
Central Rural Conference: Leverage More Social Funds into Agriculture and Rural Areas

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Leveraging more social funds to invest in agriculture and rural areas The Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing to deploy agricultural and rural work during the 2016 and 13th Five-Year Plan periods. The Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing from 24 to 25. The meeting fully implemented the Party's 18th and 18th Central Committees.

Pry more social funds into agriculture and rural areas

Central Rural work Conference held in Beijing to deploy agricultural and rural work during 2016 and the 13th five-year Plan period

The Central Rural work Conference was held in Beijing from 24th to 25th. The meeting comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third, fourth, and Fifth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, as well as the Central Economic work Conference, summarized the "three rural" work during the 12th five-year Plan period, analyzed the current agricultural and rural situation, and made arrangements for agricultural and rural work during 2016 and the 13th five-year Plan period.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to this meeting. Before the meeting, the meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the meeting of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and the executive meeting of the State Council put forward clear requirements for doing a good job in agricultural and rural work. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central military Commission, gave important instructions on doing a good job in the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Li Keqiang, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council, gave instructions.

Xi Jinping stressed that attaching importance to agriculture and strengthening the foundation is the foundation of peace and security for the people. During the 12th five-year Plan period, China's agricultural and rural development achieved fruitful results, which played an important role in winning the overall work. At the same time, it must be noted that there are still many problems and challenges facing China's agricultural and rural development, and the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" should not be ignored and relaxed at any time. During the 13th five-year Plan period, we must persist in solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers as the top priority of the work of the whole party, firmly establish and earnestly implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and strengthen the efforts to strengthen farmers and benefit rich farmers. we will further promote various reforms in rural areas, solve the difficult problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, strengthen the driving force for innovation, plant development advantages, actively promote agricultural modernization, and do a good job in poverty alleviation and development. Improve the level of building a new socialist countryside, so that agriculture and rural areas can make great achievements in the vast world.

Li Keqiang pointed out: since the 12th five-year Plan, remarkable achievements have been made in the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, which has become a prominent highlight of economic and social development. During the 13th five-year Plan period, it is necessary to implement the new concept of development, solve the new problems of development, realize the foundation of substitute agriculture, adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, play a leading role in various forms of moderate scale operation, and strive to improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture. We should pay attention to analyzing the new situation after the bumper grain harvest, adopt targeted measures, and continue to arouse the enthusiasm of farmers to develop modern agriculture. It is necessary to speed up the construction of rural infrastructure, focus the development of social undertakings on rural areas and cities and towns with large agricultural transfer population, and promote the coordinated development of new urbanization and the construction of new rural villages. We will promote innovation in systems and mechanisms, stimulate the entrepreneurial and innovative vitality of hundreds of millions of farmers, cultivate new industries, new business type, and constantly expand new space for agricultural and rural development and new channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich.

The meeting discussed some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on implementing the new concept of development and speeding up agricultural modernization to achieve the goal of a well-off society in an all-round way (discussion draft). Wang Yang, member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that during the 12th five-year Plan period, China's grain production continued to increase, farmers' income continued to grow rapidly, and rural society was harmonious and stable, making major contributions to the overall economic and social development. In agricultural and rural work during the 13th five-year Plan period, we should adhere to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, firmly establish a strong sense of weakness, and adhere to problem orientation. we should earnestly lengthen the short legs of agriculture, which is the synchronization of the four modernizations, and make up for the shortcomings of the rural areas, which are well-off on all sides.

The meeting stressed that efforts should be made to strengthen the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, improve the quality and efficiency of the agricultural supply system, and ensure that the supply of agricultural products is sufficient in quantity, variety and quality meet the needs of consumers, and truly form an effective supply of agricultural products with reasonable structure and strong guarantee. At present, we should attach great importance to removing inventory, reducing costs and making up for deficiencies. Speed up the digestion of excessive stocks of agricultural products and speed up grain processing and transformation; reduce production costs and improve agricultural efficiency and competitiveness by developing appropriate scale operation, reducing the unreasonable use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and carrying out social services; strengthen agricultural infrastructure and other weak links of agricultural supply, and increase the production of agricultural products in short supply in the market. It is necessary to establish the concept of big agriculture and big food, and promote the development of the overall planning of grain economy and feeding, the combination of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, the integration of planting and breeding, and the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Ensuring the safety of national grain and food is the basic bottom line of agricultural structural reform. it is necessary to protect grain rations such as rice and wheat, cultivated land and production capacity, grain production in major producing areas, especially core producing areas, and ensure basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety in grain rations. In order to give full play to the leading role of appropriate scale operation of various forms of agriculture in structural reform, agricultural support policies should be tilted to the main body of scale operation, and attention should be paid to allowing farmers to share the results. It is necessary to improve the price formation mechanism and collection and storage policies for grain and other important agricultural products, so as to provide impetus for the structural reform of agriculture.

The meeting stressed that local party committees and governments at all levels should unremittingly cultivate an atmosphere of attaching importance to agriculture and give top priority to agricultural and rural work. Priority will be given to ensuring financial investment in agriculture and rural areas to ensure that the intensity is not weakened and the total amount is increased. It is necessary to increase the integration of agriculture-related funds, give full play to the guiding role of financial investment in structural reform, and pry more social funds into agriculture and rural areas. It is necessary to tap the internal potential of agriculture, promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, make good use of rural resources and assets, and increase farmers' income through various channels. We will further promote accurate poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and ensure that the goal of poverty alleviation is achieved. We will strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations in rural areas, improve villagers' autonomy, and raise the level of rural governance. It is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation and study, respect the grass-roots practice of farmers, and constantly create a new situation in agricultural and rural work.