
What is the soul of the new urbanization?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, From the separation of urban and rural areas in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China to the urban-rural dominance formed since the reform and opening up, and then to the urban-rural integration proposed by the 18th CPC National Congress, the understanding of the relationship between urban and rural areas from all walks of life is constantly deepening. In fact, urbanization is often called urbanization in our country, and its main point is that

From the separation of urban and rural areas in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China to the urban-rural dominance formed since the reform and opening up, and then to the urban-rural integration proposed by the 18th CPC National Congress, the understanding of the relationship between urban and rural areas from all walks of life is constantly deepening. In fact, urbanization is often referred to as "urbanization" in China, and its main purpose is to highlight the role of small and medium-sized towns in the process of urbanization, because small and medium-sized towns are the main areas carrying the transfer of rural population. From the central government to the local government, a new type of urbanization is being vigorously implemented to encourage farmers to go to cities, with the aim of making cities and towns more suitable for farmers to live in, allowing more people to share urban civilization, and promoting the improvement of overall living standards and happiness index. Thus it can be seen that the realization of "human urbanization" is the soul of the new type of urbanization and the fundamental essence of urban-rural integration. However, the problem that it is difficult for farmers to enter the city and stay in the city is very prominent, and the process of de-peasanization is very long, which makes the integration of urban and rural areas into the city complicated and confusing.

First, why is it difficult for farmers to enter the city

W City belongs to the combination of the Pearl River Delta and Nanling Mountains, and has jurisdiction over two districts, four counties and two county-level cities. by the end of 2013, the city's registered population was 4.098 million, of which 2.868 million were agricultural population, accounting for 69.9% of the city's population. In 2013, the urban built-up area covers an area of 88.3 square kilometers, and the urbanization rate of the whole city is 48%, which is 4.3 percentage points lower than the national urbanization rate (53.7%) in the same period. It can be seen that the task of transferring the rural population to cities and towns in W City is very arduous, and the gap between the urbanization rate and the national level is very obvious. The main reasons are as follows:

First, the gold content of household registration is not high and its attractiveness is not enough. According to statistics, from 2012 to 2013, W City showed a net outflow of immigrants and outflows, that is, the number of registered households was less than the total number of registered outflows, 7348 and 4054 less respectively. Is the threshold for entering the city too high? W City points into the household regulations, points up to 35 points (that is, junior high school education, to clear work for one year) can be registered into the household, it should be said that the door threshold is very low. But why does the population "hang upside down"? The root is still registered in the household. The traditional household registration system is the deepest impression of the planned economic system. it is a way of population management that is directly related to the land and based on the family. it is essentially the product of a regulatory society, fixing farmers on the land and urban residents in their respective cities. Due to the dual structure of urban and rural areas, urban household registration had much more benefits than rural household registration in the past. Urban hukou, including small town hukou, is more attractive to farmers, and "transforming agriculture into non-agriculture" has become popular. But now, the attractiveness of urban household registration to the rural population and migrant population is no longer so "cold", and its attached welfare has become more and more limited. On the contrary, rural household registration will bring many benefits such as family planning, contracted land, homestead and so on. In addition, with the improvement of the rural social insurance system, the security function of rural land and the improvement of land output rate, a series of policies that benefit agriculture and strengthen agriculture have been implemented, the employment and living conditions in rural areas have been continuously improved, and the attractiveness of rural areas is also increasing. Farmers will naturally "vote with their feet". Some suburban rural areas, such as Community A, have changed back and forth between "village" and "residence", resulting in the phenomenon that farmers are willing to be farmers rather than citizens. In addition, farmers' employment skills are limited, and most of them are engaged in low-end and low-wage industries and individual and private enterprises in cities and towns. affected by economic fluctuations, industrial adjustment and other factors, employment is unstable, income is not guaranteed, and they are unable to afford higher house prices. Create the phenomenon of "earning money in cities and towns and providing for the aged in rural areas". These situations show that the incentive factors for the urbanization of household registration are obviously insufficient, and the best time to promote the citizenization of rural population at low cost has passed. At the same time, the division of household registration has produced a force of anti-system, which makes the positive function of the system malfunction. it has become an institutional arrangement for the urban population to resist citizenization.

