
Create a regular brand of service for agriculture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Since 2011, Hubei Province has focused on strengthening the regular ties between cadres and the masses and promoting cadres to the grass-roots level, with one theme a year. It has successively carried out rich connotation and close to the reality of "ten thousand cadres into ten thousand villages to enter ten thousand households", "ten thousand cadres into ten thousand villages to dig ten thousand ponds", and "ten thousand cadres to enter ten thousand villages to dig ten thousand ponds".

Since 2011, Hubei Province has focused on strengthening the regular contact between cadres and masses and promoting cadres to work at the grass-roots level. With a theme of one year, it has successively carried out activities with rich connotation and close to reality, such as "Ten Thousand Cadres Entering Ten Thousand Villages to Enter Ten Thousand Households,""Ten Thousand Cadres Entering Ten Thousand Villages to Dig Ten Thousand Pond,""Ten Thousand Cadres Entering Ten Thousand Villages to Clean Ten Thousand Households," and "Ten Thousand Cadres Entering Ten Thousand Villages to Benefit All People." The activities have achieved fruitful results and produced far-reaching effects, which have won the support of the broad masses of farmers and high praise from all walks of life. In the four rounds of "30,000" activities, Yuan 'an County combined with its own reality, constantly innovated the mechanism, built the carrier, and made efforts to create the brand of "30,000" activities, so that the essence and essence of the activities took root and carried forward in Yuan' an, forming a vivid situation in which mass work,"three rural" work and party building work made common progress.

Insist on enhancing the feelings of cadres and masses in close contact with the masses

1. Comprehensive visit, extend emotional width. The breadth of contact mass coverage determines the width of cadre-mass relations. Each round of "30,000" activities adheres to the requirements of full coverage of visits, selects working groups from 117 units in the county, focuses on organizational construction, industrial development, people's livelihood construction and other contents, and carries out in-depth visits to 117 villages (residences). Establish a public sentiment file management system, implement one file for one household and one book for one village, understand the basic information of villagers in detail, truthfully record villagers 'opinions and suggestions, and clarify the handling results. Adhere to the combination of universal visits and key attention. On the basis of comprehensive visits, we will conduct repeated visits to poor households, petitioners and old party members for many times to grasp the trends in real time and master the first-hand materials.

2. Normal contact, enhance emotional thickness. Break the restriction of "30,000" activity nodes, innovate working mechanism, and promote the normal development of contact. Innovate and carry out the activity of selecting and appointing the "first secretary". On the basis of the twinning between the unit where the working group in the village is located and the village, the leading cadres of the "four families" of the county, the members of the leading group at or above the section level of each township, the secretary of the party organization of each unit directly under the county or the person in charge of the party affairs shall be selected as the "first secretary" of each village residence. Adopt the "1+3" mode, implement a public sentiment observer, set up a public sentiment hotline, open a public sentiment mailbox, and print relevant information into service cards and distribute them to each farmer. Since the launch of the "First Secretary" campaign, a total of 52902 clear service cards have been issued and more than 3350 calls and letters have been received, with an effective completion rate of 100%.

3. Multiple interactions, deepening emotional concentration. Widely carry out the activity of "making poor relatives", and help rural families with difficulties to solve practical difficulties according to the principle that the leading group of each working group unit should help at least one difficult family in pairs and complete at least one of the most urgent and urgently needed "micro-wishes". At the same time, actively create an atmosphere for cultural exchange, further improve cultural supporting facilities such as farmhouse, village-level radio station, square dance slightly, etc., and interact positively with the masses through activities such as square dance by cadres and groups,"intimate sister" entering village residence, etc.

Insist on promoting the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in doing practical things for the people

1. Strengthening rural infrastructure. Around the theme of each round of "30,000" activities, we will carry out infrastructure construction in a solid manner and continuously improve the level of rural infrastructure. During the activity of "digging ten thousand ponds", 500 small farmers 'water facilities were renovated in the whole county, including 457 ponds and 2.77 million cubic meters of new water storage capacity. In the "Clean Ten Thousand Families" campaign, the construction of rural sanitation facilities was actively carried out. A total of 6 township garbage transfer stations were built, 40 garbage transfer boxes were equipped at the transfer stations, 10354 village garbage houses (pools) were equipped, 22368 garbage cans were distributed to farmers, and 188 garbage trucks were equipped. The construction of sanitation facilities realized "two full coverage".

2. Strengthen rural development guarantee. In the "30,000" activities, we actively explored innovative ways and means of rural work, comprehensively integrated resources and forces of all parties, and provided a strong guarantee for the smooth promotion of rural development. In accordance with the requirements of government-led, farmer participation and social co-construction, special funds for activities were raised through multiple channels. In the four rounds of "30,000" activities, the county invested a total of 110 million yuan, of which more than 20 million yuan was invested by county-level finance, more than 6 million yuan was raised by each working group, and 103 million yuan was raised through other channels.

3. Increase farmers 'happiness index. Focusing on new-type community construction, rural danger elimination and transformation, and rural environmental sanitation improvement, we actively promoted the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and solved a large number of hot and difficult problems concerned by farmers. Focusing on 20 pilot villages, we actively promoted the construction of new rural communities, with a total of 357 new residential buildings. Three "sunshine supermarkets" have been built in Hekou, Jiuxian and Hehua, providing more than 1500 necessities of life to 298 needy people. Vigorously carry out the transformation of rural adobe houses to eliminate danger, and transform 9300 houses accumulatively.

Insist on improving service level in strengthening interaction between cadres and masses

1. First-line training cadres style. Yuan 'an County actively uses the "30,000" activity platform, regards the "30,000" activity as a training ground for training cadres, promotes cadres, sends cadres to the grass-roots level, investigates contradictions, guides work, builds grids, carries out face-to-face communication with the masses, solves difficulties of the masses together with village cadres, and accepts supervision from the masses. Over the past four years, through the "30,000" campaign, more than 500 cadres directly under the county government have deepened their understanding and understanding of the "three rural" issues at the grassroots level, enhanced their ability to grasp complex situations and solve complex problems, and laid a foundation for better work in the future.

2. Involve social forces. In the four "30,000" activities, the masses have been mobilized to invest more than 92.7 million yuan and the society donated 11.25 million yuan, effectively solving the problem of fund shortage. It has had a positive impact on highlighting the theme status of the masses and promoting their self-management and self-development.

3. Establish a work docking mechanism. Yuan 'an County actively explores the working group, township and village three-level work docking mechanism. The practical work carried out by each "30,000" working group shall be approved by the township first, and the township and village shall participate in the assessment and acceptance of the completion of the work of each working group at the same time. After the end of the annual "30,000" activities, the county "30,000" office organizes towns and villages to undertake and implement follow-up work. After the end of the "clean ten thousand" activity, each village set up a cleaning team five, a total of 355 cleaning staff hired. The county finance raised funds by integrating the funds for rural road management and maintenance projects, and implemented cleaning funds, so that the achievements of the "30,000" activities could play a long-term role.