
Focus on the Development of two modernizations and strengthen the Construction of the system-- the letter of the National Agricultural Market

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, On July 11, the fifth training course on operational knowledge of the national agricultural market information system sponsored by the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture ended at the Management cadre College of the Ministry of Agriculture, marking the Thousand talents training Plan in 2014.

聚焦两化发展 强化体系建设——全国农业市场信息系统业务知识培训综述

The closing site of the fifth training course

On July 11, the fifth training course on business knowledge of the national agricultural market information system, sponsored by the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture, was concluded at the Management cadre College of the Ministry of Agriculture, marking the end of the comprehensive training part of the Thousand talents training Plan in 2014.

The business knowledge training of the national agricultural market information system has been launched in an all-round way since April this year, adopting the combination of comprehensive training of market information and special training. Five comprehensive training courses on market information were held in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and 22 experts and scholars were invited to form a teaching team. more than 630 market information staff of agricultural departments at the provincial, municipal and county levels from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang production and Construction Corps participated in the training.

Centering on the theme of agricultural "market-oriented reform and information development", these five training courses take the forms of expert lectures, case teaching, exchange of student representatives, on-the-spot teaching and group discussion, with rich contents and various forms. the training effect is remarkable.

General mobilization of the whole company to strengthen business training. In each training course, the Market Information Department arranged for a leader of the department to give a special lecture, and the heads of various business offices gave in-depth and detailed explanations on the work flow and business knowledge such as market circulation, monitoring and statistics, early warning and control, agricultural informatization, and so on. The directors also adjust the contents of the lectures in time according to the changes of the training objects, participate in the discussions of the participants, listen to demands, record questions, and adopt suggestions. The trainees feel that the training course has been conducted successfully, reflecting the pragmatic style and dedication of the Market Information Department.

The content of training is rich to ensure the quality of training. In order to avoid monotonous training content, not only well-known experts and scholars in the field of marketization and informatization were arranged, but also relevant responsible persons of Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural products Wholesale Market, general managers of e-commerce enterprises, representatives of local students, technical experts of information-based listed companies, etc., were invited, so that the trainees not only learned the cutting-edge theoretical knowledge of marketization and informatization, but also experienced the fresh case experience from the front line. In order to improve the quality of training, the Department of Market Information has created a precedent for real-name teaching evaluation. At the end of each class, students are invited to make a real-name teaching evaluation, listen to students' opinions in time, adjust the structure of teachers reasonably, and the teaching quality of the training course continues to improve.

Optimize the teaching form and enhance the intuitive experience. On the basis of tamping theoretical teaching, the training course arranged on-the-spot teaching, organized students to visit the "Agricultural Information Monitoring and early warning Research Space" of the Institute of Agricultural Information of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and demonstrated the cutting-edge technical applications and achievements of agricultural information monitoring and early warning in China. Visit "Beijing Xiaotangshan National Precision Agriculture Research and demonstration Base" and Jinfuyi Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park in Taihu Town, Tongzhou District, and feel the great effect of agricultural Internet of things technology on agricultural production. During the visit, the on-site commentators and technicians answered the questions raised by the students one by one. A trainee from the grass-roots level said that the agricultural monitoring and early warning platform was beyond his imagination, and he felt very excited. With authoritative data and early warning, farmers would know what to sell and what to grow.

Focus on hot topics and strengthen work thinking. In order to make the students think deeply about the difficulties and hot spots in the market information work and exchange local experiences and practices, the organizers divided the participants of each training course into five groups, centering on the core issues of the current market information work. According to the principle of highlighting the focus and being close to reality, carefully designed "how to give better play to the role of the government and the market" To solve the difficult problem of unmarketable fresh agricultural products "," how to strengthen the regional brand of agricultural products, characteristic brand building "and other 25 topics. The students conducted in-depth discussions and formed more than a dozen very valuable reporting materials, which is not only an exchange of work, but also a comprehensive survey. The Market Information Department reflects that it is of strong reference significance to the promotion of practical work.

The tense and substantial teaching arrangements and the active and enthusiastic participation of the students have not only achieved good training results in the five training courses, but also laid a solid foundation for future training work.

The students are interested in learning and the actual registration rate is high. The five training courses cover market information workers in the agricultural sector at the provincial, municipal and county levels. from the point of view of the actual participants, a total of 665 people are planned to be trained, 637 people are actually trained, and the actual registration rate is 95%.

High degree of teaching participation and good teaching results. Trainees actively participated in the training evaluation and made suggestions and suggestions for improving teaching. A total of 572 evaluation manuals were recovered during the five periods of training, with a recovery rate of 90%, which provided good suggestions for continuously improving the quality of training. During the second to fifth phase of the training, trainees were required to write thousands of words about their jobs. A total of 448 thousand words were received, with a writing rate of 80%.

Build a communication platform to enhance the cohesion of the system. The Department of Market Information has set up a special training exchange page for this training, set up four columns, such as training trends, job deployment, learning exchanges, and training glimpses, and promptly issued training notices, schedules, discussion topics, and publicized training trends and special trainings. show the trainees' elegant demeanor and training activities, and selected and sent 80 excellent articles and learning experience. Through the training, the students have strengthened the interactive exchanges, promoted the mutual learning and reference among the provinces, stimulated everyone's enthusiasm for learning, and enhanced the cohesion of the system construction.

In September, the Department of Market Information will continue to hold three special training courses in Liaoning, Jiangsu and Fujian provinces to carry out on-the-spot teaching and training on monitoring statistics and early warning analysis, agricultural informatization and the application of the Internet of things, and the construction of the market system of agricultural products. At present, various preparations are under intense preparation.