
Increase subsidies and introduce risk compensation mechanism agricultural insurance is gradually entering farmers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, A few days ago, Super Typhoon Weimasun caused heavy losses to agriculture in Hainan. According to Hainan provincial government statistics, the affected area of crops reached 2.445 million mu, of which

加大补贴力度引入风险补偿机制 农业保险渐入农心

Data map

Increase the intensity of financial subsidy and introduce risk compensation mechanism

Agricultural insurance is gradually entering the hearts of farmers.

He Wei, a reporter from our newspaper

A few days ago, Super Typhoon "Weimasun" caused great losses to Hainan's agriculture. According to the statistics of the Hainan provincial government, the affected area of crops has reached 2.445 million mu, of which the area of no harvest is 582000 mu, and the preliminary statistics of livestock and poultry deaths are 25 million. Rubber, betel nuts, bananas, rice, melons and vegetables were seriously damaged, and many plots had no harvest. Bananas in Haikou, Chengmai and other places are broken in a large area, with an affected area of 100000 mu.

In the face of the great influence brought by "Weimasun", Hainan agricultural insurance has played a powerful role in ensuring. Statistics show that as of 12:00 on July 23, Hainan Province had received a total of 580 agricultural insurance claims, mainly concentrated in Wenchang, Haikou, Chengmai and other 12 cities and counties, involving seven types of agricultural insurance, including bananas, greenhouse melons and vegetables, and rubber, with an estimated loss of 140 million yuan. At present, the indemnity has reached 2.21 million yuan.

"getting rich for many years and returning to poverty in one disaster" is a major bottleneck restricting the development of agricultural economy in Hainan and even the whole country. In this regard, Hainan Province launched a pilot project of policy-oriented agricultural insurance in 2007, and began to prop up a "protective umbrella" for the vast number of farmers in Hainan.

According to statistics, from 2007 to the end of 2013, the premium income of agricultural insurance in Hainan Province totaled 792 million yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 76.8%; the cumulative indemnity was 543 million yuan, with a compensation rate of 68.56%. Among them, Typhoon Nasha caused heavy losses of rubber and bananas in 2011, with a cumulative reparations of 113 million yuan and a compensation rate of 116.4%.

Still in the rain under the "umbrella"

Although the insurance amount of agricultural insurance is growing rapidly, there are still many farmers who can not enjoy the benefits brought by agricultural insurance.

Lin Xinbo, a sow farmer in Huangqiong Village, Jinjiang Town, Chengmai County, currently operates a small pig farm. "because the breeding technology is not high, pigs die of disease every year. Now we hear that with sow insurance, we hope to share the risk by buying insurance. However, I went to the business office of the insurance company several times, and the staff said that the business had not been carried out yet. " Lin Xinbo said.

Later, he found out that it was the insurance company that was unwilling to underwrite insurance for small pig farmers. Because the small pig farmer insurance policy profit is thin, the claim settlement is scattered, the labor cost is high.

Similar to Lin Xinbo, Pan Jinfeng, a rubber grower in Shiwu Village, Danzhou City, has thousands of rubber trees at home, and the insurance company is unwilling to underwrite them because of the scattered planting area.

"losing money" has become the main reason why insurance companies are unwilling to underwrite insurance for these farmers.

In 1985, PICC Hainan Branch operated exclusively according to the commercial insurance model, and set up rubber, banana, watermelon, forest fire insurance and other businesses. However, from 1985 to 2006, the cumulative premium income of agricultural insurance was 58.6193 million yuan, and the cumulative indemnity expenditure was 52.254 million yuan. After deducting the necessary operating expenses, Hainan agricultural insurance was in a state of loss for a long time.

After calculating and evaluating 14 types of insurance, the insurance company found that several insurance varieties, such as rice and bananas, are at high risk. Take the southern breeding rice as an example, the people's Insurance Company has underwritten 31800 mu of rice seed production this year, and the premium received is 3 million yuan. However, due to the influence of the cold wave and strong wind in early spring, the currently insured southern breeding rice has suffered a large area loss, with an initial fixed loss of 30 million yuan, or a loss of tens of millions of yuan.

The government pays for the loophole.

As it is difficult to develop pure commercial agricultural insurance in Hainan, Hainan began to subsidize agricultural insurance by investing financial funds, and agricultural insurance embarked on the road of policy insurance.

According to Jin Yichang, deputy director of the debt Finance Department of Haikou City Finance Bureau, the premium of policy-oriented agricultural insurance consists of two parts: financial subsidies and self-payment by farmers. Data show that in recent years, Hainan Province has invested a total of 495 million yuan in premium subsidies, providing risk protection of more than 44.3 billion yuan, covering 2.46 million households, and the effect of financial funds supporting agriculture is about 130 times.

Government subsidies have greatly increased the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in insurance. "in the first five months of this year, the insurance coverage of rice, greenhouse melons and vegetables, bananas and other dangerous species increased sharply in South China. Among them, the task of melons and vegetables in the greenhouse is 312 mu, with a completion rate of 1331%; the task of banana insurance is 8000 mu, with a completion rate of 164%; and the task of breeding rice in the south is 4000 mu, with a completion rate of 294%. " Wu Kunsheng, debt finance unit of Dongfang Municipal Finance Bureau, told the reporter.

According to the provisions of the 2014 Hainan Agricultural Insurance work implementation Plan, starting from this year, the Hainan provincial government has assigned some agricultural insurance types to cities and counties. When the underwriting scale of a certain type of insurance in each city and county exceeds 150% of the plan issued by this plan, the financial subsidies at the city and county level that exceed part of the plan are all borne by the provincial finance.

This measure effectively addressed the concerns of insurance companies. According to the person in charge of the agricultural insurance of the Ledong County Branch of the people's property Insurance of China, at present, Ledong people's property Insurance has accepted the insurance of 7000 mu of out-of-season vegetables and 11000 mu of banana insurance in the greenhouse, and the premium is subsidized by the government. You no longer have to worry about collecting unequal premiums.

"raise risks with risks" and enter the hearts of farmers.

In the 2014 Hainan Agricultural Insurance implementation Plan, the reporter found that in order to support commercial insurance companies to carry out policy-oriented agricultural insurance work, Hainan Province will select one to two cities and counties to try out "raising insurance with risk". To compensate for the risk of commercial insurance companies, that is, insurance companies engaged in agricultural insurance are qualified to participate in bidding for car insurance policies for official vehicles of provincial-level administrative institutions. In this way, the possible losses caused by agricultural insurance can be subsidized through other types of insurance. It is understood that the Hainan Branch of the PICC property Insurance Company, due to its outstanding policy-oriented agricultural insurance work, has obtained a car insurance policy for official vehicles of administrative institutions directly under Hainan Province in 2014.

"at present, Hainan Province is improving the mechanism of 'raising insurance with risks' and continues to explore the bidding of insurance with low risk paid by the government and agricultural insurance, so as to enhance the enthusiasm of insurance agencies. At the same time, the Hainan Provincial Agricultural Insurance Office will irregularly inspect the performance of PICC contracts and require annual summaries and financial statements to be submitted at the end of the year. If insurance services are found to be unqualified, the Finance Department will take measures to supervise and improve services. " The relevant person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Department of Finance said.

Next, Hainan Province will introduce more insurance companies in the promotion of policy-oriented agricultural insurance to form a market-oriented competition pattern. At the same time, we will continue to study the linkage of other non-agricultural insurance and agricultural insurance supported by finance, and appropriately adjust the scope of "supporting insurance with insurance" so as to further realize the market-oriented operation of agricultural insurance subsidy methods.