
Vigorously develop various forms of moderate scale operation

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, develop various forms of appropriate scale operation, and play a leading role in the construction of modern agriculture. This is for the central government to comply with the new requirements of China's social production development and grasp the changes in agricultural production relations.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to speed up the transformation of agricultural development mode, develop various forms of moderate scale management, and give full play to its leading role in modern agricultural construction. This is a major strategic deployment of the central government to comply with the new requirements of China's social production development, grasp the new trend of changes in agricultural production relations, and meet the new challenges of international modern agricultural development. It is also an inevitable requirement to adapt to China's diversified resource conditions, constantly changing rural labor force structure and agricultural production and management mode, and promote the development of agricultural modernization. Through the development of various forms of moderate scale management, we will promote the division of agricultural labor, improve labor productivity, land output rate and resource utilization rate, supplement the agricultural shortcomings synchronized with the four modernizations, and continuously enhance the global competitiveness of China's agriculture.

In the past year, we have closely implemented the core work of the State Council of the Central Committee on Guiding the Orderly Circulation of Rural Land Management Rights and Developing Moderate Scale Agricultural Management (hereinafter referred to as Document No.61 of the State Council of the Central Committee), so as to realize the considerable development of various forms of moderate scale management. Specifically, the following three aspects of work have been carried out. First, we should pay close attention to the registration and issuance of certificates, and consolidate the development foundation of various forms of moderate scale operation. The registration and certification of rural land contractual management right is an important decision-making arrangement made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council based on the overall deepening of rural reform, and is also an important prerequisite for the development of various forms of moderate scale management. On the basis of selecting Shandong, Sichuan and Anhui provinces and 27 counties as pilot projects in 2014, the central government will continue to expand the pilot scope in 2015, and then select Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Gansu, Ningxia, Jilin, Guizhou and Henan provinces (autonomous regions) to carry out pilot projects in the whole province. At present, 2246 counties (cities and districts) across the country have carried out pilot projects to register and issue certificates for the right to contracted management of rural land, with 480 million mu of contracted land actually measured and 310 million mu of contracted land confirmed for households. The second is to strengthen the support for new business entities and cultivate development carriers for various forms of moderate scale operation. Cultivating new management subjects is an urgent need and important reliance to solve the difficult problems of "who will plant the land" and "how to plant the land well" and enhance the competitiveness of China's agriculture. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture actively cooperated with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the People's Bank of China, the Insurance Regulatory Commission and other departments to improve and implement the support policies for new business entities, starting from investment, subsidies, finance, insurance, land use, electricity consumption and talent training, comprehensively solving the difficulties faced by new business entities and promoting the sound and rapid development of new business entities. At present, new agricultural business entities are booming throughout the country. There are 288,000 family farms recognized by agricultural departments at all levels, with an operating area of more than 40 million mu; more than 1.5 million farmers 'cooperatives have been registered in accordance with the law, and more than 100 million farmers have joined the cooperatives, accounting for 41.9 per cent of the total number of farmers; there are 354,000 agricultural industrialization organizations of various types, including 126,000 leading agricultural industrialization enterprises; and there are more than 1.15 million socialized agricultural service organizations of various types. Third, improve the service level of land circulation management and standardize the development environment of various forms of moderate scale operation. The management and service of land circulation is an important guarantee to promote the development of various forms of moderate scale management. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision and Risk Prevention of Industrial and Commercial Capital Leasing Farmland (hereinafter referred to as Nongjingfa No.3 Document), proposing five systems for standardizing industrial and commercial capital leasing. At the same time, actively guide all localities to accelerate the construction of land circulation management service capacity. At present, the number of county (city) land circulation service centers nationwide has reached 1324, and the number of land circulation service centers established in villages and towns has exceeded 17,000, setting up a platform for the orderly circulation of land management rights and optimizing the environment for the orderly development of various forms of moderate scale operation.

Looking forward to 2016, we should start from five aspects in accordance with the requirements of the Central Rural Work Conference and the National Agricultural Work Conference to promote various forms of moderate scale operation into the fast lane of development.

First, in accordance with the requirements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, we will improve the separation of land ownership, contracting rights and management rights, promote the revision of laws and regulations such as the Rural Land Contracting Law, improve the basic rural management system, and improve the institutional mechanisms conducive to the development of various forms of moderate scale management. Second, in accordance with the unified deployment of the central government, we will continue to expand the pilot scope of registration and issuance of rural land contractual management rights, and do a good job in the registration and issuance of certificates for the confirmation of land contractual management rights. Third, continue to do a good job in the publicity and implementation of Document No.61 and Document No.3 of Zhongban Fa, study and put forward opinions on the standardization of rural land circulation market operation, formulate model contract texts for rural land circulation, guide local authorities to establish and improve the supervision system for industrial and commercial capital leasing farmland, improve the land circulation service platform relying on rural operation and management institutions, improve the three-level service and management network in counties and villages, and promote the orderly circulation of land management rights according to law. Fourth, we should pay close attention to the construction of a policy system for cultivating new-type agricultural management subjects, implement a new professional farmer cultivation project, further promote the healthy development of farmers 'family farms, give play to the demonstration and driving role of farmers' cooperatives, encourage leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and other agricultural enterprises to focus on processing and circulation of agricultural products and socialized agricultural services, and establish a close interest linkage mechanism with farmers and cooperatives. Fifthly, encourage grass-roots localities to innovate boldly, enrich the concrete practical forms of moderate scale operation, explore the effective combination of two scale operation modes of land concentration and service concentration and diversified operation subjects such as family operation, collective operation, cooperative operation and enterprise operation.

Moderate scale management is the only way to develop modern agriculture. We should proceed from China's national conditions and agricultural conditions, constantly innovate appropriate scale management forms, and give full play to the important role of moderate scale management in promoting agricultural modernization, solving the "three rural" problems, and building a well-off society in an all-round way.