
Drop it in the basin, the cuckoo no longer yellow leaves, blossom pot burst 100!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rhododendron is widely loved by flower friends because of its various colors, bright colors and long flowering period. Why do other people's rhododendrons have luxuriant branches and flowers? On the other hand, your cuckoo grows slowly, its leaves turn yellow and its flowers are rare. Because you have not mastered the correct cultivation method of cuckoo!

Maintenance point 1: rhododendron likes acid

I wonder if any friends have found that their rhododendron leaves turn yellow easily, and it is difficult to come back green even if they are watered with ferrous sulfate. Why is that? In fact, it has something to do with the soil. Azalea likes acidic soil. If the soil is alkaline, it will lose its temper.

So what should be done to get an acidic soil. Every household will have the use of white vinegar bar, it in addition to the function of seasoning, but also can be used to adjust the pH of the soil!

Every time you water the azaleas, drop a few drops of white vinegar into the water to get an acidic soil.

Of course, if you are planted on the ground or a troublesome friend, you can bury sulfur powder in the soil, which will be oxidized after it is buried, which can also make it acidic.

Key points of conservation 2: fertilization

Azaleas are plants that like fertilizer very much, but are prone to fat damage. Fertilizing azaleas must abide by the "frequent application of thin fertilizer", otherwise the loss will outweigh the gain due to improper fertilization.

Now it is the flowering time of azaleas. I will mix cake fertilizer with water and mix it with azaleas. Cake fertilizer can provide nutrients for azaleas, which can ensure the nutrients needed for flowering.

Of course, cake fertilizer is not enough, I will also use a urea, because rhododendron is a new flowering plant, if you want to bloom well, you have to grow branches well.

△ new tip

Urea is a kind of high nitrogen fertilizer, which can promote the growth of branches. After the branches grow, they can differentiate more flower buds.

Usually fertilizer is used alternately between cake fertilizer and urea. Cake fertilizer is used only this week and urea is used next week to ensure a comprehensive supply of nutrients.

Maintenance point 3: reasonable pruning

The single flower of rhododendron can bloom for a long time, but once it fails, it needs to be cut off to avoid the inhibition of later flower formation caused by nutrient diversion.

In addition, the weak branches should also be pruned, and the weak branches can not produce a big and colorful flower.

As pictured above, 1/3 of the branch is cut off with scissors after failure, which is enough to enhance internal ventilation, enhance light, and promote branch growth.

After pruning, do a good job in water and fertilizer management and be able to blossom again at the end of June, so as to prolong the flowering time.

Maintenance point 4: diseases and insect pests

After three years of rhododendron planting, I found that it is very easy to grow red spider and brown spot, especially in the rainy season, it needs to be managed.

Red spider is a kind of spider mite, it will suck plant juice, although this will not cause death, but will seriously affect its photosynthesis, resulting in a reduction in the number of flowers.

Brown spot disease, then there is a large area of brown to dark brown spots, serious will appear death! So don't take it lightly.

Red spiders can be killed by spraying avermectin once a week for three or four times in a row. Remember to spray to the back of the leaf, which is the hardest hit area of the red spider.

In the case of brown spot disease, spraying 800x liquid methyl topiramate or 1000 times liquid Ye ban Tongxiao, once every 10 days, for 2 times or 3 times successively will be effective.

Photography: CJA CC Tuan Tuan

Contribution email of Hua Hua Daquan:

In fact, rhododendron is a very easy flower to grow.

As long as you master the method.

It can also make the cuckoo at home explode!