
Extend the industrial chain, add value chain and perfect the organizational chain

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In 2015, the development momentum of agricultural industrialization was in full swing, the policy of strengthening enterprises and enriching the people was continuously optimized, the interest linkage mechanism between enterprises and farmers was further improved, and a series of actions such as promoting one village, one product, promoting the integration of three industries, and grasping the establishment of bases were carried out. Let the agricultural industrialization go through 2015

In 2015, the development momentum of agricultural industrialization was in full swing, the policy of strengthening enterprises and enriching the people was continuously optimized, the interest linkage mechanism between enterprises and farmers was further improved, and a series of actions such as promoting one village, one product, promoting the integration of three industries, and grasping the establishment of bases were carried out. -- Editor

The development of agricultural industrialization has gone through the course of nearly 30 years. Over the past 30 years, agricultural industrialization has continuously promoted the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism in accordance with the requirements of extending the industrial chain, multiplying the value chain and improving the organizational chain, which has made an important contribution to the construction of modern agriculture and the increase of farmers' income.

In the middle and late 1980s, in order to deal with the contradiction between decentralized operation and large market, the eastern region and the suburbs of big cities adopted the management mode of "integration of agriculture, industry and commerce" and "one-stop operation of production, addition and marketing" to solve the problem of difficulty in selling agricultural products; in the mid-1990s, agricultural industrialization management gradually formed a consensus and developed rapidly. Since the new century, with the cultivation of leading enterprises as the starting point, agricultural industrialization has achieved remarkable results in promoting agricultural development and increasing farmers' income. To adapt to the new situation of agricultural development, the new task of agricultural industrialization in the new stage is to promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. By the end of 2014, the number of industrial management organizations of various types had reached 354000, and radiation-driven planting production bases accounted for about 60% of the country's crop sown area, and livestock and poultry production accounted for more than 2/3 of the country's total.

Promote the development of the integration of the three industries and let farmers share more value-added benefits

Not long ago, the State Council held an executive meeting to make arrangements to promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, and put forward a series of important measures. At present, the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China is faced with many difficulties and challenges, and the problems of agricultural conglomeration, labor aging and rural hollowing out are becoming increasingly prominent. to solve these problems, we can not talk about agriculture alone.

Drawing lessons from the experience of Japan and South Korea and promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is an important way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In accordance with the ideas of industrial integration, subject integration, and factor integration, we should cross the boundaries between urban and rural areas, workers and farmers, and industrial boundaries, and support farmers and cooperatives. At the same time, we should support leading enterprises closely related to farmers and cooperatives to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, so that farmers can directly participate in rural secondary and tertiary industries and share more value-added benefits of agricultural products.

Promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and structural reform

In order to adapt to the new normal of economic development, agriculture should speed up the transformation of the mode of development and take the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.

As the most dynamic and innovative main body in the modern agricultural management system, leading enterprises play an irreplaceable role in promoting agricultural transformation and structure adjustment by many ways, such as "company + peasant household", "company + cooperative + peasant household" and "company + base + peasant household". It plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the transformation of agriculture and adjusting the structure. Leading enterprises themselves should also adapt to the requirements of the new normal, according to the concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, speed up the realization of transformation and upgrading, become bigger and stronger, and enhance the ability to increase the income of farmers.

Close the relationship between the interests of leading enterprises and farmers

It is the core idea of the development of agricultural industrialization to improve the interest connection mechanism, achieve mutual benefit and win-win between leading enterprises and farmers, and let farmers have a sense of achievement and share the fruits of industrial development.

In recent years, leading enterprises have been closely linked with the interests of farmers by encouraging leading enterprises to explore order contracts, guaranteed floor price acquisitions, secondary rebates and other forms. In 2014, all kinds of agricultural industrialization management organizations radiated 124 million peasant households by means of order contracts, cooperation, and joint-stock cooperation, with an average annual income of 3234 yuan. In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture will innovate and develop order agriculture, support leading enterprises to provide loan guarantees for farmers, subsidize order farmers to participate in agricultural insurance, and guide farmers to voluntarily invest in leading enterprises and cooperatives with land management rights, so that farmers can share the benefits of processing and circulation.