
Promoting the innovative practice of Rural property right Mortgage financing

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Promoting rural property rights financing is an important part of deepening rural reform, which is to carry out innovation in the "deep water area". The situation is complicated and the work is complicated, which not only needs the top-level design, but also needs to "get rid of the arm". Study foreign advanced experience, domestic exploration practice and days

Promoting rural property rights financing is an important part of deepening rural reform, which is to carry out innovation in the "deep water area". The situation is complicated and the work is complicated, which not only needs the top-level design, but also needs to "get rid of the arm". The study of foreign advanced experience, domestic exploration practice and Tianjin rural property rights financing ideas can be summarized as a "six-in-one" model.

Confirm the authority to issue the certificate. The land in our country is owned by collectives. In order to promote the mortgage financing of rural property rights, farmers must be given the property rights to the land, that is, to confirm the rights and certificates. On the premise of adhering to the collective ownership of land and maintaining the stability of the existing contract relationship, we should clarify the ownership relationship of land ownership, contract rights and management rights, and implement rural property rights to households by confirming land, profits, shares and other ways. Confirming the right to issue certificates and giving farmers property rights in accordance with the law is the first step to promote the financing of rural property rights. The central government requires that all pilot projects of land contractual management rights be completed in 2017, and all provinces and cities are actively promoting it. At present, Tianjin is actively carrying out the certification of contracted management rights of rural land, forest rights and agricultural facilities, implementing the contracted management rights to households and forest rights and agricultural facilities to all people.

The ownership is publicized. It is a necessary procedure to register the rural property rights of mortgage financing. Germany, the United States, Japan and so on have established a strict mortgage registration system, such as Germany in 1772 legislation established the mortgage publicity system. At present, there are mortgage registration links in rural property rights financing in China, but there are some problems, such as too scattered registration authorities, non-uniform registration rules, inconvenient inquiry and so on. Coupled with the lack of paper registration, disputes such as illegal mortgage and fake mortgage are easy to occur. Tianjin will unify the registration of mortgage and inquiry of agricultural facilities and the publicity of inquiry of forest rights to the financing registration service institutions approved by the central bank, and shall not register those who have not obtained the certificate of ownership in accordance with the law or may not be registered according to state regulations. The inquiry of the ownership of the subject matter is a necessary procedure for handling mortgage financing, which is an important innovation in Tianjin.

Mortgage financing. Rural property rights mortgage financing plays an important role in the development of modern agriculture in developed countries, and it is an important content and breakthrough for our country to deepen rural financial reform. At present, on the basis of confirming the issuance of certificates and publicity of ownership, many regions in China actively guide financial institutions to design financing products for rural property rights, improve internal control mechanisms, implement positive incentives, and open up green channels. activate rural resources for mortgage financing and guide financial capital to serve rural economic and social development. In the mortgage financing of rural property rights, Tianjin focuses on strengthening agriculture, enriching the people and increasing efficiency, mainly promoting mortgage financing for three types of projects: new business entities, emerging business forms and industrial upgrading, so as to promote large-scale land management and develop modern agriculture.

Guarantee and increase credit. In the current situation, credit guarantee is the key to promote rural property mortgage financing. Germany and the United States do not have a guarantee, but grass-roots cooperatives play a credit-increasing role, and Taiwan's agricultural credit guarantee fund provides a guarantee. At present, in order to promote the mortgage financing of rural property rights, guarantee and credit enhancement is particularly important and indispensable, because there are some problems, such as difficulties in the disposal of rural property rights and legal obstacles, financial institutions can not directly accept the mortgage of rural property rights. It is difficult to realize the mortgage of rural property rights in practice. The practice in Chongqing, Chengdu and other places shows this point. In order to promote the financing of rural property rights, Tianjin has chartered the establishment of a municipal agricultural investment guarantee company with full financial contribution, and studied and formulated a cooperation mechanism with district and county guarantee institutions for joint guarantee, co-insurance and re-guaranty. to guarantee and increase credit for rural property rights mortgage financing.

Transfer and disposal. The disposal of non-performing assets is an important part of rural property rights financing. At present, there are mainly two kinds of disposal of non-performing assets in China: directional circulation, the directional transferor is determined before the loan, when the risk occurs, the directional transferor compensates and receives the collateral, such as Shandong Shouguang; non-directional circulation, after the occurrence of adverse, by the land collection and storage center, asset management companies and other institutions for acquisition, and then through the rural property rights exchange for circulation and disposal, such as Chongqing will set up an asset management company. Tianjin will set up an asset management company to dispose of non-performing assets in combination with Tianjin Rural property Rights Trading Center.

Policy guarantee. Rural finance is a weak link in rural development. To promote rural property rights financing, the government needs to take the initiative to provide policy guarantee for rural property rights mortgage financing. Developed countries provide support in legislation, interest discount, taxation, bond issuance and so on. At present, our country property right mortgage financing first area or has formulated the risk compensation method, or formulated the judicial guarantee opinion, or carries on the guarantee fee subsidy. Tianjin will formulate financial support policies, discount interest on rural property rights mortgage loans, subsidize guarantee fees, and compensate for the possible losses of loans. At the same time, it will issue judicial protection opinions and provide judicial protection to provide strong support and guarantee for rural property rights mortgage financing.