
Ensuring farmers' fair sharing of land value-added income

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, China is in the process of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Industrialization requires the continuous delivery of high-quality labor force from rural areas, and their contracts in the transformation from farmers to employees in the secondary and tertiary industries.

At present, China is in the process of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Industrialization needs to continuously transport high-quality labor force from rural areas. How to deal with their contracted land in the identity transformation from farmers to employees in the secondary and tertiary industries? Urbanization needs to provide housing and public services for the new population, how to make them replace the housing in rural areas with urban housing? Agricultural modernization needs to develop socialized agriculture. How to transform small-scale household land management into large-scale and intensive management? For these questions that urgently need to be answered, the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively deepening Reform" (hereinafter referred to as "the decision") made by the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee has given clear answers. Conscientiously studying, deeply understanding, and implementing the relevant arrangements of the "decision" will provide a strong driving force for the simultaneous promotion of the four modernizations and contribute to the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way by 2020 set by the 18th CPC National Congress.


Since the reform and opening up, more than 200 million migrant workers have left the land in China. Most of their contracted land in rural areas rely on farming in their hometown during the busy season or handed over to relatives and friends for farming. This situation brings two adverse consequences: first, extensive farming reduces the land output rate, and the phenomenon of land abandonment occurs in many places; second, it is difficult to form a team of high-quality industrial workers working in cities, which restricts the process of industrial upgrading. One of the ways to solve this contradiction is to encourage migrant workers to transfer their contracted land so as to centralize the land to large-scale operators. This is actually being done in many places. The "decision" of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee clearly pointed out: "to give farmers the right to mortgage and guarantee the possession, use, income, circulation and contractual management of contracted land, and allow farmers to take shares in contracted management to develop industrial management. We will encourage the transfer of contracted management rights to large professional households, family farms, farmers' cooperatives and agricultural enterprises in the open market, so as to develop various forms of scale operation. " This is a major breakthrough in the rural land management system and an important reform based on the reality of rural areas. According to the spirit of "decision", the ownership of rural land belongs to the village collective, the right to contract belongs to farmers, and the right of management is liberalized. It is necessary to stabilize ownership, implement the right of contracting, and invigorate the right of management. If the ownership belongs to the village collective and is not allowed to buy and sell freely, the merger of land can be avoided. After the farmer mortgages the contract right, if he loses the mortgage, the creditor still gets only the usufruct of the land. If the right of contract belongs to farmers, farmers can get land subcontract income, that is, property income. If the contract right has the exchange value, the enthusiasm of the farmers who go to the city to transfer the contract right will be increased. Liberalizing the right of operation and encouraging large grain growers, agricultural companies and cooperatives to expand the scale of land operation play an important role in improving agricultural labor productivity and land output rate. Experience has proved that some farmers transfer their land and get more subcontract fees than their net income from farming. In some places, the annual transfer fee per mu of land is set at the market price of 1000 jin of wheat. If we invest in agriculture and engage in intensive management, the elimination of ridges can increase the area of cultivated land by 5%, unify improved varieties, deep ploughing, irrigation, fertilization and pest control, increase per unit yield, and the rate of return can reach more than 30%. It is necessary to step up efforts to do a good job in the certification of land rights so as to create conditions for the transfer of land contract rights.

At present, agricultural modernization is facing a golden opportunity: first, there is a way out for the transfer of agricultural labor; second, a large number of social funds are eager to find ways to invest; third, the market has a strong demand for high-quality green agricultural products; fourth, agricultural industry can meet the needs of agricultural modernization for technology and equipment. When these four conditions are combined with the policy of encouraging the transfer of land contractual management rights, the process of agricultural modernization will be greatly accelerated.

The transfer of land contract rights enables farmers to increase their income from the improvement of efficiency. According to the current subcontract fee of 700 yuan per mu, a family of 10 mu of land can earn 7000 yuan a year. The "couple" go out to work, with an annual income of about 60,000 yuan, coupled with the income from land subcontract fees, the family's annual income can enter the ranks of middle-income families. As a result of the expansion of the scale of operation, the income of farmers who cultivate land can also be greatly increased. According to practical experience, in single-season agricultural areas, a farmer grows 100 to 120 mu of land; in double-season agricultural areas, a farmer grows 50 to 60 mu of land, agricultural labor productivity can reach the average level of the secondary and tertiary industries, and farmers can become decent jobs. According to the current mechanization conditions, in plain and shallow hilly areas, a labor force can grow thousands of mu of dry land. In the southern rice producing area, a farmer can grow hundreds of mu of paddy fields. Due to the increase in labor productivity, their income will exceed the income of migrant workers, which will help to form a stable team of high-quality farmers. The large-scale management of land has strongly promoted the modernization of agriculture, and China's agriculture will change from a weak industry to an internationally competitive industry.


