
Orchids like to get wet. Is it better to get as wet as possible?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchids like to get wet. Is it better to get as wet as possible?

Orchids like wet requires that the air humidity is higher, basin soil humidity is slightly lower.

The amount of water for orchids should be determined according to season, air temperature, air humidity, ventilation, plant size, dry and wet soil, and so on. The best water for watering flowers is Rain Water and spring water, followed by river water and tap water, but no matter what kind of water is used, it should be kept quiet for 1-2 days to precipitate the impurities in the water and drain out foul air for reuse. Never use well water and other saline-alkali water, otherwise it will cause salinization of basin soil, which is disadvantageous to the growth of orchids.

Drizzle is suitable for the growth of orchids, but long rain and heavy rain should be avoided. In spring, the temperature is lower, the basin soil should be dry, and the amount of water should be less to prevent new buds from rotting; the temperature in summer and autumn is higher, orchids grow vigorously, evaporation is large, watering should be increased appropriately, but it is appropriate to water in the morning and evening; basin soil should be slightly dry in Meiyu season, too wet will cause leaf buds to wither and attract diseases; watering after autumn should be reduced. In winter, the basin soil in the city should be slightly dry, the watering times should be reduced accordingly, and it should be watered around noon and poured along the edge of the basin, not on the leaf surface.