
This year's "double robbing" is particularly tense.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In Jiangjiashan Village, Dananhu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, Zhang Changyuan, a major grain grower and seller, and his members were working in a "double robbery" under the scorching sun on July 31. Zhang Changyuan told reporters that more than 1300 mu of early rice has just been harvested, and now he is busy planting late rice. Due to

In Jiangjiashan Village, Dananhu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, Zhang Changyuan, a major grain grower and seller, and his members were working in a "double robbery" under the scorching sun on July 31. Zhang Changyuan told reporters that more than 1300 mu of early rice has just been harvested, and now he is busy planting late rice.

Due to the continuous cloudy and rainy weather in Hunan, the harvest of early rice in the province this year is more than a week later than in previous years, and the seedlings of late rice are generally 5 to 10 days old. If they are not planted in time, the planting and growth process of late rice will be directly affected. Therefore, compared with previous years, this year's "double robbery" appears to be particularly tense.

In order to do a good job in this tough battle of "early rice harvesting and late rice grabbing," Hunan agricultural departments at all levels attach great importance to agricultural technology and agricultural machinery, seize the season, grasp the initiative, improve the efficiency of "double grabbing", and ensure that early rice grains return to warehouse and late rice is snatched in time.

According to Xu Jingbo, director of the Grain and Oil crops Department of the Hunan Provincial Agricultural Commission, in view of this year's special agricultural situation, the agricultural department issued technical opinions to guide farmers to transplant late rice as early as possible, and urge farmers to increase the basic crop of late rice and insert enough basic seedlings. According to the fertilization principle of "transferring nitrogen fertilizer in the period of nitrogen fertilizer, controlling nitrogen and increasing potassium", early application of tiller fertilizer, and in the middle and later stage, the application of nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer were controlled and increased to promote the early growth and rapid development of late rice. If there is still no heading of late rice before the cold dew wind, it is necessary to spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate and plant growth promoters on the leaf to promote the heading and full heading of double cropping late rice, avoid or reduce the harm of cold dew wind, and improve seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. In addition, we should do a good job in the prediction and forecast of diseases and insect pests, and do a good job in the prevention and control of rice planthopper, rice leaf roller, rice stem borer, sheath blight and southern black-streaked dwarf disease, so as to protect seedlings and compete for panicles, and effectively reduce the loss of diseases and insect pests.

Agricultural technology combined with agricultural machinery operation has become a bright spot of the "double grab" this year. The relevant person in charge of the Hunan Agricultural Machinery Bureau told the reporter that the mechanized operation took back time for about a week, which greatly reduced the impact of adverse climate on late rice production. At present, there are more than 90, 000 harvesters and 30, 000 rice transplanters in the province, with an average of 2.7 million mu of early rice mechanized harvest per day, 600000 mu of late rice machine planting per day, and more than 3000 paddy dryers running at full load. 100000 tons of rice are dried daily.

According to the latest agricultural scheduling on July 30, the harvest of early rice in Hunan Province has reached 96%, and the progress of transplanting late rice has reached 90%. The "double grab" is expected to end around August 5.