
"storing grain for the people" quietly changes to challenge the traditional rural grain reserve model.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province is an important corn production county in China, with an annual corn output of more than 3 million tons. In order to meet the grain sales needs of farmers, the number of corn purchase depots in the city increased to 61 in 2013, and many large sheds, open-air grain storage, and tall

Gongzhuling City in Jilin Province is an important corn producing county in China, with an annual corn output of more than 3 million tons. In order to meet farmers 'demand for grain sales, the number of corn purchase warehouses increased to 61 in 2013, and many large-scale tents and open-air grain stores were built, standing side by side with tall silos and bungalows. The picture shows an open-air grain store built for grain collection in the central grain reserve Gongzhuling directly under the warehouse yard.

Wanxin Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Qianshan Village, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province has planted more than 9000 mu of corn this year, preparing to build a granary with a storage capacity of 30,000 tons. The picture shows the land selected by Wanxin Agricultural Machinery Cooperative for the construction of grain storage facilities.

At present, the grain storage pressure in our country is huge."Storing grain among the people" is a very effective way to relieve the grain storage pressure. Farmers in China have always had the habit of storing grain, and the scale of grain storage by farmers accounts for about 50% of the total output of the country, which plays a positive role in ensuring national food security. However, in recent years, the willingness of ordinary farmers to store grain has declined, while the willingness of new agricultural management entities such as farmers 'cooperatives, family farms and large professional households to store grain has increased. The change of grain storage tendency in rural areas poses a realistic challenge to the traditional rural grain storage model.

Large Grain Growers--Desiring to Build Storage Facilities

Yuan Dongsheng, a family farmer in Jianshang Village, Xiangshan Town, Chongren County, Jiangxi Province, planted more than 400 mu of rice this year. In the past, because there was no drying equipment and grain depot, the newly harvested rice had to be sold directly to local grain depots. This year, he invested more than 400,000 yuan to buy two dryers, large and small, and is building a grain depot capable of storing more than 200,000 catties of grain. "With drying equipment and grain storage, I can store grain and sell it at a good price." Yuan Dongsheng said.

At present, farmers 'professional cooperatives, family farms, large professional households and other new agricultural operation entities grow more and more grain, some cooperatives grow thousands or even tens of thousands of mu, grain output is more and more, every grain harvest season, because there is no grain storage facilities, if the grain can not be sold in time, a large number of stacking is easy to lead to mildew deterioration, resulting in a year's hard work wasted. Therefore, new agricultural operators have a stronger desire to build grain storage facilities.

In recent years, with the continuous increase in grain production for many years, there is a serious shortage of storage capacity in some areas. Encouraging cooperatives and large grain growers to build grain depots with drying equipment can relieve the pressure of storage capacity to a certain extent.

Zihang Agricultural Development Cooperative, Douhe Town, Xiantao City, Hubei Province, has just been established to plant more than 2000 mu of rice this year, with 2 grain depots. In June this year, 10 grain dryers were installed, with a daily drying capacity of 260 tons. Nie Qingping, president of the cooperative, told reporters that they built a grain drying center mainly to dry and precipitate the grain they bought, and then sell it to grain processing enterprises, and also provide paid drying services for surrounding farmers. With the expansion of cooperatives, cooperatives will continue to expand the scale of grain storage.

For Zhou Yanwu, a family farmer in Halaha Village, Zhuchengzi Town, Dehui City, Jilin Province, building a granary with drying equipment is only an extravagant hope. He planted 4000 mu of corn this year. Last year, with the support of the government, he invested more than 100,000 yuan to install scientific grain storage warehouses. He also built simple grain storage warehouses with wooden iron nets to store corn. However, the scientific granary is small in size and is not suitable for large-scale family farms. The simple granary is too simple to cause a large amount of food waste, and the quality of food cannot be guaranteed. Family farmers such as Zhou Yanwu hope to build a grain depot with drying equipment in the future.

Selling grain at the wrong time_

to maximize benefits

Different from farmers 'grain storage in order to meet the basic consumption needs of families, farmers' cooperatives and other new agricultural management entities store grain mainly to maximize the benefits of grain cultivation. Every time a large number of new grain is listed on the market, the grain price will decline by stages. Because there is no grain depot, the grain has to be sold early, so that the good grain cannot be sold at a good price.

