
How to Break Down Institutional Obstacles to Rural Development

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The past ten years have been a period of the fastest agricultural development in China, the greatest changes in rural appearance, and the greatest benefits for farmers. They have also been a golden decade for China's rural economic and social development. However, with the deepening of industrialization, urbanization, marketization, informatization and globalization,

The past ten years have been the period when China's agriculture developed fastest, the rural appearance changed the most, and farmers got the most benefits, and it was also the "golden decade" of China's rural economic and social development. However, with the in-depth development of industrialization, urbanization, marketization, informationization and globalization, agriculture and rural economic development are faced with new difficulties and problems, especially the contradiction between small-scale decentralized operation and large-scale industrialization of modern agriculture, the contradiction between rapid urbanization and agricultural land resources, farmers' rights and interests and the protection of rural culture, and the contradiction between farmers' mobility and migrant workers' rights and interests and the current household registration system and social security system. The contradiction between the imbalance of basic public services in urban and rural areas and people's expectations for the equality of citizens and the integration of urban and rural areas, the division of urban and rural areas, the closure of village groups and the integration of urban and rural areas and the integration of community and society, as well as the contradiction between the traditional quantitative security agricultural production based on ensuring supply and people's strong demand for ecological environment and agricultural products and food security, etc., there is an urgent need to further emancipate the mind and deepen comprehensive reform. We are determined to break through the obstacles of system and mechanism and inject new and strong impetus into the increase of agricultural production, farmers' income and rural prosperity in our country.

Reform and opening up is the fundamental driving force for the development and progress of China's rural areas and the whole country. Over the past decade, both central and local governments have been carrying out rural reform and innovation. In October 1998, the third Plenary session of the 15th CPC Central Committee adopted the decision of the CPC Central Committee on some Major issues in Agriculture and Rural work, and the Central Committee put forward the six-character policy of "giving more, taking less and letting live" to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. the central government has successively implemented tax and fee reform and comprehensive reform in rural areas, exempting agricultural tax and increasing investment in rural public services. it can be said that the focus of the reform is on "taking less" and "giving more". Or "lighten the burden" and "increase income". There is no doubt that farmers have benefited from a series of major policies to benefit the people, such as exempting agricultural taxes and increasing investment in rural areas. However, we also see that at present, the rural areas are facing not only the problems that can be solved by "taking less" and "giving more", but also some deep-seated institutional problems. Agriculture, farmers and rural development still face many institutional obstacles, which are the fundamental factors hindering the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. If we say that "taking less" is the premise, "giving more" is the key point, and "invigorating" is the fundamental and key. The core and theme of the current comprehensive rural reform is to further deepen the institutional reform and release the rural economic and social vitality. Only by breaking through all the institutional obstacles that hinder agricultural modernization, urban-rural integration and the equalization of services can we stimulate economic and social vitality and provide sustainable power and institutional guarantee for agricultural and rural economic development.

Seize the opportunity to deepen reform in important areas with greater political courage and wisdom

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, president, and chairman of the Central military Commission, held a forum of responsible persons of some provinces and cities in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on July 23, 2013, emphasizing that "with greater political courage and wisdom, we must seize the opportunity to deepen reform in important areas, overcome stubborn chronic diseases in the system and mechanism, break through the barriers of solidification of interests, and further liberate and develop social productive forces." Further stimulate and consolidate social creativity ". In particular, it is clearly required to "further enhance the vitality of economic development and provide inexhaustible power for achieving sustained and healthy economic development": "further enhance the vitality of social development and promote social harmony and stability." The problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers are the top priority of China's economic and social development. In the new historical period, how to further deepen rural reform and stimulate the vitality of rural economic development and social development is the core of the current rural reform and opening up.

From the survey chaired by the author, the most urgent reform at present is to further deepen the reform of rural land, property rights, household registration, finance, collective management system, public service system and social management system with greater determination, courage and wisdom. liberate farmers from rural household registration, land from rural collectives, and collectives from social and social integration. Liberate the government from overall management, liberate social organizations from administrative control, clarify the boundaries of politics, government, market and society, invigorate the rural land, property rights, capital and resource markets, and release the vitality of individual farmers, collectives, communities and social organizations.

Judging from the situation of the investigation, we should focus on the reform in the following aspects:

First of all, speed up the reform of the rural collective property right system and management form, clarify the property rights of the peasant collective and its members, and establish a rural collective property right system with clear ownership, complete power, smooth circulation and strict protection. explore various effective forms of collective economy, straighten out the relationship between rural collective economic organizations and villagers' autonomous organizations, while effectively protecting the collective property rights of farmers and farmers Let collective resources be allocated rationally, go to the market, and release vitality. It is suggested that we should speed up the registration and certification of rural collective land rights; speed up the registration and certification work of rural land contractual management rights; speed up the demutualization transformation of rural collective economy; and implement the separation of village society, village economy and politics and economy. As a result, the reform of rural property rights that has not been completed in the past 30 years has been truly completed.

Secondly, speed up the construction of rural land transfer service platform, formulate and improve the incentive, compensation and storage mechanisms for land transfer, agricultural land withdrawal, and encourage and support the transfer of contracted land to large professional households, family farms and farmers' cooperatives. to create conditions for rural land circulation and appropriate scale operation. It is suggested that the rural land transfer transaction platform should be built with the county and city as the center, and the rural land transfer registration information platform should be established in township and village groups; the incentive policy for elderly farmers and people with stable non-agricultural jobs to withdraw from agricultural land should be implemented; the subsidy policy for large professional households, family farms, farmers' cooperatives and large-scale agricultural enterprises should be implemented, and agricultural industrialization, scale and standardization should be promoted.

Third, speed up the reform of urban-rural dual public service system and promote the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas. At present, the difficulty of basic public services in urban and rural areas lies not only in the large gap in public services between urban and rural areas, but also in "dual systems and policies" and "unequal service supply". The difference of industrial structure, economic development and financial capacity between urban and rural areas will also lead to the actual difference of public services between urban and rural areas. The essence of equalization of public services in urban and rural areas is to realize the integration and equalization of basic public services such as compulsory education, basic medical care, public health, public culture, social security and public security, so that all citizens can share public resources equally. let urban and rural residents enjoy the same rights, opportunities and the same level of basic public services. To this end, it is necessary to further abolish the systems and policies that lead to the dualization of urban and rural areas, first realize the unity of the basic public service system in urban and rural areas, and then gradually eliminate the supply and de facto gap of basic public services, and finally achieve the same standard and equal treatment.