
Does longevity soar, but long leaves do not blossom? Give me a knife and I'll show you the pot in one month.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many flower lovers like to raise longevity flowers, but they often turn longevity into a tree with only leaves but no blossoms. Long-lived flowers are naturally not easy to bloom. Today, Huahua will share with you what to do when longevity flowers grow up.

What if the longevity flower grows?

The growth of longevity flowers is mainly caused by infrequent pruning, and cutting off the overdense twigs or morbid branches on the main stem of longevity flowers can inhibit overgrowth and promote branch growth.

Specific operation of forking and pruning:

1. Cut the top off with sterilized scissors. Don't pinch it with your hands, or it will easily infect the branch wound.

2. Put the pruned longevity flowers in a bright place to dry, if the light is not enough, the longevity flowers are easy to grow again.

3. After topping many times, the longevity flower is full, and the new branching leaves have grown up and can be used for flowering.

4. Put on opaque black plastic bags or cartons to cover or close the small dark room for dark treatment, the dark time is more than 16 hours a day, and the dark time is 1715 30 ~ 8:30 the next day.

About a month later, the longevity flower will blossom again.

Treatment of cut branches:

The main results are as follows: 1. Divide the cut branches into 10cm-sized seedlings, place them in a cool and ventilated place, and cut them in a pot after the wound heals.

2. When cutting branches, you can insert a small section of the reserved stem into the soil, and the part inserted into the soil does not need to be too deep, as long as it can maintain the upright stability of the branches after cutting.

It is not good to learn to solve the problem of overgrowth of longevity flowers, but the most important thing is to learn how to prevent it.

Heart-picking of seedlings to prevent longevity flowers from growing

The prevention of longevity starts from the seedling stage, which mainly depends on picking the heart to promote branch development and prevent the apprentice from growing sharply.

The specific operation of seedling coring:

1. Find a pair of scissors or scalpel, wipe it with alcohol first, keep the bottom 2 pairs of leaves of the seedling, and remove the top.

2. Put the seedlings after picking the heart on the balcony with good light. About 2-3 days later, 2 new buds will grow at the top.

3. When the new buds grow to about 2cm, spray Aizhuangsu to control the overgrowth of lateral branch buds.

Pruning after flowering to prevent longevity flowers from growing

After pruning, there are more longevity blossoms, but after the flowers fail, you still can't relax. If you want to continue to burst the pot next time, you have to prune after the flowers.

General longevity post-flowering pruning:

1. Cut the failed flower branches with sterilized scissors.

two。 Prune diseased branches and weak branches to keep the plant full.

Years of old pile pruning after blooming:

1. Cut off the flowering branches with sterilized scissors, leaving about 3-5cm branches.

2. Remove the abortive flowers from the cut branches and put them in a ventilated place to dry.

3. Insert the dried branches into the water bottle and take root by hydroponic culture.

4. About two weeks later, the pruned old plants germinated new buds and hydroponic branches took root.

5. Cuttage the branches that take root successfully.

Have you mastered all the practical information for today?

It's not easy to have a long life and blossom every year.

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