Second, the urban public service is not in place, and the convenience of residents' life is lack. According to the plan, by 2020, the urban area of downtown W will reach 135 square kilometers, with the urban population accounting for more than 35% of the city's population and the regional GDP accounting for more than 45% of the city's gross domestic product. There is unprecedented pressure to achieve this goal. At present, the "urban disease" in the downtown area of W is already very obvious, such as lack of parking spaces, inconvenient parking, stations, commercial complexes, schools and other crowded places often can not find suitable parking places; the drainage system is not smooth. Every rainy season, there will be a number of waterlogging sites, lasting as long as half an hour, many streets and residential areas have become a "water park", vehicles have to turn off and break down. Public transport is not perfect, only 180 of the 700 bus stops in the urban area have waiting shelters, and the waiting time is too long, and the management of motorcycle is chaotic, but it cannot be effectively restrained from running red lights at will; the environmental pollution in some lots and waters is still quite serious, affecting the health of the people, and so on. Where does citizens' happiness come from? It is mainly the level of public service in the city. if hitchhiking is inconvenient, looking down on a doctor, buying food and going to school will take a long way, and even breathing air and drinking water will become a problem. It is just empty talk.

Third, the industry support is insufficient, and there are not many employment opportunities. Industrial development can provide economic support for urbanization and absorb employed people. A city without industrial support must be a town with fragile economic foundation and imperfect urban function, which is bound to lack hematopoietic function and development power. The decline and bankruptcy of Detroit in the United States, some domestic resource-exhausted cities are facing difficulties, to a large extent, due to the lack of industrial upgrading. The urbanization level of W city lags behind, one of the important reasons is that the industrial development is insufficient, can not provide enough and attractive jobs, it is difficult to meet the employment needs of the transferred population. After years of development, W City has initially formed an industrial system of cement ceramics, utilization of renewable resources, electric power, metal smelting and Calendering, leather shoes and pharmaceutical and chemical industry. however, this system is mainly composed of low-tech, resource-based or labor-intensive traditional industries, with relatively extensive mode of development, high energy consumption, high pollution, low output, lack of modern industries such as high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing industries. From 2011 to 2013, industrial investment in W City experienced negative growth for 27 months. In the same period, the proportion of high-tech manufacturing industry in W city is only about 2.6%, which is far lower than the level of 24% in the whole province. In 2013, only three enterprises in W City were selected as the top 500 enterprises in Guangdong Province, and the total annual operating income was less than 2 billion yuan, which is a big gap compared with the same type of areas. In the first quarter of this year, there were only 515 large-scale industrial enterprises in W City, 157 fewer than in 2011, ranking 18th in the province. Correspondingly, through the investigation on the operation of 159 key industrial enterprises in W City in the first quarter, it is found that the contradiction between difficult recruitment and expensive employment is very prominent, and the labor cost is rising continuously. In addition, the college students in W City also staged "Peacock Flying to the Pearl River Delta". The number of college graduates who returned to W City in 2011, 2012 and 2013 (including non-local students studying in W City and W City students studying in other places) was 5350, 5716 and 5807, but the number of students employed in W City was only 1268, 1463 and 1614 respectively, that is to say, about 80% of the students chose to leave W City to work, and 80% of them went to the Pearl River Delta. Talents trained or born at home cannot be used at home, regardless of the influx of foreign talents, which is fundamentally disadvantageous to the long-term development of a city.

If you find the cause, you need to prescribe the right medicine. It is necessary to adopt "therapy" in line with the reality of W City, make up for the shortcomings of W City's urbanization, and take the lead in seeking breakthroughs in household registration, public services, and industry, so that the core essence of "human urbanization" can be better implemented.