When the reporter walked into the conference room of Wanxin Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Qianshan Village, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, Xue Yaohui, the director-general of the cooperative, placed some grain dryer materials on his desk. Xue Yaohui told reporters that the cooperative is preparing to buy a small grain dryer and has reached a purchase intention with a dryer manufacturer. This year, the cooperative has planted more than 9000 mu of corn. Since last year, it has been difficult to store and sell corn flour. When corn was listed in a concentrated manner last autumn, the price fell, and the price of corn per catty was only 0.86 yuan to 0.9 yuan. They stored some corn in scientific grain silos, and when the corn market improved, they sold for 1.15 yuan per catty. This made him deeply aware that there is huge profit space for storing grain for opportunistic sales. At present, the cooperative has set aside 20,000 square meters of land for agricultural facilities construction to build granaries. It plans to build a granary with a storage capacity of 30,000 tons. The cooperative will use 10,000 tons of storage capacity. Other storage capacity will provide free grain storage services for surrounding farmers.

Now more and more cooperatives and large grain farmers have realized the importance of storage links to improve the income of grain farming. "The storage link is the terminal link of planting grain, and it is also the most critical link to make money from growing grain. If the grain is not stored and stored well, there is no way to maximize the benefits of growing grain." By improving grain storage capacity and building grain storage facilities with drying facilities, we can grasp the timing of sales and market trends and maximize the benefits of growing grain." Xue Yaohui said.

The construction of grain storage facilities with drying equipment by cooperatives and large grain growers is conducive to maximizing the income from grain cultivation from the perspective of their own economic benefits, and from the perspective of social benefits, it can realize "storing grain for the people" and alleviate the problem of insufficient grain storage capacity. Of course, from the current situation, how to bring the new agricultural management subject's grain storage into the national grain reserve management system and realize the organic combination of farmers 'economic benefits and rural reserve social benefits is still a problem that needs to be discussed in depth.

Shortage of funds--

Urgent need to strengthen support

At present, the construction of grain storage facilities by new agricultural management subjects is in its infancy, which is troubled by problems such as funds and land use, and it is difficult to move forward. Therefore, the state needs to strengthen support.

Ding Shengli of the eighth operation station of the first management area of Beidahuang 854 Agricultural Branch has planted 4500 mu of rice this year. In the past, he sold grain to a rice processing enterprise in the Great Northern Wilderness. In the past two years, as the purchase price of the market became higher and higher, and the purchase price of the grain depot was higher than that of the enterprise, he sold the grain to the local grain depot. As early as three years ago, he planned to build a grain depot with drying equipment with a storage capacity of 2500 tons, requiring a one-time investment of more than 2 million yuan. Last year he spent more than 10 million yuan to buy 4500 mu of land for 12 years of management rights, due to financial constraints, the plan to build a warehouse had to be postponed for another two years. He hoped that the state could issue policies to support large grain growers to build granaries, so that they would not have to rush to sell grain to granaries, which would not only reduce the pressure on the state's storage capacity, but also obtain better economic benefits.

Experts believe that the state encourages cooperatives and other new agricultural business entities to build grain storage facilities, so we should strengthen services and provide funds, technology and services needed for new agricultural business entities from the perspective of improving grain output, reducing post-harvest losses and improving economic benefits of grain.

Ren Zhengxiao, director of the State Food Bureau, said in an interview with reporters a few days ago that it is of great significance to actively exert social funds to invest in the construction of grain storage facilities. It is an inevitable trend for farmers 'cooperatives, family farms, professional large households and other new agricultural operators to build grain storage facilities. At present, the state has clearly proposed to strengthen support for new agricultural business entities. From the field of grain circulation, it is vigorously promoting the construction of "grain banks" by farmers 'professional cooperatives and other business entities to provide unified drying, unified processing, unified storage and unified sales services for farmers, thus solving the problem of farmers storing grain well. We should vigorously promote scientific grain storage and grain drying technology to meet their growing demand for grain storage.

It is understood that since 2007, the state has carried out special activities for farmers to store grain scientifically, encouraging farmers to use scientific grain warehouses. By the end of last year, 6.77 million farmers had been issued scientific grain warehouses, but they were far from meeting the needs of cooperatives and other new agricultural business entities to store grain. At present, grain drying equipment has been included in the scope of agricultural machinery subsidies, farmers cooperatives, family farms, professional large households and other new agricultural business entities make full use of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policies to build natural ventilation warehouses, drying equipment, drying storage warehouses and other primary processing facilities. These support policies will undoubtedly greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of new agricultural operators to build grain storage facilities.