
The loan interest can be repaid by sweet potatoes.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Central Rural work Conference pointed out: "efforts should be made to strengthen the structural reform on the agricultural supply side and improve the quality and efficiency of the agricultural supply system." Taking the construction of the national border financial reform pilot zone as an opportunity, Fangchenggang City guides the Internet finance to "go to the countryside into the village" and broaden it.

The Central Rural work Conference pointed out: "efforts should be made to strengthen the structural reform on the agricultural supply side and improve the quality and efficiency of the agricultural supply system." Taking the construction of the national border financial reform pilot area as an opportunity, Fangchenggang City guides the Internet finance to "go to the countryside and into the village", broaden the ways of agricultural financing, and feed "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" back. Internet finance, mobile banking and P2P, which were originally popular in cities, are constantly being spoken out in the mouth of local farmers.

It is difficult to repay the loan of agricultural products in one move.

Niulu Village, Qisha Town, Port District, is a small fishing village with mountains facing the sea and rich in mountain and marine resources. However, it is difficult to raise races, and large-scale cultivation requires a lot of capital investment. On the other hand, it is difficult to borrow less agricultural collateral. Mr. Ning, who runs ecological agriculture in the port area of Fangchenggang City, Guangxi, wants to expand the scale, but he is baffled by a word of money, which has been distressed for a long time. "to find a bank loan, the examination and approval procedures are cumbersome, the lending conditions are harsh, and the payment time is relatively long." Mr. Ning said it was a drop in the bucket to borrow money from acquaintances.

What shall I do? Fangchenggang Financial Office and other departments found in Niulu Village that the local ecology is excellent, the sea water is pollution-free, and the plants are all green pollution-free agricultural products that urban people like. Can you make an article from this?

As soon as several parties collide, they have an idea: repayment in kind, that is, investors lend money to farmers through Internet financial companies to solve farmers' financing problems; after the loan expires, farmers can not only repay in cash, but also use sweet potatoes, chickens, ducks, seafood and other agricultural products as prices.

Guangzhou Securities Bank Internet Financial Information Service Company (Zhengqin Finance) launched a 300000 yuan project of "Zhengqin e agricultural loan-sweet potato" for Mr. Ning. The person in charge of Zhengqin Financial Company told the reporter that when sweet potatoes were harvested, Mr. Ning only had to pay 3600 jin of sweet potatoes to Zhengqin Financial Company, which could offset the interest of 300000 yuan for half a year. At that time, Zhengqin Finance will distribute these sweet potatoes to the investors in the project. "from docking negotiations to funds to accounts, it took less than 48 hours." Mr. Ning said.

It is difficult to solve the problem with one move. He Chaojian, mayor of Fangchenggang, believes that the in-kind loan repayment model has found a channel for farmers to sell agricultural products in advance, saving the cost of selling agricultural products. it also solves the difficulties in raising funds for farmers' production and development, activating private capital, increasing the value of agricultural products, and making it difficult for farmers to enter the market.

Restricted by the "Native Love Card", when the old Lai folks stared at him.

Restricted by education and experience, most of the rural people do not have a high sense of financial integrity. In addition, many agricultural production is still "dependent on heaven for a living", there are uncertainties in production and sales, and there is the possibility of maliciously defaulting on loans, evading debts, and so on. How to resolve the risks of Internet finance in rural areas?

In April 2015, Niulu Village held a villagers' Congress. Peasant representatives and village cadres discussed the construction of centralized credit villages. After heated discussion and final vote, timely repayment, non-default and non-default were written into the new "Rural rules and regulations". In the future, the villagers will look sideways at the problems of fake loans, profligacy, being an old man and so on.

In the rural areas of Fangchenggang, rural rules and regulations carry a lot of weight in the hearts of farmers. Local measures should be taken in accordance with local conditions, and in the construction of the rural credit system, we should skillfully play the "rural sentiment card" and encourage all villages to join the relevant treaties such as boycotts of arrears of debts, join the township rules and regulations, and enter into force through discussion, voting, and entry into force by the villagers' Congress, and be specifically supervised and implemented by a council composed of respectable villagers' representatives, party members' representatives, and village cadres.

