
The beneficial Exploration of changing Resources into Capital and the difficult problems to be solved

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On July 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan Citizen's House for research and went to Wuhan Rural Comprehensive property right Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Agricultural Exchange) to inquire in detail about the property rights transaction process, which is definitely a useful exploration. The General Secretary pointed out that deepening rural reform

On July 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan Citizen's House for research and went to Wuhan Rural Comprehensive property right Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Agricultural Exchange) to inquire in detail about the property rights transaction process. It is certain that "this is a useful exploration." The General Secretary pointed out: to deepen rural reform and improve the basic management system in rural areas, it is necessary to make a good study of the relationship among rural land ownership, contracting rights, and management rights, and that land circulation should respect the wishes of farmers and ensure basic farmland and food security. to help increase farmers' income.

Through the "beneficial exploration" of Wuhan Agricultural Exchange, what kind of demonstration significance and reference value does it have for comprehensively deepening reform, especially for promoting rural reform? Recently, the reporter made an in-depth investigation.

Exploration of the satisfaction of the masses

The satisfaction of the people is the highest standard of reform and development. Wuhan Agricultural Exchange has supported the development of new rural operators with innovative service methods, benefited farmers with fruitful reform results, and won the unanimous affirmation of grass-roots cadres and masses.

The farmers are satisfied. The young and strong labor force in Ma'ao Village in Xinzhou District basically went out, and some of the land was abandoned. 400 mu of wasteland was transferred through the Wuhan Agricultural Exchange, with paddy fields of 800 yuan per mu per year and dry land of 350 yuan per mu per year, an increase of 10% every five years. Farmer Ma Yan said: "the Agricultural Exchange is not only a place to help farmers make money, but also a place to solve difficulties for village cadres."

The family farm is satisfied. Li Weihe is a family farmer in Datan Village, Datan Office, Huangpi District, Wuhan City. He transferred 210 mu of land in the village to grow grain and vegetables. According to the relevant policies, you can only borrow 50,000 yuan from the bank on the basis of personal credit every year. According to people's introduction, Lao Li handled a mortgage loan for the management right of rural land through the Wuhan Agricultural Exchange, mortgaged the management right of all the land transferred, lent 600000 yuan from the bank, and built 30 steel sheds at once, and the development of the farm leapt to a new level from quantity to quality.

Professional households are satisfied. Zhang Yuansheng, a professional tycoon, began to produce Pueraria powder and bean shreds in 2002. In 2007, he expanded the production scale, transferred 879 mu of land, was short of money, and had no way to borrow money. Later, the Wuhan Agricultural Exchange helped him issue a property rights transaction certificate and obtained a bank loan of 2 million yuan.

The cooperative is satisfied. Cangbu Street Jingang Village Aquaculture Cooperative and Xinkai Feiteng Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., lead the villagers to engage in shrimp farming in Kei Wai. With the lack of funds for development, Jin Liansheng, the head of the cooperative, also took a try and applied to the bank for a loan with the certificate issued by the Agricultural Exchange. To his delight, he successfully lent 9 million yuan from the district agricultural and commercial banks only with the right of management, which solved the urgent need.

The leading enterprises are satisfied. Wuhan Yinhe Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. is a leading agricultural enterprise in Wuhan. In 2007, Yinhe Company transferred 2114.05 mu of land in Zhulin Village, Fasi Village and Dalu Village, Fasi Town, Jiangxia District, engaged in ecological circular agricultural development. Wuhan Agricultural Exchange helped it obtain 10 million yuan of mortgage loans for rural land management rights, which not only solved the "bottleneck" of enterprise development, but also set a single loan amount for similar projects in the country at that time.

The village is satisfied with the collective. Wuhan Agricultural Exchange takes counterpart help village collective development as its own responsibility, classified guidance, especially to help "shell village" matchmaking, the introduction of rural comprehensive property rights mortgage projects. For example, handling rural property rights mortgage loans of 22.5 million yuan for five "shell villages" such as Shichong Village and Jinligou Village in Caidian Street of Huangpi, involving 3512.89 mu of collective land, invigorating idle assets, increasing collective economic income, and turning the "empty shell" into an entity.

Agricultural scientists are satisfied. CNOOC 519, selected by Li Yunchang, a researcher at the Oil Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has high potential commercial value. Wuhan Agricultural Exchange carried out all-round packaging and planning of the project, and collected five interested enterprises to participate in the bidding activities, which was finally won by Hubei seed Group with 10 million yuan, which was 5 million yuan higher than the transaction price expected by the transferor. This breaks the traditional way that agricultural intellectual property rights are mainly transferred by one-to-one agreement, and greatly enhances its economic and social value.

The exploration of leading the whole country

Wuhan Agricultural Exchange was officially established on April 30, 2009. It is the second comprehensive rural property rights trading institution in the country and the first comprehensive rural property rights trading institution in the central region. By the end of 2013, a total of 1669 transactions of rural property rights had been organized, with a transaction value of 9.969 billion yuan, involving a rural land area of 981600 mu, benefiting 160000 farmers. The transaction scale is ahead of similar exchanges in the country. As a leading exploration of the Wuhan Agricultural Exchange, the "Wuhan model" has been used for reference by the whole country.

