender should be a kind of flower that all girls like very much, no matter in color or taste, it is irresistible. Such being the case, you might as well learn from the flowers and keep a pot of such plants at home. Lavender.

? Lavender should be a kind of flower that all girls like very much, no matter in color or taste, it is irresistible. Such being the case, you might as well learn from the flowers and keep a pot of such plants at home.

Lavender is also a kind of flower that symbolizes love. its spike is slender and more beautiful. When it comes to flowering, the purple flower is seen from afar as a sea of flowers, and it has a unique fragrance. It is often used to make perfume, or to make dried flowers to decorate the interior.

The way to grow lavender is to sow seeds, so we have to prepare its seeds first, which can be found in flower markets and websites. After we get the seed, we should not plant it immediately, but simply deal with it first, so that it will increase its germination rate. There is to sow seeds in the spring and autumn season as far as possible, because the temperature will speed up the germination of seeds!

First soak the seeds in water for a period of time, or spread the seeds directly on a soaked tissue, so that the seeds will slowly swell up. Then you can plant the seeds in the flowerpot. Remember to decide the number of seeds in the pot according to the size of the pot, and don't get too close to each other, or you'll have to split it after it germinates.

Because its seeds are relatively small, so we give it a highly ventilated soil, during this period, we also have to keep the soil moist. Its buds can be seen in about a week or so.

At this time, we have to give it proper light, otherwise during this growth period, the apprentice will lose his shape. Watering should wait until dry before watering, and do not pour on the leaves, otherwise it will easily lead to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

Wait for the plant to grow to a certain extent, we can see its flower buds come out, at this time for those branches that have problems, must be cut off in time, if there are too many flower buds, they should also be removed properly, so as to ensure that those flower buds open smoothly!

If you want to keep this beauty, you can cut off a few branches of lavender, then tie it up with a rope and hang it in a cool place to dry. In order to prevent the flowers from falling, you must put them in a shelter, if in summer, the lavender dried flowers are usually finished in a week or so, and then simply decorated in the bottle.