
Temperature and fertilization of orchids

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Temperature and fertilization of orchids

The temperature of orchids in summer. Orchids are not dry, warm plants, but mesophytic succulent root plants. Orchid growth pot soil absolute temperature of about 50% is more appropriate, pot soil long-term dry roots are thin, pot soil long-term over-temperature roots are black rot, to protect orchid roots, summer pot soil humidity can not be long-term too dry or too wet. Orchids like moist fresh air. The optimum air temperature for orchid growth is about 80%. Therefore, the air humidity during the day should be controlled at 65%-80%, and at night should be controlled at 756%-959%, due to the high temperature in the summer afternoon, the air temperature is too high and sultry, which is not conducive to the growth of orchids. Therefore, the temperature at night is more appropriate than the temperature during the day, the air humidity during the day does not meet the requirements, should spray, summer orchid shed should pay attention to ventilation, orchids like fresh air, if people into the orchid shed have a smell, orchids are not good.

Summer orchids watering, watering orchids used by the water is best to choose rain (weak acid), river water (neutral), tap water (stored for a day to allow chlorine gas to be emitted) must not use deep well water, summer watering principle "basin surface is dry, watering is thorough." Watering temperature should be close to or lower than the temperature in the air is good, do not use higher than the air temperature of water to irrigate orchids. The best way is to put a tank or make a pool in the orchid shed or close to the orchid cultivation site, usually filled with spare water, watering time is generally from 7:00 to 9:00 in the afternoon, this time period, the temperature is low, the water evaporated moisture, get timely supplement, conducive to the orchid root night rest and absorption of water, conducive to the summer growth of orchids. In the case of a drier orchid pot, the correct practice is to take rainwater to irrigate the orchid pot, so that the temperature and humidity of the small world in the pot are consistent with the external nature. Practice has proved that orchids will grow well. On the contrary, when watering outside the shed on a sunny day, although careful to avoid opening the mouth of the orchid bud, the result is that the orchid bud is rotten and destroyed, which is caused by the excessive temperature contrast between the inside and outside of the pot.

Summer orchids fertilization, orchids are plants, plant growth is inseparable from fertilizer, summer is the peak season for orchid growth, more to apply some thin nitrogen phosphorus potassium, trace elements and ammonia bitter acid liquid fertilizer, usually twice a month for the degree, pot seedlings more, seedlings strong to apply more, weak seedlings, residual seedlings, new seedlings to apply less or not, orchid fertilizer should be light, avoid thick fertilizer. Because the period of germination and leaf expansion is also the season for the germination and extension of new roots of orchid plants, if concentrated fertilizer is applied, it is easy to burn the new roots, which will affect the normal growth of plants in light cases and cause plant death in heavy cases.