
Let the household registration reform benefit hundreds of millions of people

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Speeding up the reform of the household registration system is a key reform task deployed by the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. In order to implement this reform, which benefits hundreds of millions of people, the State Council recently issued the Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System as a timely document.

Speeding up the reform of the household registration system is a key reform task deployed by the 18th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. In order to implement this reform, which benefits hundreds of millions of people, the State Council recently issued the "opinions on further promoting the Reform of the Household Registration system", which is used as a programmatic document to guide all parts of the country to promote the reform of the household registration system at present and for a period in the future. the strength, scope and measures of the reform exceed that of previous reforms of the household registration system. It demonstrates the firm determination of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to deepen reform and do well the good deeds that benefit the people.

The reform of household registration system has attracted much attention because it is related to the vital interests of the people. Whether going to school, getting married and having children, or social welfare, food, clothing, housing and transportation, household registration and personal interests are tied together. For a long time, because of the different hukou between urban and rural people, locals and outsiders, there are significant differences in education, medical care, social security and many other social welfare and public services attached to the hukou. Speeding up the reform of the household registration system, removing the barriers of interests between different groups, and promoting social fairness and justice are the positive responses of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to the urgent calls of the broad masses of the people.

Speeding up the reform of the household registration system will have a far-reaching impact on the stable and healthy development of China's economy and society. With the establishment of the socialist market economic system, the continuous acceleration of labor mobility and the reform of the household registration system will help to break down many fetters and barriers to the free movement of labor, and then form a unified labor market throughout the country. let the market play a decisive role. What is more, it should be noted that in the coming period, promoting urbanization is a major task of China's economic and social development. the core of urbanization is human urbanization. 100 million people will be newly settled in cities and towns by 2020, and whether we can pry this ice of the reform of the household registration system, the citizenization of hundreds of millions of non-agricultural transferred population is directly related to the success or failure of the new type of urbanization.

The reform of the household registration system is a complex systematic project, which should be fully understood. First of all, the household registration system is the "root directory" for the formulation and implementation of many economic and social policies, and once adjusted, it will trigger a chain reaction. The reform of household registration system is closely related to the reform of basic old-age insurance system, public health service, examination and enrollment system, housing security system, rural property rights, financial security and so on. The process of each reform will have a great impact on other reforms, so it needs multi-field and multi-level reform to carry out supporting and coordinated promotion; secondly, the reform of the household registration system is not a change on a piece of paper, the key is that people who want to settle down will enjoy the corresponding welfare and treatment. The reform of the household registration system inevitably means a large amount of investment, and its core problem is that many public services and social welfare policies are linked to household registration, and they have been formed for a long time, involving many fields, and it is difficult to coordinate; thirdly, the reform of the household registration system involves hundreds of millions of people, and it is necessary to take into account the aspirations of all parties. Different groups have different needs in social life, and sometimes their demands are different or even antagonistic, so it is difficult to coordinate.

The 18th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out the direction and path for accelerating the reform of the household registration system. The introduction of the "opinion" has further refined the specific policies and measures, and various localities will formulate differential settlement policies and implementation plans accordingly, and announce them to the whole society. In the next step, we should not only encourage all localities to boldly practice and actively explore, but also guide localities to grasp the objective laws of the urbanization process, and formulate specific measures according to the comprehensive carrying capacity and development potential of resources and environment in different regions according to local conditions. so that the reform of the household registration system will benefit hundreds of millions of people.

The introduction of the "opinion" is a solid step in the reform of China's household registration system and marks the beginning of the full implementation of this reform. Although the road ahead is still fraught with difficulties, with the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and the concerted efforts of party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments, we will continue to solve the reform problems in the course of practical work. By 2020, the basic establishment of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, effectively supporting social management and public services, and protecting civil rights in accordance with the law, the goal of a new people-oriented, scientific, efficient, standardized and orderly household registration system will be achieved.