
The annual cost of manual salvage of water hyacinth in China is as high as 100 million yuan.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Wang Yanliang, deputy director of the Science, Technology and Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and director of the Agricultural Ecology and Resources Protection Station, pointed out in his speech that alien species are growing rapidly in China. Nearly 50 new invasive species have been added in the past 10 years, and more than 20 dangerous invasive species have spread in a large area of China one after another.

Wang Yanliang, deputy director of the Science, Technology and Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and director of the Agricultural Ecology and Resources Protection Station, pointed out in his speech that alien species are showing a trend of rapid growth in China. Nearly 50 new invasive species have been added in the past 10 years, and more than 20 dangerous invasive species have broken out one after another in China, posing a great threat to China's biodiversity, agriculture and animal husbandry production and people's health. Preventing and controlling alien biological invasion and ensuring agricultural production and ecological safety are the concrete practice of promoting agricultural ecological civilization and the construction of "beautiful China". The agricultural environmental protection department should earnestly shoulder the responsibility of the department in charge of alien species management. really grasp the functions, make efforts to explore and innovate, effectively promote the prevention and control of alien invasion, and protect our green homes from the threat of biological invasion. Make our beautiful countryside more healthy and harmonious.

The reporter saw at the scene that the entire river has become a paradise for water hyacinth, resulting in the deterioration of aquatic plant habitats, marsh and eutrophication of water bodies, and serious harm to planting, aquaculture, tourism, transportation, shipping, flood control and drainage, and the ecological environment.

Dr. Zhang Guoliang of the Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences said in an interview that water hyacinth is a floating aquatic plant, which mainly propagates asexually, and the number of plants can double in 18 days. Seeds can germinate and grow within a few days or remain dormant for 15-20 years. The occurrence of water hyacinth has caused ecological disasters in many areas of our country, the annual cost of manual salvage is up to 100 million yuan, and the cost of chemical control is also tens of millions of yuan.

Zhang Guoliang told reporters that as the occurrence of water hyacinth in various provinces in China has its own characteristics, different control measures must be taken. For places where water hyacinth covers a large area of water surface, the release of a large number of natural enemy insects, water hyacinth weevil, will achieve long-term control effect. Although the occurrence area is small, but the urgent need to remove the river, ponds and other places, the use of efficient, low-toxic, low-residue chemical herbicides or artificial, mechanical salvage, will quickly remove water hyacinth. Generally speaking, the comprehensive use of biological and chemical measures will achieve rapid and continuous control effects. As the large-scale outbreak of water hyacinth is often closely related to water environmental pollution, in order to fundamentally eliminate water hyacinth, we should strengthen the comprehensive environmental control of lakes and rivers.