
Don't put more meat into a short-lived ghost, teach you a trick, can live 10 years more!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, I heard a friend complain about her mother, saying that her mother loves to raise more meat, but a meat in her hands to live three or five months is already considered longevity, countless pots of meat into short-lived ghost! Today, Huahua teaches everyone how to make more meat live for a long time! Even grow old!

Only by raising succulent plants in this way can you live a long time!

Some flower friends feel that as long as they are usually maintained in accordance with the habits of meat, they should be watered, they should bask in the sun, and if there is a lack of nutrition, the meat will definitely cry out. But the meat grows very slowly, why? It must be because the meat didn't change the basin!

Why do you want to change the pot of meat?

In addition to the dormant period, meat is growing all the time, and spring is the best time for meat to grow. Of course, it is necessary to change a big basin for meat in time and give it enough space to grow into a big fat man!

What is the need to change the basin?

1. Planting soil for more than 1 year

Growing succulent soil for more than a year, nutrients will be greatly reduced, especially granular soil, will be pulverized, paste on succulent roots, hindering root respiration, once too much water, very easy to rot roots!

2. Spring grows very slowly

According to theory, meat should grow in spring, but if it does not grow after watering or fertilizing, it is likely that there is something wrong with the root system. Hurry up to get out of the soil, check the root system and change the basin.

3. there are many air roots and the leaves are soft.

In general, the growth of air root is a sign of strong flesh, but if the leaves are soft at the same time, it means that the soil is hardened and impermeable! Hurry up and change the basin!

4. When the dead leaves are too dense and difficult to clean

Some succulent bottom withered leaves are very dense and difficult to clean, so you should quickly change the basin and clean up the withered leaves in time, otherwise in the hot summer, there will certainly be a lot of scale insects!

5. There is not enough growth space.

Some flower friends raise meat, the leaves are so densely packed with flowerpots that they can not even be sewn and continue to grow, so it is necessary to quickly change a large pot for the meat, otherwise it will affect ventilation and easily lead to diseases and insect pests!

6. The flesh of stiff seedlings

The flesh of the stiff seedlings does not grow for a long time, the leaves are not glossy, the leaves are wilting, but they are not dead, so it is necessary to change the pots for the meat to break the growth static!

7. Soil consolidation

The performance of soil consolidation is that the soil hardens and is no longer soft, and after watering, the water is difficult to seep. This kind of soil is easy to stuffy the roots, so we must change the basin quickly!

Only when succulent plants are raised in this way can they grow into old stakes!

The flesh old pile posture is various, the trunk is stout, looks very high-end, usually sees the big god raise the flesh old pile, the flower sees the eyeball can not pull out! It takes a long time to develop an old pile. First of all, you have to remember these necessary skills!

1. The flowerpot must be big enough

The flowerpot is too small, the stem of the meat does not have enough room to grow, but not too big, just choose a flowerpot that is 2-3 cm wider than the diameter of the whole meat, so that when the stem grows out, there is enough room for growth.

2. exposed, the meat is stronger.

The exposed meat is more resistant and can adapt to the environment for many years, the rhizome will grow stronger and stronger, and wait patiently to grow into an old pile!

3. Beheading

After beheading, the stem of the meat will grow laterally, making the stem more sturdy and stylish.

4. Water control

The flesh raised by some flower friends has grown, and although the stem is longer, it cannot be compared with the tall and straight old pile at all, so it is necessary to control the water and make the stem stout! For example, it was originally watered every 10 days and every 20-30 days after water control, and after 3-5 months, the old pile took shape!

Flower friends.

Want to keep meat alive for 10 more years.

You must try the method of Huahua!

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