This year's government work report puts forward the goal of realizing the citizenization of 100 million migrant workers. Generally speaking, one of the basic conditions for the citizenization of migrant workers is to have housing in the city. If you rely solely on your working income to buy a house, it will be a long way off. If you sell the house in the countryside, you can get a considerable income, and it is possible to buy or rent a house in the city. The "decision" proposes: "guarantee farmers' usufruct of homestead, reform and improve the rural homestead system, select a number of pilot projects, cautiously and steadily promote the mortgage, guarantee and transfer of farmers' housing property rights, and explore ways for farmers to increase property income." This provides a policy guarantee for the mortgage, guarantee and transfer of farmers' housing property rights, and is a major breakthrough in the reform of rural housing and homestead system. Promoting the reform in accordance with this requirement will not only help to increase the income of farmers and narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas, but also help to reduce the land occupied by rural housing, meet the demand of urbanization for new construction land, and promote the citizenization of migrant workers.

The experience of countries all over the world has proved that in the process of urbanization, construction land is reduced and cultivated land is increased. Because urbanization has improved the degree of intensive land use. According to the actual situation of our country, the per capita construction land in rural areas is 3.5 times that of cities, and the national urban and rural construction land is 220000 square kilometers, of which the village construction land reaches 170000 square kilometers or 255 million mu. At present, a great potential of land resources in our country lies in the homestead in rural areas. Reforming and improving the rural homestead system will not impact the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, on the contrary, it can increase arable land. As the homestead occupies generally good land, after reclamation, its per unit yield level will be higher than that of ordinary cultivated land.

The "decision" proposes to cautiously and steadily promote the mortgage, guarantee, and transfer of farmers' housing property rights, which can effectively narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents, and will become an important support for building a well-off countryside in an all-round way and citizenization of migrant workers. Some people worry that what if migrant workers in cities lose their jobs and cannot go back to the countryside? Such worries are unnecessary. Because farmers who settle in the city will enjoy unemployment insurance in the city. Moreover, the historical process of China's industrialization and urbanization will not be reversed. The next generation of migrant workers, who receive better education in cities, will certainly be better able to survive than their parents. They are gradually integrated into the city and it is impossible for them to go back to the countryside. China is in a critical stage of leapfrogging to high-income countries, and the implementation of the spirit of "decision" will enable farmers to share the benefits of land value-added, and will provide a guarantee for changing the dual structure of urban and rural areas and smoothly stepping into the ranks of high-income countries.


The "decision" proposes: "on the premise of being in line with planning and use control, rural collective construction land is allowed to sell, lease, and buy shares, and enter the market on the same basis as state-owned land, with the same rights and prices." For a long time, the new urban construction land has been requisitioned by the government as state-owned land from farmers, and "recruitment and auction" has been carried out after improving the infrastructure such as roads, water supply, power supply and so on. In accordance with the spirit of the "decision", farmers will receive higher compensation from the transfer of commercial construction land, including employment, social security and housing, and will be better resettled. This is an important reform of the land expropriation system in order to safeguard the interests of farmers. The "decision" also places special emphasis on establishing a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes into account the state, collectives, and individuals, and reasonably improves individual income, which fully reflects the importance attached to the interests of farmers.

The establishment of a unified urban and rural construction land market is an important measure to play a decisive role in the market allocation of land resources. For a long time, the factors of production between urban and rural areas cannot flow freely in both directions, and rural labor, capital, and land can continue to flow into cities, while urban funds, technology, and talents cannot flow into rural areas, and the rural market forms a "shield". This is an important reason for the widening gap between urban and rural areas. The establishment of a unified urban and rural factor market, including the land market, is an important way to speed up rural development.

For public welfare construction land, consideration should also be given to expropriation by the government. At present, China is in the stage of rapid infrastructure construction, especially the construction of railways, highways, pipelines and airports, which will occupy part of the cultivated land. Local party committees and governments at all levels should do a good job in mass work and educate the masses to take into account the overall situation, so that infrastructure construction can be carried out smoothly and construction costs can be effectively controlled. A good job in infrastructure construction is conducive to local economic development and to the increase of farmers' income.

It needs to be emphasized that there is a problem of use control of rural land, that is, the transfer of cultivated land must be carried out without changing its use. If it is necessary to turn cultivated land into construction land, it must comply with the construction plan and go through the formalities of land expropriation in accordance with the law. Through the "land ticket market", Chongqing excavates the scattered construction land resources in rural areas, which not only meets the demand of industrialization and urbanization for construction land, but also expands the area of cultivated land, increases the income of farmers, and plays the effect of killing three birds with one stone.