
Excessive processing will lead to the loss of more than 15 billion jin of grain in our country every year.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, One jin of rice is processed into milled rice, 60% of which is available, and four become by-products. Excessive processing will lead to the annual loss of more than 15 billion jin of grain in our country. As the main body of the market, grain processing enterprises, how to solve this problem. Recently, the reporter made remarks on the impairment of grain processing.

One jin of rice is processed into milled rice, 60% of which is available, and four become by-products. Excessive processing will lead to the annual loss of more than 15 billion jin of grain in our country. As the main body of the market, grain processing enterprises, how to solve this problem. Recently, the reporter interviewed Hong Wanyi, general manager of Hubei Hun Sen Grain, Oil and Food Group, on the topic of grain processing impairment.

Hun Sen Group, located in Shayang County, a major grain and oil county in Hubei Province, is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization with an annual rice processing capacity of 1 million tons. In order to solve the problem of low comprehensive utilization of by-products in traditional rice processing, Hun Sen Group has made great efforts to develop food and health products.

From primary processing to intensive processing

"increasing the added value of rice is the best impairment." Hong Wanyi said that enterprises will focus on increasing efficiency on developing the value of by-products after rice processing as far as possible, and extract what can be extracted.

Rice is the source of all kinds of nutrition. Hun Sen Group's breakthrough from primary processing to intensive processing is not accidental, but the result of 27 years of unswerving ploughing of grain production and processing led by Hong Chuanlin, chairman of the group. Hong Wanyi said: the enterprise has formed a whole rice processing industry chain, has a solid foundation of basic industries, and has various conditions such as expanding the value-added space for grain processing.

Hong Wanyi believes that if enterprises want to become bigger and stronger and improve efficiency, they must innovate and transform themselves, do deep refinement, and improve the added value of grain and oil products.

It is understood that the traditional primary processing of 100 jin of rice, after shelling, polishing, planing, color selection and other procedures, can generally produce about 60 jin of milled rice for direct sale as a commodity. There will be about 40 jin of by-products, including about 28 jin of broken rice, 10 jin of rice bran, 2 jin of husk and so on. In the past, by-products such as chopped rice and rice bran were usually used as raw materials for wine making and feed processing, which could only be sold for 1-1.5 yuan per jin, and the husks were used as fuel or abandoned.

According to the data, the nutrition of rice is mainly concentrated in rice bran, which accounts for only 10% of the weight of rice. Although the processed milled rice tastes good, the content of amino acid and oryzanol is not high.

"Today, in Hun Sen Group, high-quality food and health products such as rice bran oil and rice bran peptides have been successfully developed, and the value of rice by-products has been increased dozens of times after intensive processing." Hong Wanyi said: in recent years, enterprises have accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading and widened the layout of the whole grain and oil industry chain. Hun Sen Health Food Industrial Park has completed the construction of modern factories and supporting facilities in the Shayang Economic Development Zone and entered e-commerce.

Maximize the added value

At present, the technology of polishing and polishing in rice processing technology satisfies consumers' pursuit of rice taste, but loses essential nutrients such as germ. But unpolished brown rice can be eaten occasionally, and it is difficult for mainstream consumers to eat it for a long time. Is there a rice processing method that takes into account both taste and nutrition? Hun Sen's answer is: as long as you add a few drops of Hun Sen rice bran oil when cooking, the germ nutrition will be fully restored.

Rice bran will be produced in the process of continuous polishing. After years of exploration and technical improvement, Hun Sen Group adopts a new low-temperature gas extraction process to extract rice bran into rice bran oil, which has the advantages of low cost, complete nutrition, high burning point, less oil fume and so on.

"the existing rice primary processing production line will no longer be expanded, and the rebuilt production line will focus on the production of organic rice, snack food and health products, focusing on nutrition and health care, so as to maximize the added value of the products." Hong Wanyi said.

In addition to the main product rice bran oil, Hun Sen Group has also jointly developed three health patent products: "rice bran polysaccharide", "rice bran polypeptide" and "dietary fiber". The fully intelligent and closed control system of the latest domestic science and technology will be adopted to transform and upgrade the rice bran, a by-product of grain processing, and extract the active components of rice bran germ from rice. Produce a series of functional health products to enhance immune function, reduce blood lipids and blood sugar, prevent cancer and fight cancer.

The impairment starts from the source of green planting.

The processing link is very important, the source of green planting is more important, and good rice is grown. Hong Wanyi said that Hun Sen Group is laying out the construction of a "one-core, two-circle" production base. The "one core", that is, the 40, 000 mu organic rice core planting base, has implemented the doubling plan on the basis of the existing 5000 mu organic rice base, and achieved this goal in the past two years; "two circles" are the high-quality rice raw material guarantee circle and supply circle. Excellent new rice varieties have been promoted throughout Shayang county, forming a high-quality rice raw material protection circle of 1 million mu. At the same time, we will further expand the resources of other counties and form a supply circle of 2 million mu of high-quality rice raw materials.

In these organic rice planting bases, duck houses are built to carry out rice-duck breeding. The base set up frequency vibrating lights in the field to trap moths and kill insects, avoid the use of pesticides and carry out pollution-free production. Also built organic fertilizer retting, configuration equipment, the implementation of "pig-marsh-fertilizer" eco-agricultural planting technology.

The planting link is green and organic, and the processing link should be circular economy, energy saving and environmental protection. In addition to using waste rice husks instead of coal, 3.6 million yuan is saved annually. In the aspect of water recycling, water vapor is reused back to the furnace through equipment transformation, which saves not only precious water resources, but also heat energy consumption and fuel.

In recent years, Tangyin County, Henan Province, which is known as the "granary of northern Henan", has been in the leading position of Henan Province and even the whole country in grain processing, and there are many wheat processing enterprises here. A few days ago, the reporter walked into Tangyin Jinmailang flour Co., Ltd. and learned that in order to save grain and increase efficiency in processing, in addition to introducing advanced grain processing equipment and adopting the latest processing technology, they used the strength of enterprises to guide people to establish a new concept of healthy consumption through measures such as developing new products and creating staple food projects.

"in the rural areas of Tangyin County, we have set up steamed bread shops, noodle shops and noodle spots through the establishment of staple food projects, with 285 noodle spots in 298 administrative villages throughout the county, and this number will continue to increase. One of our purposes is to ensure the quality and safety of flour in the county, and the other is to guide people's understanding of refined noodles, telling us that the more refined the noodles, the higher their nutritional content. " Guo Zhanlin, general manager of the company, told reporters that the most important thing now is to guide people's consumption habits and let them get out of the consumption misunderstanding. We do not emphasize how white the flour is, but pay more attention to the taste to let people know that the whiter the steamed bread is, the better the flour is.