
Solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers with the new concept of development

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Central Rural work Conference pointed out that in agricultural and rural work during the 13th five-year Plan period, we should adhere to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, firmly establish a strong sense of weakness, adhere to problem orientation, and earnestly lengthen the short legs of the synchronization of the four modernizations.

The Central Rural work Conference pointed out that in agricultural and rural work during the 13th five-year Plan period, we should adhere to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, firmly establish a strong sense of weakness, and adhere to problem orientation. we should earnestly lengthen the short legs of agriculture, which is the synchronization of the four modernizations, and make up for the shortcomings of rural areas in an all-round way. These "five ideas" have pointed out the development train of thought and development direction for agricultural and rural work in the next five years and even for a long time.

The problem is the voice of the times, and the idea is the forerunner of practice. In the first year of the 13th five-year Plan, the starting point of agricultural and rural development is unprecedented, the challenge is unprecedented, the task is unprecedented, achievements and difficulties are intertwined, opportunities and challenges coexist. In order to win a well-off society in an all-round way, we must adhere to the new concept of development, solve new problems with new ideas, deal with new challenges with new ideas, lead new directions with new ideas, emancipate our minds, keep pace with the times, find the right pain points, and make efforts at key points. we should earnestly lengthen agricultural short legs, make up for the shortcomings of rural areas, promote the improvement of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and win the overall initiative.

Stimulate the vitality of agricultural and rural development with innovative ideas. At present, agricultural and rural development is facing the problem of transformation between the new and the old, changing the mode of agricultural development and cultivating a healthier and more sustainable new driving force for growth, the way out lies in innovation; in response to the decline of policy effects, to open up new policy dividends, there is an urgent need for innovation; to solve the problems of who will cultivate the land, how to grow the land, and who will build the new countryside, we must rely on innovation; to improve the reform of the rural collective property right system, we can only rely on innovation. It is necessary to innovate the agricultural management system and mechanism, vigorously promote innovation in agricultural science and technology, mode of operation, and support and protection system, and realize agricultural innovation-driven development. It is necessary to innovate the supporting system of modern agricultural elements, promote the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, change the mode of agricultural development, improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural development, and speed up the pace of modern agricultural development.

Use the concept of coordination to make up for the shortcomings of agricultural and rural development. The coordinated development of urban and rural areas is the only way to be well-off in an all-round way, and the "synchronization of the four modernizations" is the inevitable requirement for the realization of national modernization. At present, the imbalance between urban and rural development is still quite prominent, and agricultural modernization is still a prominent short leg in the synchronization of the four modernizations. It is necessary to establish the concept of coordinated development, make efforts from the "two hands" of the government and the market, promote a new type of urbanization with people as the core, and promote the equal exchange of urban and rural elements, the rational allocation of urban and rural elements, and the equalization of public services. At the same time, we should actively guide the flow of urban funds, technology, talents, management and other modern elements to agriculture and rural areas, equip agriculture with the achievements of industrialization, transform agriculture with information means, and pry rural areas with urbanization forces. in order to coordinate and make up for the shortcomings of agricultural and rural development.

Lead the development direction of agriculture and rural areas with the green concept. Rice fields are wetlands, forests are "carbon sinks", grasslands and crops are vegetation, and agriculture is the main body of the ecosystem. Agriculture not only provides food, but also adds splendor to beautiful China with its ecological function. At present, the two "curses" of agricultural production resources and environment are getting tighter and tighter, and the construction of new countryside is also facing many challenges. It is necessary to lead the development direction of agriculture and rural areas with the concept of green development, draw a red line for the protection of agricultural space, make an overall plan for mountains, rivers, forests and lakes as a life community, put the sustainable development of agriculture in a more important position, adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, vigorously develop resource-saving and environment-friendly agriculture, create new growth points for agricultural development, and build beautiful villages that are ecologically livable.

Expand the development space of agriculture and rural areas with the concept of opening up. In the context of global economic integration, China's agriculture has been in an all-round open international environment and big market. We must establish the concept of open development, make overall use of both international and domestic resources and two markets, expand the strategic space for agricultural and rural development, and speed up the formation of an agricultural opening-up pattern with orderly access, complementary advantages, and mutual benefit. We will continue to adhere to the national food security strategy of "giving priority to us, having a foothold at home, ensuring production capacity, appropriately importing, and supporting by science and technology," and adhere to the organic combination of "bringing in" and "going out." this will not only ensure supply, but also protect industries and farmers. We will seize major strategic opportunities such as "Belt and Road Initiative" to enhance China's agricultural competitiveness and comparative efficiency.

Share ideas to improve the well-being of farmers. Eliminating poverty, improving people's livelihood and gradually realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism and the important mission of our party. At present, the situation of getting rid of poverty is still grim. Compared with urban residents, there is still a significant gap in public services and social security for rural residents. To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we must establish the concept of shared development and resolutely win the battle against poverty with greater determination, clearer ideas, more accurate measures and unconventional efforts. It is necessary to increase the supply of public services in rural areas, coordinate social security efforts in urban and rural areas, let farmers participate in the modernization process equally, share the fruits of modernization, and improve the well-being of farmers.

The concept is renewed and the world is wide. We should internalize and externalize the development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and implement the requirements of the central deployment with stronger determination and more effective measures. we should plant development advantages, take the initiative to get rid of outdated thinking patterns, path dependence and work inertia, and lead the way and path breakthroughs with five new development ideas. Constantly solve the practical problems in agriculture and rural areas, create a new style of work, and promote stronger agriculture, more beautiful rural areas, and richer farmers!