There is not only the "local sentiment card", but also the "mechanism road" of modern management. In Guangxi, Fangchenggang took the lead in building two major municipal credit information collection and evaluation system platforms: social credit information and rural credit information, 16 financial institutions, 40 government functional departments, 282 administrative villages, 170000 peasant household credit files, and 1.2 million credit information access platform. build a set of credit mechanism with clear distinction between reward and punishment.

At the same time, in order to allay the concerns of investors, Fangchenggang introduced large state-owned financial enterprises in Guangxi to build an offline multi-financial guarantee system, and settled in Internet financial companies to provide third-party guarantee companies. In addition, Fangchenggang has effectively grafted policy agricultural insurance, rural commercial insurance and Internet finance, and opened up in the fields of guarantee insurance, credit insurance and other property insurance. a variety of new insurance products such as policy pledge loans, agricultural guarantee insurance, and micro-credit insurance have been launched to Internet financial companies to eliminate the worries of Internet financial companies.

"We will gradually establish a risk management platform with the P2P platform, with the participation of the government, rural organizations, farmers, P2P companies and insurance companies, to make a relatively large risk management platform. Maximize help Internet financial companies manage risks and maximize the benefit of farmers and rural economic development." He Chaojian said.

"go to the countryside and enter the village", Nuggets Blue Ocean of Rural Internet Finance

Like Mr. Ning, there is also Huang Ensheng, a "seafood tycoon" in Songbai Village, Dongxing Town, who benefits from Internet finance. Benefiting from the P2P network lending platform, Huang Ensheng raised 2 million yuan in development funds in only half an hour, and he and a dozen villagers planned border seafood business projects with investment funds.

In March 2015, Fangchenggang City, in conjunction with Guangxi Financial Investment Group, cooperated with Zhengqin Finance to introduce a P2P network lending platform. As of mid-October 2015, more than 3000 million yuan had been raised for farmers for production. On October 20, 2015, Fangchenggang held an on-the-spot meeting to promote the new service model of Internet rural finance: "loan in kind + township rules and regulations + insurance guarantee + policy guidance". The municipal government signed cooperation framework agreements with two well-known Internet companies in Guangdong and Guangxi. Internet finance companies signed financing agreements with a number of farmers for nearly 10 million yuan, and raised 2 million yuan on the spot.

"Internet finance will not only provide a new platform for solving the shortage of funds in rural areas, but will also play an important role in solving the problems of 'buying' and 'selling' in rural areas, with broad prospects." Li Zhiyong, deputy director of Guangxi Finance Office, said.

Jin Xiangjun, secretary of the Fangchenggang Municipal CPC Committee, said: "with the promotion of Fangchenggang's rural financial reform, the gradual establishment of a quantitative transaction system for rural financial property rights and creditor's rights, the financialization of land assets and the establishment of a rural credit information system, it will greatly release the financing needs of rural areas, and is expected to start the blue ocean market of rural finance."

Industry insiders said that Internet finance has the characteristics of low threshold, high efficiency and no regional time restrictions, which can better make up for the shortcomings of traditional rural finance. With the popularity of the Internet, the vast rural market is expected to become the "tuyere" of Internet finance.

Jin Xiangjun said that Fangchenggang City will continue to strengthen rural financial reform to make Internet rural financial new business type full of vitality: through the construction of rural credit information platform and rural Internet financial trading platform, relying on data analysis, let farmers' every transaction data become the credit basis of their loans, and solve the loan difficulties of farmers and agricultural material dealers. The use of mobile Internet, Internet of things, e-commerce platform, big data and other means to improve agricultural production efficiency, reduce production and sales costs, broaden sales channels, and promote the development of intelligent agriculture with information technology.