Second, how to get through the "green passage" for farmers to enter the city

First, actively promote the reform of the household registration system. Judging from the situation of the whole country and the reality of W City, the focus and difficulty of the reform of the household registration system does not lie in liberalizing the household registration system to restrict the free movement of population, but in how to weaken the welfare value of household registration itself and make it return to only as a necessary means of population registration management. How to support education, medical care, social security and other basic welfare so as not to make the city and county finance "unable to open the pot". In the next step, the direction of household registration reform should be to establish a unified household registration management system in urban and rural areas with legal and stable residence and legal and stable employment as the basic conditions and registered permanent residence as the basic form. we will explore the implementation of linking residence permits to basic public services. We will implement the "unified" registration of household registration in the built-up areas of the city, abolish the difference between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou, and uniformly implement the registration of "W city resident hukou". The restrictions on settling in the counties (cities) and the "three refuges" in the central urban areas were fully liberalized, and there were no additional conditions for farmers in the counties (cities) to register as urban residents nearby and those who settled in the "three refuges" (husband and wife, children, and the elderly). Establish a mechanism for balancing the interests of farmers after entering the city, gradually implement the separation of farmers' economic identity from social identity, and explore the establishment of a benefit distribution mechanism for farmers to "bring land to the city". After the hukou of rural residents is transferred to cities and towns, its original rights and interests in rural areas, such as the right to contracted management of land, the right to the use of residential land and the right to income from the collective economy, will continue to be retained. If the surrounding farmers' land is used in urban construction, rural community joint-stock cooperative organizations can be allowed to invest in the development of land assets and enterprises with contracted land use rights, so that farmers can continue to enjoy the follow-up operating income; farmers can also use rural homestead to replace urban residential land or housing according to a certain standard, so as to solve the housing problem, which is the biggest problem for farmers after entering the city. This measure involves the adjustment of the interests of the government of the place where the household registration is moved out and the government of the place where the household registration is moved, which needs to be solved as a whole and coordinated. In addition, with the acceleration of the integration of Guangzhou and Qing Dynasty, the traffic location conditions of W City will be further improved, and the situation that W City will undertake the transfer of urban functions of Guangzhou will be more obvious, and there will inevitably be a large number of people from Guangzhou to buy homes, settle down and study in W City. From now on, the relevant departments should start to study the special household registration policy to prepare for their arrival in advance.

The second is to continuously improve the level of public services. According to estimates, if a rural population is transferred to the city, W City needs to increase its annual expenditure on basic public services by 2304 yuan (calculated on the basis of 2013), and the population of the central urban area will reach 1.5 million by 2020, that is, an increase of about 700000 on the existing basis. at that time, the city finance will have to bear 160 million yuan per year (excluding infrastructure). This puts forward a new subject for the next step of basic public service construction in W city. It is necessary to make good use of the Guangqing counterpart support platform, focus on raising the level of basic public services such as health care, education, and culture in the northern region, and by establishing "sister schools" and trusteeship cooperation with schools and hospitals in the Pearl River Delta region, we will improve the level of running schools and medical skills, and strive to narrow the differences between the north and the south and between urban and rural areas. It is necessary to increase investment in medical and health care, change the previous practice that medical care mainly depends on hospital self-accumulation and development, urge public hospitals to return to the nature of public welfare, and implement the "de-administration" reform of municipal public hospitals to ensure the healthy development of hospitals. It is necessary to continue to promote the work of creating a strong education, and strive to create standards in all counties (cities) and all towns this year, so as to make W City a truly strong city in education. It is necessary to actively develop cultural and sports undertakings, build urban sports parks as soon as possible, and build a number of open-air basketball courts, table tennis courts and other universal sports facilities in rural areas. It is necessary to speed up the construction of the urban public transport system, optimize and improve the public transport network, improve public transport facilities, increase the number of stations for ten thousand people in the central urban area, realize the parallel operation of the chronic system and the express system, and the coordinated and orderly operation of buses, taxis and motorcycles.

