
Agricultural materials operators should learn to "manage" conscience

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the first half of 2014 in Shandong, agricultural materials sampling inspection: 19 brands of fertilizers unqualified in this news: published 19 brands of fertilizers unqualified list, Shandong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce said that the sampling unqualified agricultural materials have been arranged for local industrial and commercial authorities to immediately sell unqualified agricultural materials through the economic

In the news of "Shandong Agricultural material sampling Inspection in the first half of 2014: 19 brands of fertilizer failed": the unqualified list of 19 brand fertilizers was announced. The Shandong Provincial Bureau of Industry and Commerce said that for the agricultural materials that failed the sampling inspection, the local industrial and commercial authorities had arranged for the local industrial and commercial authorities to immediately investigate and deal with the business units that distribute unqualified agricultural materials in accordance with the law and supervise the operators within their jurisdiction to stop selling commodities of the same trademark and the same model on the unqualified list. In this regard, an expert from the China Agricultural material Circulation Association told the author: according to the division of regulatory functions, it is dealt with in this way.

With the opening of the agricultural material market, the diversified operation pattern of agricultural materials has been gradually formed all over the country, including agricultural supply and marketing, seed stations, plant protection departments, soil and fertilizer stations, postal system, agricultural materials chain and individuals, and so on. From the original exclusive sales of each township, to the present each township at least 3, which does not include village-level stores. This shows that the threshold to enter the agricultural material sales industry is very low, but the agricultural material industry is a very special industry. The quality of agricultural materials is directly related to food security and the quality and safety of agricultural products. It is closely related to the vital interests of farmers and consumers.

Therefore, the agricultural material industry is an industry of conscience, and agricultural operators should learn to "manage" conscience.

The conscience of "Operation": can make up for the leak of Supervision

The requirement for agricultural material operators to have a conscience is due to the disadvantages of the current division of agricultural material supervision functions, which affects the efficiency of supervision. The division of labor of the department that supervises agricultural materials is as follows: the agricultural department is the industry supervision department of agricultural materials and has the power to enforce the law; the quality inspection department is responsible for the supervision of commodity quality in the field of production; and the department for industry and commerce is responsible for the supervision of the quality of commodities in circulation. This division of responsibilities seems clear, but in fact, there are many drawbacks, which can easily lead to "interruption" in the process of law enforcement. Whether it is the agricultural sector, industry and commerce, and quality inspection departments, due to the restrictions of law enforcement power, they are unable to investigate the cases investigated and dealt with to the end, and often delay the best time to handle cases. This division of responsibilities is the fundamental reason for the existence of multiple law enforcement, repeated law enforcement and ineffective law enforcement at the grass-roots level. The reason why the above-mentioned experts say this is based on the measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Market of Agricultural means of production issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which stipulates that agricultural operators shall be responsible for the product quality of the agricultural materials they operate, establish and improve the internal product quality management system, and if they violate the relevant regulations, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order them to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan. This management malpractice may be gradually solved with the accelerated pace of national reform, but the current regulatory mechanism can not fundamentally put an end to fake and shoddy agricultural products, which requires agricultural producers and operators to keep the bottom line of conscience and morality.

The conscience of "management": let farmers use agricultural materials at ease

Due to the low cultural level of farmers, most farmers have limited understanding of the performance of various agricultural products, relatively lack of knowledge and information, most of their information is one-sided and incomplete, and know little about agricultural materials such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. I know very little about the brand and quality of agricultural products. Most people, especially the older ones, are more stubborn, have a deep influence on traditional ideas, have a serious mentality of conformity, and then try to be cheap. When buying agricultural materials, many people do not know where to start with a large number of varieties, so they have no choice but to follow capable people to buy, or listen to the introduction of dealers; some people will choose to buy from friends, acquaintances, or agricultural aid stores that they have bought in previous years. They are afraid that if they do not buy well, it will affect a year's harvest, most people will not distinguish between true and false, do not know how to distinguish. For this reason, agricultural material dealers should, according to the local actual situation, mainly choose to act as agents to distribute a series of pesticides and chemical fertilizer products of several companies that are suitable for local planting characteristics and farmers' consumption level, so as to put an end to fake and shoddy products. do not sell products whose prices are obviously too low and whose quality is not guaranteed, nor do they sell products whose prices exceed the consumption level of local farmers.

Today, with the mixture of genuine and fake agricultural products and a wide variety of products, agricultural distributors need to take good care of the first pass for farmers, guide farmers to use products that are really suitable for them, and build the first firewall for the safety of agricultural products.

"operating" conscience: make money in the right way

It is the moral bottom line to require agricultural producers and operators not to sell fake and shoddy agricultural products, but it is not realistic to require operators to live Lei Feng and not to pursue economic benefits. After all, it is not easy for farmers to farm, and most farmers lack technical knowledge and do not understand products. Therefore, to do agricultural business, we must do it according to our conscience in order to be welcomed by the common people. Moreover, there is no contradiction between doing business according to conscience and the pursuit of profit, as long as the business method is right to make money.

First of all, operators should choose marketable products. In the light of the situation of local crop cultivation, economic development, and the characteristics of fertilizer and medicine used by farmers, we should choose marketable products with outstanding functions, reliable quality, moderate price, high performance-to-price ratio and strong complementarity. Combine into their own main products. It is also necessary to go deep into farmers' visits and surveys, grasp the information of agricultural products welcomed by farmers, and then constantly enrich the resources of the main products according to the changes in the market. Only by mastering marketable products and reasonably adjusting the product structure, can we have the initiative and voice of the market. Operators only familiar with the consumption level and habits of farmers, with a good sales strategy and marketable products, sales will certainly be able to go up.

Secondly, we must be sincere and kind to the farmers and be grateful. As agricultural operators, we must understand that farmers are our parents of food and clothing, and every penny of profit we earn is hard-earned money earned by farmers. Therefore, we should always be grateful and realize that to be kind to farmers is to be kind to ourselves. At the same time, we should sincerely make friends with farmers, and at ordinary times, on the basis of doing a good job in agrochemical services, we should do our best to help farmers in difficulties. The farmer is the simplest and most practical. After receiving your help or assistance, he will keep you in mind. He will certainly think of you when choosing agricultural products. He will also recommend your products to his relatives and friends around him to help you turn potential customers into real customers.

Therefore, "serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and "serving farmers well" are not just slogans. As an agricultural material operator, if you want to become a counselor and guide for farmers to choose and purchase agricultural materials, you need to have a conscience to serve farmers sincerely and have the courage to assume a sense of social responsibility.