There are many kinds of transactions. There are mainly 10 categories, namely, the right to contracted management of rural land, the right to the use of the "four wastelands" of rural collective economic organizations, the right to contracted management of farming water surface in rural collective economic organizations, the right to the use of rural collective woodland and forest ownership, agricultural intellectual property rights, the equity of rural collective management organizations, the ownership of rural housing, the right to the use of idle homestead in rural areas, the right to the use of agricultural productive facilities, and the ownership of second-hand agricultural machinery and tools. The trading variety is the most in similar exchanges in the country.

The supervision system is strict. Wuhan has set up a rural comprehensive property rights transaction supervision and management committee, which is composed of 17 departments, which is responsible for supervising rural property rights transactions. They have formulated a series of systems for operation supervision, operation management, risk prevention and control, and protection of farmers' interests.

The market system is complete. With Wuhan Agricultural Exchange as the leader, the city, district and street trading platforms are established, which are uniformly supervised by the Municipal Agricultural Supervision Commission, and the market management mode of "six unifications" is implemented, that is, unified supervision and management. unified trading rules, unified information release, unified transaction verification, unified charging standards, unified platform construction. It has been approved to set up rural property rights transaction branches in 5 districts and 24 townships.

Service chain is long. In accordance with the operation mode of "unified acceptance, separate responsibilities and centralized management", the Wuhan Agricultural Exchange provides one-stop services and one-stop services in 11 aspects, such as policy consultation, information release, project packaging, organization and transaction, transaction verification, price settlement, business training, price guidance, asset evaluation, guaranteed financing, bidding and so on. The service chain is the longest of its kind in the country.

The financing amount is high. Innovative mortgage financing services have been carried out in conjunction with five banks, including Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank, Bank of China, Minsheng Village Bank, Hankou Bank and Minsheng Bank. a total of 1.147 billion yuan of rural comprehensive property rights mortgage loans have been realized for agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and large farmers, of which the maximum amount of a single mortgage has reached 55 million yuan, setting a national record for the cumulative amount and single amount of rural property rights mortgage loans.

The experiment is a heavy task. In 2011, the State Council approved the establishment of a pilot area for the reform of rural property rights system in Wuhan. As a pilot area for reform, Wuhan Agricultural Exchange has undertaken important experimental tasks such as expanding the variety of rural property rights transactions, extending the service chain of rural property rights transactions, building a bidding platform for agriculture and agriculture-related projects, and building a rural property rights trading market system.

Exploration on the Separation of the three Rights

Reform and innovation is the soul of Wuhan Agricultural Exchange, the separation of three rights is the most fundamental innovation, the mortgage guarantee of management right is the most important innovation, and risk prevention is the most critical innovation. there are innovations in many aspects, such as comprehensive transaction, market cultivation, system establishment, system construction and so on.

The system innovation of the separation of the three powers. Separate the three rights and interests of land ownership, land contract right and land management right, separate the management right from the "unity" of the contracted management right, return the ownership to the collective, leave the contract right to the farmers, and hand over the management right to the market. It has realized the system innovation of "implementing ownership, stable contracting right and circulation management right", and completed the practical exploration of mortgage guarantee for farmers' contracted land management right. For the decision of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, it is proposed to give farmers the possession, use, income, circulation and mortgage of contracted management rights, security rights can carefully and steadily promote farmers' housing property rights mortgage, guarantee, transfer and other major reform and innovation provides a strong demonstration.

We can briefly trace the historical origin of this important institutional innovation in order to understand the historical status and time value of "Wuhan Exploration". After the land contract, there is land transfer, the initial transfer is not recognized or even considered illegal, so it is underground, quietly, and later, with the large number of migrant workers going out, land transfer has become an irresistible wave of rural areas. the scale is getting larger, the form is becoming more and more alive, the model is getting new, and the main body is becoming more and more. In 2006, after the agricultural tax completely withdrew from the Chinese historical stage, there was a watershed in land transfer in Hubei. The previous land transfer was a spontaneous stage, most of which were "oral agreements" or "private agreements", and there were contracts that were not standardized. Disputes are easy to occur and difficult to resolve, and can only be transferred but not financed. Later, the land transfer entered an orderly stage, Hubei Province and Wuhan City have issued a series of normative systems and support policies. At the end of 2011, Wuhan was approved a new round of national rural reform pilot areas to explore the reform of rural property rights system in 24 pilot areas across the country. In 2012, Hubei issued the regulations on contracted Management of Rural Land in Hubei Province, which put forward the principle of "separation of rural land ownership, contracting right and management right", that is, clarifying land ownership, stabilizing contracting right and activating management right. This formulation points out the direction for the exploration of rural property right system, and is regarded by many domestic experts as the first in the country. At the end of 2013, the Central Rural work Conference was held to promote Hubei's experience in exploring the reform of rural property rights system.