The third is to strengthen the mainstay role of industrial support. It is necessary to increase the efforts to attract investment, according to the industrial development thinking of "driven by large projects, follow-up by supporting enterprises, and the development of industrial clusters", and strengthen the industrial chain investment in accordance with the national industrial policy and the industrial development orientation of W City. Centering on auto parts, new materials, electronic information, biomedicine and other industries, comprehensively sort out the key areas, key industries and key links of attracting investment, and deeply track and analyze enterprises that intend to move or expand, strengthen the connection and docking with large central enterprises, mainland advantage enterprises, and well-known private enterprises, and strive to introduce a number of industrial projects with large investment, strong driving force, supporting and leading role, and constantly expand the total industrial volume. We will support key backbone enterprises to carry out project upgrading and transformation, speed up technological innovation, extend the industrial chain, and promote enterprise scale expansion, quality improvement and efficiency improvement through brand development. We will encourage and support small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of being small and specialized, small and sophisticated, and be a good match for leading enterprises, so as to achieve seamless docking of industries in the region. Producer services and living services should be developed at the same time. We should pay attention to giving full play to the comprehensive service functions of producer services such as logistics, finance, information, commerce, research and development to industry, especially the advanced manufacturing industry, so as to promote the quality improvement and development of the manufacturing industry. In view of the disconnection between industry, university and research, it is necessary to speed up the development of the science and technology service industry, improve the science and technology service system for small and medium-sized enterprises, focus on strengthening the construction of productivity promotion centers at the city and county levels, and support and cultivate a number of consulting service-oriented science and technology intermediary organizations. It is necessary to speed up the planning and construction of the modern logistics industry agglomeration area in central Guangdong, take Yuantan Logistics Park as the core, improve the fast and comprehensive transportation system, actively introduce logistics enterprises, and encourage enterprises to use third-party logistics. Explore and develop the airport economy with modern logistics as the core. Highlight the development of eco-tourism, catering and accommodation, health care, culture and sports, wholesale and retail, resident services, community services and other living services, and play its role in expanding consumption, attracting employment, enriching the people and benefiting the people. We should pay attention to upgrading urban commercial forms, speed up the application of scientific management models, advanced applicable technologies, and modern business forms to transform traditional service industries, and vigorously promote e-commerce and chain operations. we will promote the filing and upgrading of traditional advantageous service industries such as catering, tourism, and leisure. W City has planned to build a modern service industry base in Jiangbei, including the establishment of a provincial vocational education base and a "South China Sound Valley" call industry, financial and insurance backstage service center. At the present stage, it is necessary to speed up the construction of the insurance industry park, magnify the "silver carp effect", and attract more financial and insurance back-office institutions to move in, so as to attract high-quality industrial personnel to obtain employment. It is necessary to strengthen the connection and communication with provincial education departments, promote provincial universities to be stationed in provincial vocational education bases as soon as possible, find new space for development, and enlarge the role of colleges and universities in promoting local economic and social development. It is estimated that by 2020, 12 secondary colleges and universities and nearly 200000 college and secondary school students will gather in the vocational education base of W city, and a large number of talent reserves will also become the core competitiveness of W city. At the same time, with the completion of Changlong International Forest Tourism Resort, it is expected that it will receive 30 million tourists every year, leading to 50, 000 jobs and 200000 jobs in related industries. The platform for transformation and upgrading of W City will be more solid, and the industrial system will be more complete. The environment for attracting, retaining and achieving talents will also be more mature.

III. Conclusion

It must be recognized that to promote the integration of urban and rural areas is not to eliminate the rural areas, but to better protect the rural areas and give farmers more choices, so that they can enter the city and return to the countryside. For those who can find jobs and settle down nearby, we should actively create conditions for local and nearby urbanization. At present, nearly 1 million of the agricultural migrant population in W city "migratory bird" and "swing" work and live between urban and rural areas, and are in a state of "semi-urbanization." there is an urgent need to take advantage of the situation, grasp the core of employment, and encourage the agricultural migrant population to work nearby. to lay the foundation for full entry into cities and towns. It is also necessary to improve the employment environment in counties and towns, enhance the employment and entrepreneurial ability of the agricultural transferred population by strengthening skills training, and fundamentally solve the problem of life and way out. For those who want to stay in rural areas for a long time, it is necessary to actively improve production and living conditions and promote the coordinated promotion of urbanization and the construction of a new countryside. We should pay attention to giving full play to the role of "capable people" in rural areas, encourage some farmers who get rich first to strengthen the rural collective economy by setting up professional cooperatives and financial mutual aid organizations, and find opportunities to strengthen agriculture in the process of urbanization. drive more people to get rich. It is worth noting that to implement the strategy of urban-rural integration, we must carry out the rural comprehensive reform throughout, invigorate the land, labor, farmers' credit and other resources, and open up a way out for the rural areas facing the market, so that we can drive into the fast lane of Unicom cities and towns.