
Comprehensive Policies to Ensure National Food Security

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The Central Rural Work Conference stressed that ensuring national food security is the basic bottom line of agricultural structural reform, and that grain is basically self-sufficient and rations are absolutely safe. This has set the tone and pointed out the direction for us to further improve food security. Last year, I

The Central Rural work Conference stressed: ensuring national food security is the basic bottom line of agricultural structural reform, and it is necessary to ensure basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of food rations. This has set the tone and pointed out the direction for us to further do a good job in food security.

Last year, China's grain achieved a historic "twelve consecutive growth", but with the ample supply and demand of grain, the increase of inventory and the aggravation of financial pressure, the theory of "passing customs" and "guaranteed income" of grain has been on the rise. in addition, the marginal effects of various production factors that promote grain production are decreasing, the pressure on resources and environment is tightening, and the pressure of grain growth year after year is increasing, and the problem of food security in China has entered a new stage. In the face of the new situation, in dealing with the issue of food security, we must closely combine strategic thinking with an attitude of seeking truth from facts: a little more and less grain is a technical problem, but food security is a strategic issue. At any time, we should be deeply and soberly aware that food security is the "ballast stone" of social stability, and the importance attached to it must not be reduced for a moment, and the strength of attaching importance to agriculture and grain can only be boosted, not released. On the other hand, we should also be realistic and pragmatic, respect objective laws, respect market laws, fully realize the practical difficulties of continuous growth of grain output, and allow flexibility in production, especially the planting area, but the output of food rations must be guaranteed and the supply capacity must be maintained.

Under the new situation, we should concentrate more efforts on ensuring grain production capacity and promoting the continuous consolidation and improvement of grain production capacity. Optimize and stimulate various elements, deepen reform in the use of resources, the level of science and technology, policy support, and the management system, so as to optimize and upgrade production capacity to ensure strategic food security.

To promote the optimization and upgrading of grain production capacity, great efforts should be made in the utilization of resources. Land is the core factor of grain production. We should continue to adhere to the red line of quantity and quality of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, delimit permanent basic farmland, explore the establishment of functional areas and core areas for grain production, and establish high-standard farmland with concentrated production, drought and waterlogging, high yield, high efficiency and environment-friendly. It is also necessary to continuously promote the "green" degree of grain production, promote the action of zero growth in chemical fertilizers and pesticides, vigorously develop water-saving agriculture and ecological recycling agriculture, and improve the sustainability of the utilization of grain production resources.

To promote the optimization and upgrading of grain production capacity, more efforts should be made at the scientific and technological level. It is necessary to continue to increase the research on the breeding of staple crops, the control of major diseases and insect pests and modern agricultural biotechnology with genomics as the core, strive to break through a number of common key technologies and make key progress. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the mechanization and informationization of agriculture, continue to expand the whole process of mechanization of sowing, management and harvest of staple grain crops, and constantly increase the scientific and technological contribution rate of staple grain production capacity by promoting the "Internet +" modern agricultural pilot project.

To promote the optimization and upgrading of grain production capacity, it is necessary to step up policy support. It is necessary to improve the pertinence of policies and the effectiveness of the use of funds, and ensure farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain. Under the new situation, special attention should be paid to exploring the establishment of a green ecology-oriented agricultural subsidy system. We will comprehensively promote the "three-in-one" reform, improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products, give special emphasis to the protection of farmers' interests in the adjustment of the minimum purchase price policy, and constantly optimize policy means such as subsidies, prices, finance, and insurance, so as to mobilize and protect farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain.

To promote the optimization and upgrading of grain production capacity, it is necessary to cultivate innovation in the management system. It is necessary to deepen reform, continue to promote moderate scale operation in agriculture, give full play to the advantages of moderate scale operation in agricultural mechanization and the application of scientific and technological achievements, and constantly cultivate new types of agricultural operators. improve their comprehensive quality in science and technology, market, ecology, and so on. It is necessary to ask for grain production capacity on an appropriate scale, to improve the quality of the new main body, and to promote the optimization and upgrading of grain production capacity through the continued deepening reform of the management system.

Eliminate stocks, strengthen the structural adjustment of grain production, reduce costs, improve the comprehensive efficiency and competitiveness of grain production, make up for deficiencies, and speed up the improvement of the comprehensive capacity of grain production. In the final analysis, all these measures should be implemented in ensuring grain production capacity, promoting the consolidation, improvement, optimization and upgrading of grain production capacity, and these measures are essentially a process of promoting the transformation of new and old driving forces of food security and fostering healthier and sustainable growth drivers. In this regard, to promote food security, we should put more emphasis on scientific and technological support, green ecology, reform and innovation, and improve people's quality, so as to seek the shift and upgrading of grain production capacity and a higher level of food security.

Food security is not only an agricultural issue, but also an overall issue related to the stability of the country. On the issue of food security, there must not be any mentality of complacency, carelessness, and laziness. Historical experience has repeatedly shown that if there are major twists and turns in grain, it will take a long time to recover, which will bring great passivity to the overall development of the country. On the basis of the current bumper grain harvest in successive years, we should resolutely prevent the decline of grain with ten thousand times of determination, speed up the transformation between the old and the new, and cultivate a new type of green, healthy and sustainable grain production capacity with a new concept of development. to ensure food security and provide a solid guarantee for the overall economic and social development.