
Don't throw the leftover watermelon peel to grow flowers. You don't have to buy flower fertilizer anymore.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, ? Summer is coming, and watermelons are now on the market. Think of a mouthful of cool watermelons in hot summer, which is really comfortable. Usually we throw away the watermelon peel, but in fact, the plants in our house.

? Summer is coming, and watermelons are now on the market. Think of a mouthful of cool watermelons in hot summer, which is really comfortable. Usually we throw away the watermelon peel, but in fact, the plants in our family also need to cool down, and the watermelon peel is the best thing, so today Huahua will tell you how to use watermelon peel to grow flowers!

In fact, watermelon peel is a really good thing, not only beauty, but also heat-clearing and detoxification and other effects. It tastes good to take the skin off and cook it. However, for flower growers, it is the best to use it to grow flowers.

First of all, we have to collect the leftover watermelon peel, then use tools to remove the red flesh of the watermelon, and finally leave only the white peel, because the watermelon pulp contains a lot of sugar, which will lead to a lot of bugs after being used.

Next, we will start to cut the watermelon peel, for convenience, we can first cut into strips and then dice them, and then we will put them into a prepared container, we can add a little bit of water to ferment, because after a period of time, the watermelon skin will secrete a lot of water, remember not to fill the bottle too full, so that they can have a "breathing" process.

We should keep them in the sun as much as possible, because the high temperature will speed up their fermentation time. Because a lot of gas will be produced in this process, so the lid of the container should not be twisted too tightly, otherwise it will cause an explosion. You can add a little orange peel to it so that there will not be a serious smell.

When there is plenty of sunshine, the fermentation can be completed in a week or so. To judge whether the fermentation is completed or not is to look at the amount of water coming out of the bottle. The water level is already higher than the watermelon peel, which means the fermentation has been successful.

When using it, we must remember to dilute it with water, otherwise the plant will be burned out if the concentration is too high. By the way, we should not waste the rest of the watermelon peel residue, we can bury them directly in the bottom of the basin, which is a good fertilizer, but we must keep it away from the plant roots, otherwise it will hurt the plant roots.

In addition to growing flowers, watermelon peel can also be used to make jam, here is foodie Huahua to teach you how to make it!

First of all, we should wash the watermelon skin, remove the green skin outside, then cut it into small pieces and put it in the blender to break it. Pour them into the pot, then add a little sugar and water and stir well. Remember to turn on a small fire, and when there is no moisture in it, you can turn it off. After cooling, put it in a container and put it in the fridge and scoop it with a spoon when eating. On a hot summer day, a mouthful of homemade jam will disappear.