
This weed smells like camphor. Cats can hallucinate when they smell it. It's a rarity in the city for 10 yuan a pot.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! There are many plants with various flavors in the countryside, such as lemon grass and patchouli.


Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems!

In rural areas, there are many plants with various flavors, such as lemon grass, patchouli, peppermint and so on. Today, we are going to talk about a kind of weed that can give off the smell of camphor. farmers call it camphor grass. This grass is at most an ornamental plant for people and a useless weed in the eyes of farmers, but it is the cat's favorite plant, because it has a substance in it. Cats will hallucinate when they hear it, and they will feel very happy and very popular in the city.

Camphor grass is commonly known as "cat mint". Its leaves are very similar to ordinary mint and smell a cool smell of camphor, which contains a substance called "Schizonepeta tenuifolia lactone", which can stimulate the cat's brain nerves and regulate the cat's mood. So cats will have all kinds of hallucinations after smelling, such as chasing fantasy mice, rubbing, rolling and making all kinds of strange barks on the ground. Cat owners like to use it to tease cats. Because the cat is usually cold and aloof, it is hard to see it so happy, so camphor grass is very popular.

Camphor grass used to be an "Internet celebrity" plant. Netizens said that they had planted a row of camphor grass in the yard. When they opened the door in the morning, they found dozens of cats lying outside. The scene was very spectacular. However, studies have shown that camphor grass is not attractive to all cats. Cats under 2 months old are not interested in camphor grass, and only about 50% of cats over 6 months old are attracted to camphor grass. It is said that camphor grass is also effective for other cats. Former trainers used camphor grass to train tigers and cheetahs to make these beasts tame and obedient.

Although camphor grass has a "hallucinogenic" effect on cats, it does not make cats addicted, because this pleasant hallucination can only last about 15 minutes, no longer than an hour. If the cat comes into contact with camphor grass frequently, it will lose its sensitivity and will not be interested in the grass in the future. Foreign studies have shown that camphor grass is non-toxic, but it has an exciting effect on the cat's brain. It is often used abroad to help calm the cat's mood and correct the cat's behavior.

There are many people in the city who like to keep cats, and others call them "cat owners" and they are "cat slaves". In order to amuse their owners, cat slaves will try their best to find ways to make cats happy. Camphor grass, which can make cats happy, is rare in the city and can be sold for 10 yuan a pot, which is much cheaper than cat food. Cat slaves will often buy it back for cat owners to smell or eat. I will be happy to see the cat happy. Readers, have you ever seen camphor grass?

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