
Stop spending money on tomatoes and learn to plant them in fruit pots.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, what we most want to eat is fruit. As a foodie, Huahua is no exception. I go out to buy fruit and worry that it contains a lot of pesticides. Such being the case, it is better to plant a pot at home.

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, what we most want to eat is fruit. As a foodie, Huahua is no exception. I go out to buy fruit and worry that it contains a lot of pesticides. Since that being the case, you might as well plant a pot at home. Today, Huahua teaches you how to grow strawberries and tomatoes at home!

First of all, we are talking about everyone's favorite strawberries. Good-looking and delicious strawberries are easy to grow, and the most important thing is to sow seeds. Because its seeds are relatively small, we must be careful when planting them.

Try to choose a more fertile soil so that you don't have to apply fertilizer in the future. during this period, we should keep the soil moist, which can speed up the germination of seeds. When the seedlings come out, you can put them in the sun!

In fact, if you have a yard, you can put the potted plants directly in the courtyard. It doesn't matter if the wind blows in the sun. On the contrary, it will grow better. Or can be put on the balcony, there is a sunny baptism, it will blossom and bear fruit.

It is very convenient to put it outside, because when it blossoms, it can attract bees to pass pollen to it, but indoors, you have to brush each flower gently. If there are too many flowers in the pot, be sure to remove some of them properly to ensure that they have enough nutrients to support their fruit.

The next step is the appearance of tomatoes. We can buy the cultivated seedlings directly from the market and plant them back, which not only saves time but also greatly improves the survival rate.

Because the tomato seedlings grow quickly, so we need to use a shelf to support it, otherwise it is easy to grow crooked. The rest of the maintenance is similar to strawberries, you can plant it directly in the yard and let it grow freely, but remember to water it regularly, otherwise its leaves will turn yellow.

If it is a seed, remember to sprout first and then plant it, wait until it grows small fruit, pay attention to it, be careful of rainy days, find something to cover it in advance, don't let it get caught in the rain, or there will be cracks when it is ripe!

If we see some weak branches during this period, we must cut them off in time, so that the tomatoes will not grow!