
Taking the implementation of the "two responsibilities" as a starting point to promote the construction of a clean and honest party style

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Han Changfu stressed at the meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture that the implementation of the two responsibilities for the construction of a clean and honest party style should be taken as a starting point to promote the construction of a clean and honest party style to a new level. On the afternoon of July 30, the Ministry of Agriculture held two responsibility promotion meetings for the construction of a clean and honest government.

Han Changfu stressed at the meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture to implement the "two responsibilities" for the construction of a clean and honest government.

Start with the implementation of the "two responsibilities"

Promote the work of building a clean and honest government to a new level

以落实好“两个责任”为抓手 推动党风廉政建设工作再上新台阶

On the afternoon of July 30, the Ministry of Agriculture held a meeting to promote the implementation of the "two responsibilities" for the building of a clean and honest party style, to thoroughly study and implement the requirements of the central authorities on the implementation of the "two responsibilities" for the building of a clean and honest party style, and to make arrangements for and implement the work. Han Changfu, secretary of the party group and minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed at the meeting that it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the central authorities' requirements and arrangements for implementing the "two responsibilities" for the building of a clean party style and a clean government, earnestly enhance the consciousness of ideology and action, and start with the implementation of the "two responsibilities." we will promote the building of the party style and clean government of the Ministry of Agriculture and the anti-corruption work to a new level, and provide a strong guarantee for doing a good job in agricultural and rural economic work.

以落实好“两个责任”为抓手 推动党风廉政建设工作再上新台阶2

At the meeting to promote the implementation of the "two responsibilities" in the building of party style and clean government by the Ministry of Agriculture, Han Changfu stressed that we should take the implementation of the "two responsibilities" as a starting point to push the work of building a clean and honest party style to a new level.

The meeting pointed out that the Central Committee's requirement for implementing the "two responsibilities" for the building of a clean and honest party style is a major ministry and department made on the basis of scientifically judging the situation of the party's work style and the building of a clean and honest government and the struggle against corruption, and accurately grasping the law of fighting corruption and promoting honesty. It is a major measure to promote the innovation of the anti-corruption system and mechanism. General Secretary Xi Jinping and Comrade Wang Qishan made a series of important expositions on the implementation of the "two responsibilities" of the party's work style and clean government, put forward many new ideas, new viewpoints, and new requirements, and pointed out the direction for doing a good job in the party's work style, clean government and anti-corruption work under the new situation. Party organizations at all levels in the ministry system should actively and consciously shoulder the main responsibility for the building of a clean and honest party style, know their responsibilities and fulfill their responsibilities, and make it their duty to do a good job in the building of a clean and honest party style. Discipline inspection commissions at all levels are duty-bound to assume the responsibility of supervision, focus on the central task of anti-corruption, strengthen supervision and accountability for discipline enforcement, promptly discover and solve the problem of unhealthy work style within the party, and effectively prevent corruption.

The meeting stressed that the key to implementing the "two responsibilities" for the building of a clean and honest party style is to see the action and strength in the implementation of the central regulations. In order to implement the main responsibility of the party organization, we should focus on five aspects: first, select and make good use of cadres, and the party organization should really play a leading and gatekeeper role; second, strengthen the restriction and supervision of the operation of power, regard power restriction as the focus of the work of combating corruption and promoting honesty, and reflect the requirements of preventing corruption in all reforms and specific work. The third is to resolutely correct the behavior that harms the interests of the masses, based on the present, to solve the outstanding problems strongly reflected by the rural grass-roots level and the peasant masses, and to take a long-term view to establish and improve a long-term machine system that is pragmatic and clean for the people; the fourth is to support disciplinary law enforcement work to create conditions and provide security for anti-corruption work; fifth, to lead a good team and take the lead in politics. To implement the supervision responsibility of discipline inspection organizations, we should strictly enforce party discipline, seriously deal with violations of discipline, step up efforts to investigate and handle cases, punish corruption with zero tolerance, continuously promote the building of work style, and seriously investigate and deal with violations of discipline against the wind; perform organizational and coordination duties and assist party organizations in building a good party style and clean government.

The meeting demanded that the working mechanism be improved to ensure that the "two responsibilities" are implemented. It is necessary to transmit pressure at various levels and establish a leadership mechanism for implementation at all levels. Any unit or level that has problems should be held accountable, and a responsible system for building a clean and honest party style should be established and perfected. We will strengthen supervision and inspection, form an effective assessment and evaluation mechanism, and constantly improve the performance and ability of leading bodies and leading cadres at all levels to promote the building of a clean and honest party style. Focus on dereliction of duty must be investigated, strengthen the accountability mechanism, formulate a feasible and scientific and strict accountability system, so that the system really become a live "high-voltage line".

Yu Xinrong, deputy secretary of the party leading group and vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, presided over the meeting. Song Jianchao, member of the party leading group of the Ministry and head of the discipline inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture, interpreted the opinions of the leading party group of the CPC Ministry of Agriculture and the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection in the Ministry of Agriculture on the implementation of the main responsibility and supervision responsibility for the building of a clean and honest party style. Zeng Yichun, member of the party leading group of the Ministry and director of the Department of personnel and Labor, informed the ministry of three cases of violating the spirit of the eight regulations of the CPC Central Committee. Leaders at home, departments and bureaus of ministry departments, principal responsible comrades of the party and government of directly subordinate units, and secretaries of the discipline Inspection Commission (discipline inspection team leaders and discipline inspection committee members) attended the meeting.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national conference for promoting the building of political style in the agricultural system, which made arrangements for the further implementation of the key work of the "two responsibilities," and combined with the second batch of the party's mass line education and practical activities. the study put forward the specific tasks and measures to promote the building of anti-corruption and clean government in the agricultural system and the building of political style.