
It is good to plant spring orchids at the end of autumn

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, It is good to plant spring orchids at the end of autumn

According to the author's practical experience of cultivating orchids for several years, it is considered that potted spring orchids are good at the end of autumn.

I. cleaning, disinfection and dressing of orchid plants

After soaking the cymbidium plant in a clear water basin for 4 hours and 8 hours, the orchid root returned to full as before, then the orchid plant was removed, slightly dried, the withered, diseased, residual, broken and rotten orchid root was trimmed, and the withered, yellow and dry leaves of the plant were trimmed, and then put into potassium permanganate aqueous solution for disinfection for half an hour.

2. Potted cultivation

First put tiles on the hole at the bottom of the basin, and then lay a layer of coarse sand or coarse cinder to facilitate drainage and ventilation. Spread a layer of culture soil on it, then put the Chunlan plant on the basin soil, straighten out the root naturally, gently lift the orchid plant in the middle of the filling, gently shake the flowerpot at the same time, make the orchid root closely combine with the pot soil, and then continue to fill the soil to the edge of the pot. gently press the basin soil, leaving a 3 cm nozzle on the edge of the basin, so that liquid fertilizer and watering do not flow out of the basin.

III. Maintenance

After a good basin, first of all to water a permeable, put half a shade to see the sun and warm place slow seedlings, maintenance for half a month or so can restore vitality. When the weather turns cold, you can take the basin end to the indoor sunny place for maintenance and management. Stay indoors against the cold throughout winter and early spring. During the winter, the indoor temperature should not be too high, as long as the room temperature is kept at 0: 10 ℃, it can grow vigorously, bud and blossom normally.

IV. Proper watering and fertilization

After being watered for the first time after spring orchid planting, depending on the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, we should generally grasp the principle of "dry and wet", watering less in winter and keeping the basin soil slightly moist at ordinary times. Water only once unless the basin soil is dry. Watering should be around noon, the water temperature should be the same or similar to the room temperature, slowly watering along the edge of the basin, do not drench the leaf surface and leaf center, so as to avoid rotten flower heart. Orchids usually avoid applying thick fertilizer. Especially for newly planted orchids, it is generally not suitable to apply fertilizer within one year. After 1-2 years of cultivation, thin fertilizer can only be applied when the new roots are dense and strong and the plants grow vigorously. Fertilizer application should be carried out in the evening, fertilizer and water should also be poured into the basin soil along the edge of the basin, do not stain the orchid leaves. After applying fertilizer, drench it again with clean water the next morning to facilitate the absorption of fertilizer.