
There are 529 alien invasive species in China, resulting in a loss of 57 billion yuan a year.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The invasion of more than 500 alien species engulfs 57 billion yuan a year, which is caused by the invasion of alien creatures in Beijing by reporter Zhang Wen, which not only seriously interferes with the ecosystem, but also brings an average annual economic loss of more than 57 billion yuan to our country. The Ministry of Agriculture issued a message on July 29 that I

The invasion of more than 500 alien species "engulfs" 57 billion yuan a year.

Every reporter Zhang Wen sent it from Beijing.

The invasion of alien organisms has not only seriously disturbed the ecosystem, but also brought an average annual economic loss of more than 57 billion yuan to our country. According to the Ministry of Agriculture on July 29, there are 529 invasive species in China. Among them, more than 100 species occur in a large area and do serious harm, which poses a great threat to the biodiversity and the production of agriculture and animal husbandry in China.

Wang Yanliang, director of the Agricultural Ecology and Resources Protection Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that since the 1980s, alien species have shown a faster growth trend in China. Nearly 50 new invasive species have been added in the past 10 years, and more than 20 dangerous invasive species have broken out one after another in a large area of our country. The scope of alien biological invasion is also quite extensive, involving almost all ecosystems, such as farmland, wetlands, forests, rivers, islands, urban residential areas and so on.

A reporter from the Daily Business News learned that since the beginning of summer, overpropagated water hyacinth has broken out in many places across the country, accompanied by blocking waterways, affecting shipping and causing water pollution. Water hyacinth will absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals and other harmful substances in the water, and sink to the bottom after decay, which will cause secondary pollution of the water. At the same time, it will also make the water anoxic, resulting in the death of a large number of aquatic animals and plants. The main harm is to destroy the local biodiversity and affect the shipping.

Zhang Guoliang, a doctor from the Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, points out that manual salvage of water hyacinth alone costs 100 million yuan a year, and chemical control costs tens of millions of yuan.

In addition to the water hyacinth, animals and plants such as ragweed and snail are also occupying the living space of local organisms. In the Yangtze River basin and the south, the snail is very popular. As one of the 52 national key management alien invasive species, Oncomelania hupensis has strong environmental adaptability and rapid reproduction, which poses a serious threat to agricultural production, ecological environment and human and animal safety, especially to rice production.

Due to the latent and sudden characteristics of alien organisms, the incubation periods of different species are different, which causes some difficulties in prevention and control. From an ecological point of view, with the rapid development of global trade, the invasion of alien species has become an important factor leading to the endangered species in China.

"the invasion of alien organisms has not only brought about economic losses, but it is even more difficult to make up for the ecological losses," said Wang Jiuchen, deputy director of the Agricultural Ecology and Resources Protection Station of the Ministry of Agriculture. Among the 100 most threatening alien species in the world announced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 51 have invaded our country; in the past decade, 24 new malignant alien species have invaded our country, and 120 species have been endangered in a large area all the year round.

Data show that about 50% of the alien species invading our country are spread after introduction, of which about 58% of the known alien invasive plants are introduced as useful plants, Wang Yanliang said. the alien species invading our country will seriously interfere and destroy the structure, function and ecological environment of ecosystems such as oceans, forests, lakes and grasslands. Resulting in huge economic losses and irreparable ecological losses, affected by global climate change, agricultural structure adjustment, environmental pollution and convenient transportation and trade, the situation of biological prevention and control of foreign invasion in China will become more and more severe.

The reporter learned that the Ministry of Agriculture, as the leading management department of alien species, has set up the Office of Alien invasive species Management and the Research Center for Prevention and Control of Alien invasive species, organized and drafted the Alien species Management Office Law, revised the Emergency Preparedness Plan for Alien invasive species, issued the National key Management list of Alien invasive species, and organized various localities to carry out investigation, monitoring and early warning. And to carry out centralized eradication and scientific and technological research on Eupatorium adenophorum and water peanuts, formulate technical guidelines for emergency prevention and control, establish an emergency elimination mechanism, and promote the improvement of the work system for the prevention and control of alien invasive species.