
The context of Agricultural Market Information work in 2016

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Focus on the global agricultural system data investigation and analysis system, promote the improvement of agricultural monitoring and early warning and policy regulation and control system, strive to start the construction of global agricultural data investigation and analysis system, further promote the pilot work of information analysis and early warning of the whole industry chain, and improve China Agricultural Exhibition.

Focus on the global agricultural system data investigation and analysis system to promote the improvement of agricultural monitoring and early warning and policy regulation and control system

We will strive to launch the construction of a global agricultural data investigation and analysis system, further promote the pilot work of information analysis and early warning of the whole industry chain, and improve China's agricultural outlook system.

In accordance with the principle of "market pricing, separation of price compensation and overall planning of price compensation", we will actively promote and improve the price formation mechanism of grain and other important agricultural products.

We will explore the pilot agricultural management model of "insurance + futures" aimed at new agricultural operators in some major producing areas.

Taking the application of big data as a starting point to promote the integration of information resources and market operation monitoring

Speed up the establishment of agricultural product collection system and agricultural statistics classification system standards; start with the pig industry chain monitoring pilot project to promote data sharing within the Ministry of Agriculture; research and development of agricultural data sharing platform; actively set up an agricultural and rural big data expert team to carry out data analysis of the whole pig industry chain.

We will carry out the research on the investigation system of "one control, two reductions and three basics" and the green cost-benefit survey index system of agricultural products. Continue to adjust and improve price, statistics, cost and wholesale market monitoring points; develop data collection and data service APP.

Establish a quality assessment system for monitoring and statistical work.

Promote the construction of agricultural market system and brand based on the marketing service ability of farmers.

We will actively promote the construction of the market system for the producing areas of agricultural products, strengthen the guidance for the state-level market construction that has already been launched, promote the demonstration construction of the Tian Tou market, and promote financial institutions to support the construction of the market for producing areas.

Vigorously develop agricultural brands. Establish agricultural product brand catalogue system and regional public brand system; carry out brand training, organize national agricultural brand promotion activities; carry out agricultural brand policy system, theoretical system and brand marketing research.

We will deepen the docking of production and marketing of agricultural products and cultivate a team of "honest dealers and farmers' brokers". Improve the emergency mechanism of sales promotion, hold production and marketing docking activities in the main producing areas, improve the service function of China's agricultural product promotion platform, and improve the network promotion ability of agricultural products.

Standardize the management of agricultural exhibitions.

Taking the on-line transformation of traditional agriculture as the goal, promoting the development of "Internet +" modern agriculture and agricultural e-commerce

Taking the three dimensions of "Internet + agriculture" as the focus, jointly issuing the "Internet +" modern agriculture implementation plan with relevant departments, and organizing and compiling the "Internet +" modern agricultural development plan; do a good job of "Internet +" modern agricultural work conference and new farmers' entrepreneurship and innovation conference.

We will make overall preparations for the comprehensive implementation of information entry into villages and households, organize and establish a national information entry management and operation organization system, further test and operate, improve and improve the national information access platform, and establish and improve standards for the construction and operation of information access to villages and households, and formulate and improve the technical regulations and operation standards for the construction and operation of beneficial agricultural information cooperatives.

We will continue to do a good job in the regional test and demonstration of the Internet of things in agriculture, and collect, summarize and promote the technologies, products and application models of the Internet of things in agriculture that save costs and increase efficiency.

Speed up to break through the bottleneck of agricultural e-commerce, study systematic policy recommendations; promote online sales of agricultural products, agricultural means of production and leisure agriculture; carry out pilot projects of direct distribution of fresh agricultural products and agricultural materials to the countryside; study and put forward suggestions on the construction of a standardized circulation system for agricultural e-commerce services. Overall implementation of farmers' mobile phone application skills training.

We will do a good job in planning and basic support for the development of agricultural informatization, formulate and promulgate the 13th five-year Plan for the Development of Agricultural and Rural Informatization, and prepare for the establishment of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Agricultural Informatization and its sub-technical committees. we will improve the evaluation index system of agricultural informatization and start the pilot work of agricultural informatization evaluation.

Take the regulation and control catalogue system of agricultural products as the fulcrum to promote the implementation of urban modern agriculture and the mayor responsibility system of "vegetable basket".

We will continue to strengthen the research on the regulation and control catalogue system of fresh agricultural products, and pilot the regulation and control catalogue system of vegetables in three pilot provinces and cities of Anhui, Henan and Chongqing. Promote the State Council to issue the guidance of the "vegetable basket" Mayor responsibility system as soon as possible.

We will do a solid job in the pilot work of extending the "stable development of vegetable basket" product production and performance management in 2015, organize and hold an exchange meeting on urban modern agriculture in Beijing in 2016, and sum up the development experience and development model of urban modern agriculture.

We will deepen research on the frontier areas of agricultural marketization and informatization, and establish and improve the mechanism for the exchange of achievements.