
Remarkable achievements have been made in the development of agricultural products processing industry during the 12th five-year Plan.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, During the 12th five-year Plan period, the agricultural products processing industry maintained rapid growth and became an important pillar industry and livelihood industry with high industrial relevance, wide industry coverage, large number of small and medium-sized enterprises and strong driving effect, and made important contributions to the overall economic and social development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Total amount

During the 12th five-year Plan period, the agricultural products processing industry maintained rapid growth and became an important pillar industry and livelihood industry with high industrial relevance, wide industry coverage, large number of small and medium-sized enterprises and strong driving effect, and made important contributions to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and the overall economic and social development.

The total scale is expanding rapidly. From 2011 to 2015, the main business income of above-scale agricultural products processing industry increased from 13 trillion to 20 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 11%. The number of enterprises above scale has grown to 76000, the proportion of large and medium-sized enterprises has reached 16.15%, the number of enterprises with annual sales revenue of more than 100 million is nearly 20, 000, and the number of leading enterprises over 10 billion has reached 70 (of which 5 are over 50 billion).

The momentum of development continues to be strong. During the 12th five-year Plan period, the investment in fixed assets of agricultural products processing industries above scale reached 16.8 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 19 percent, of which in 2015 it is expected to reach 4 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.7 percent over the same period last year. The total profit reached 1.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 8 percent over the same period last year. It has played an important leading role in steady growth under the new normal.

Optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. The further development of industries with distinctive advantages, the gradual digestion of backward production capacity, and the accelerated upgrading of equipment and technology have enhanced new momentum for industrial development. At present, the main business income of the food processing industry accounts for 52% of the agricultural products processing industry. The processing of major agricultural products has initially formed a complete variety of domestic machinery and equipment, such as more than 88.5% of meat processing equipment. Developed coastal areas and surrounding urban areas are promoting the replacement of cages, machines and e-commerce, and a number of famous enterprises, famous products and famous experts are being nurtured and grown.

The spatial layout is more reasonable. The agricultural products processing industry has gradually gathered to the processing parks, logistics nodes and dominant main producing areas, forming a number of characteristic industrial clusters. In 2015, the number of agricultural products processing parks reached 1600, bringing together 35000 enterprises (including 15000 leading enterprises), becoming a gathering place for outstanding enterprises and famous brand products. Shandong, Henan, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia and other 10 major provinces of livestock and poultry accounted for 80% of the total meat processing in the country.

The development trend of integration is obvious. The main bodies of agricultural operation have merged one after another, attracting farmers to directly invest in the cooperative with funds, agricultural products and land management rights to develop the processing and circulation industry. 53.3% of the farmers' cooperatives across the country have been engaged in integrated production, processing and marketing. Leading enterprises extend the integration of farmers, processing enterprises and dealers and other different links of business entities, gathered in space to form a community of interests, to achieve clustering, networking, brand development. The penetration and integration of new information technologies such as "Internet +" have introduced new business type, such as e-commerce, processing experience, and the central kitchen, which has greatly shortened the distance between supply and demand and reduced operating costs.

The development of agricultural products processing industry extends the value chain of agricultural industry chain, promotes the construction of modern agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, and realizes the supplement of agriculture and the construction of agriculture. At present, more than 9% of farmers' per capita income comes from wage income in the agricultural products processing industry, and 96 people are employed for every 100 million yuan of processing revenue. Agriculture has gradually shifted from selling original brand-name agricultural products to processed products. 1 of the market supply of agricultural products in China, 3% of the supply of "vegetable baskets" products and more than 2% of the supply of "vegetable baskets" products are processed products. It can be said that the 12th five-year Plan is a period of great development of China's agricultural product processing industry. At the same time, leisure agriculture and rural tourism show a good situation of "accelerated development, layout optimization, quality improvement and domain expansion". According to incomplete statistics, there are currently 1.8 million leisure agriculture operators nationwide, with an estimated operating income of 350 billion yuan in 2015, receiving 1.1 billion tourists and benefiting 33 million farmers, which has become a new bright spot for farmers to increase their employment and income. it has become a good place for urban and rural residents to look at the mountains and remember their homesickness.