
Speed up the transformation and upgrading and improve the quality of development

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Since the 12th five-year Plan, the development of planting industry has made remarkable achievements, grain has achieved 12 consecutive increases, output, quality and efficiency have been steadily improved, and new progress has been made in the transformation of agriculture, which has become a prominent highlight of economic and social development. 2016 is the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Since the 12th five-year Plan, the development of planting industry has made remarkable achievements, grain has achieved "twelve consecutive increases", the output, quality and efficiency have improved steadily, and new progress has been made in the transformation of agriculture, which has become a prominent highlight of economic and social development. 2016 is the beginning of the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The development of planting industry faces many difficulties and problems, as well as rare opportunities. We must seize the opportunities, meet the challenges, implement the new concept of development, highlight the main direction of "stabilizing production capacity, adjusting the structure, and changing the mode", speed up transformation and upgrading, and improve the quality of development in an all-round way.

"stable production capacity" is an important prerequisite for the sustained and stable development of the planting industry. The top priority this year is to do a good job in grain production and prevent grain decline. In the long run, the key to strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland is to implement the strategies of "hiding grain in the land" and "storing grain in technology", so as to consolidate and enhance grain production capacity. To implement the strategy of "storing grain in the land", efforts should be made on the words "guarantee, construction and lift". To "protect" is to strictly protect cultivated land, and the important task is to delineate permanent basic farmland, especially the high-quality cultivated land that is easy to be occupied around 106 key cities and along transportation lines, as well as newly built high-standard farmland as permanent basic farmland. "Construction" means to strengthen the construction of major grain producing areas and functional areas of grain production, and speed up the construction of high-standard farmland with continuous production, drought and waterlogging, high and stable yield, and eco-friendly. During the 13th five-year Plan period, it is necessary to ensure the construction of 800 million mu and strive to build 1 billion mu. "raising" means to carry out in-depth actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land, focusing on the protection and utilization of black land in Northeast China, the remediation and treatment of heavy metal pollution in cultivated land, and the comprehensive treatment of areas with serious over-exploitation of groundwater, so as to improve the quality of cultivated land in an all-round way. To implement the strategy of "storing grain in technology", we should focus on three links. First, we will promote scientific and technological innovation focusing on the seed industry, and speed up the cultivation of a number of new varieties with high and stable yield, high added value, suitable for mechanical operation and efficient use of fertilizer and water. The second is to promote green-led integrated innovation, carry out in-depth efforts to create green, high-yield and high-efficiency grain and tackle key problems, and concentrate efforts on overcoming the technical bottlenecks affecting the improvement of per unit yield, quality, efficiency, and environmental improvement. integrate regional, standardized and sustainable technology models to lead the transformation of agricultural production modes. The third is to promote service innovation with information as the carrier, implement the "Internet +" modern planting industry, and integrate modern information technology into services such as the control of diseases and insect pests and the unified application of fertilizers, so as to promote the improvement and upgrading of the whole industrial chain of the planting industry.

"restructuring" is an important task to promote agricultural supply-side reform. It is necessary to adhere to market orientation, scientific and technological support, and ecological priority, and optimize the variety structure and regional layout with the goal of improving the supply capacity of grain and other agricultural products, the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural products, and the ability of sustainable development. we will speed up the construction of a development pattern of overall planning of grain economy and feeding, combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, integration of planting and breeding, and integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. This year, we will focus on three tasks: first, to promote the structural adjustment of corn in the "sickle bend" area. Strive to reduce the corn area of more than 10 million mu, which is a hard task, and hard measures should be taken to ensure quality and quantity. It is necessary to link up province by province and decompose them layer by layer to ensure that the tasks of adjustment and reduction are implemented in counties, townships, and households. It is necessary to implement alternative crops and develop crops such as silage corn, forage grass, miscellaneous grains and beans according to local conditions. It is necessary to clearly adjust the direction, adjust suitably, adjust and reduce corn in high latitudes and arid areas; combine land adjustment with planting and cultivation to reduce grain corn, develop silage corn and alfalfa; adjust and reduce corn planting in rocky desertification areas by ecological protection; restore soybean and maize rotation in Northeast China by combining land cultivation and cultivation with land adjustment; maintain pressure land adjustment, stabilize core producing areas, and reduce non-dominant areas. Around the market tone, the implementation of order farming, production and marketing integration. The second is to explore the pilot system of cultivated land rotation and fallow. Encourage crop rotation and careful fallow. Fallow is limited to areas such as groundwater funnel areas, heavy metal pollution areas and areas with serious ecological degradation. Abandoned ploughing is prohibited and waste ploughing is strictly prohibited. The third is to actively promote the development of potato staple food. We will speed up the research and development of special varieties of potato staple food and the innovation of processing formulations and processes such as potato steamed bread and noodles, support pilot provinces and cities to develop potato staple food products, and radiate the surrounding areas. We will strengthen publicity and guide healthy consumption and cultivate a number of consumer groups.

"changing mode" is an effective way to solve the constraints of resources and environment. The key point is to change the mode of production, the mode of agricultural operation and the mode of resource utilization. This year, we should earnestly do a good job in the following tasks: first, vigorously promote the action of zero growth in chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We will carry out in-depth action on zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizer. Highlight the "push" of key crops, focus on the use of corn, vegetables, fruits and other crops with large amounts of fertilizer, and reduce the amount in a targeted manner. Innovative ways to "push", improve fertilization methods, promote new fertilizers, implement organic fertilizer substitution, and take more measures to reduce the amount at the same time. Aggregate forces to "push", form innovative alliances, carry out cooperation between agriculture and enterprises, give full play to the role of new business entities, and demonstrate to drive reduction. We will carry out in-depth action on zero growth in pesticide use, promote the integration of specialized unified control and green prevention and control, and apply physical and biological control technologies to comprehensively control and reduce pesticides. We will promote unified defense and rule, cultivate specialized service organizations, and improve the effect of prevention and control. Promote scientific and accurate pesticide application, the application of new pharmaceutical equipment and aviation plant protection, improve the utilization rate and reduce. The second is to vigorously promote the quality and efficiency of horticultural crops. We will promote the establishment of a standard park, assemble a number of regional, standardized, high-yield, efficient, and sustainable technological models, promote the expansion from the "garden" to the "district", and promote the whole organizational system of the whole township (town) and county (city) in accordance with local conditions. drive horticultural crops to improve quality and efficiency on a larger scale. Promote the promotion of horticultural crops "three grades". We will speed up variety improvement and select a number of varieties with marketable market, reasonable maturity, good quality and independent intellectual property rights. Speed up quality improvement, build a number of fruit tree virus-free breeding bases and tea clone breeding bases, and carry out the transformation of old fruit (tea) orchards. Speed up brand creation, carry out various forms of brand promotion activities, and enhance brand awareness. At the same time, efforts will be made to promote the pilot development of winter protected vegetables in northern cities. Ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products. We will gradually establish a traceability system for the quality of agricultural products, promote high-efficiency, low-toxic and low-residue pesticides, and continue to carry out designated management of highly toxic pesticides in key producing areas of fruits, vegetables and tea, so as to ensure the quality and safety of fresh agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables and tea. Third, vigorously promote the development of water-saving agriculture. Integrated water-saving technology, through variety water-saving, agronomic water-saving, engineering water-saving, but also to promote the integration of water and fertilizer technology to improve the utilization rate of water resources. We will promote water conservation through mechanisms, study and implement pilot schemes for water price reform, and guide farmers to consciously save water.