
The Ministry of Agriculture has launched a comprehensive campaign to eliminate the epidemic of small ruminants.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In order to effectively eliminate the epidemic of small ruminants and effectively ensure the stable and healthy development of the sheep industry, according to the laws and regulations such as the Animal epidemic Prevention Law and the National medium-and long-term Animal Disease Prevention and Control Plan (2012-2020), a few days ago, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the National

In order to effectively eliminate the small ruminant epidemic and effectively ensure the stable and healthy development of sheep farming, according to the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law and other laws and regulations and the National Medium-and Long-term Animal Disease Prevention Plan,(2012-2020). Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the National Plan for the Elimination of Small Ruminant Epidemic Disease (2016-2020)(hereinafter referred to as the Plan), which comprehensively launched the National Action for the Elimination of Small Ruminant Epidemic Disease and strived to eliminate small ruminant epidemic disease nationwide by 2020.

Peste petit ruminants is a highly contagious zoonotic disease of sheep caused by Peste petit ruminants virus. This disease is an animal disease reported by OIE and is also an animal disease planned to be eradicated globally. It is classified as a class I animal disease in China. The national medium-and long-term plan clearly lists it among 13 kinds of exotic animal diseases to be prevented. The Plan clearly states that animal husbandry and veterinary departments in all regions should, under the unified leadership of local Party committees and governments, adhere to prevention first, adhere to territorial management and hierarchical responsibility, accelerate the implementation of regional and phased prevention and control strategies, take regional management as the starting point, and comprehensively promote the elimination of small ruminant animal diseases. First, strengthen daily epidemic prevention management. Guide sheep farms (households), live sheep trading markets and slaughterhouses to establish and improve epidemic prevention systems, regularly clean and disinfect, and improve biological safety levels. Second, do a good job of immunization. Guide sheep farms (households) in immunization areas to do a good job in sheep immunization, timely supplement immunization for newborn lambs and newly supplemented sheep, and make immunization records. The qualified rate of immune antibodies shall reach more than 70%. Third, strengthen monitoring and early warning. In accordance with the National Plan for Animal Disease Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation, the surveillance and epidemiological investigation of small ruminant diseases shall be effectively carried out. Fourth, strengthen the supervision of live sheep transportation. Strengthen the supervision on the transfer of live sheep, and prohibit the transfer of live sheep from high-risk areas to low-risk areas. Fifth, strengthen emergency management. In strict accordance with the emergency plan for prevention and control of small ruminant epidemic disease and the technical specifications for prevention and control, the emergency mechanism shall be improved and various emergency preparations shall be made. Sixth, strengthen the prevention of overseas epidemic diseases. Strengthen prevention and control in border areas, establish border immunization isolation zones, and earnestly implement various prevention and control measures such as border inspection and disinfection. Strengthen multi-department joint prevention and control, form joint prevention and control efforts, and effectively prevent the risk of cross-border epidemic spread. Seventh, strengthen publicity and training. Strengthen the training of grass-roots animal epidemic prevention personnel, and improve the diagnosis and prevention capacity of small ruminant epidemic disease. Intensify publicity efforts, widely publicize science popularization knowledge of small ruminant epidemic prevention and control, and enhance epidemic prevention awareness of relevant employees. Eighth, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation. Further promote practical cooperation with FAO, OIE and other relevant international organizations, strengthen bilateral and multilateral joint prevention and control, strengthen information communication and exchange, and jointly promote the realization of the global strategic goal of eliminating small ruminant animal diseases. Nine is to do a good job in evaluation and acceptance. In accordance with the Measures for the Assessment and Management of Areas Free of Specified Animal Diseases and the standard requirements for small ruminant free epidemic areas, the practical implementation plan shall be refined and the construction of small ruminant free epidemic areas shall be accelerated. According to the progress of the work, the assessment and acceptance work shall be carried out in stages and regions.