
The path is eclectic and the goal is poverty alleviation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dabie Mountain area is located at the junction of Anhui, Henan and Hubei provinces, integrating old revolutionary areas, main grain producing areas and low-lying waterlogging areas along Huaihe River. It is one of the main battlefields for a new round of poverty alleviation in China. As a province with heavy poverty alleviation and development tasks, Anhui poor people

The Dabie Mountains, located at the junction of Anhui, Henan and Hubei provinces, integrates old revolutionary areas, major grain producing areas and low-lying areas prone to waterlogging along the Huaihe River, and is one of the main battlefields of the country's new round of poverty alleviation.

As a province with a heavy task of poverty alleviation and development, Anhui has a wide population of poverty. By the end of 2013, there were about 6 million rural poor people, and there were poverty-stricken people in 70 counties (cities and districts) in 15 cities. The incidence of poverty has remained high. After years of poverty alleviation and development, most of the remaining poverty-stricken areas are poor location, inconvenient transportation, and ecologically fragile areas, especially in the Dabie Mountains, northern Anhui, flood storage areas along the Huaihe River, and deep mountainous areas in southern Anhui. There is a wide range of poverty alleviation, a large population, and heavy tasks. A series of development issues related to people's livelihood are placed in front of Anhui, a major agricultural province.

Anhui, which is famous for its reform and innovation, should also take the innovation of the poverty alleviation mechanism as the driving force, take enriching the people as the goal, focus on focusing on a series of areas, and focus on solving outstanding problems, so as to do a solid job in poverty alleviation and development. We will speed up the development of poor areas. " Liang Weiguo, vice governor of Anhui Province, said that in the new round of poverty alleviation and development, the Anhui provincial party committee and provincial government will always adhere to the central basic idea of "regional development driving poverty alleviation and development, poverty alleviation and development promoting regional development." The Dabie Mountains will be built into demonstration areas for accelerated development of old revolutionary base areas, national production and processing bases for important grain and characteristic agricultural products, key areas for industrial transfer, red tourist attractions and cultural and leisure tourism destinations, and important ecological security barriers in Central China and the Yangtze River Delta. We will organically combine the acceleration of regional development, eco-environmental protection and poverty alleviation, and work out a solid road with characteristics.

The whole push of thousands of villages has turned thousands of poor villages into rich ones.

Improving infrastructure conditions and public services is an important part of poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation should allow the poor to enjoy basic civil rights equally.

Banshe Village, Maojianshan Township, Yuexi County, which is located in the depths of the Dabie Mountains, is a typical village for poverty alleviation and development. This once famous poor village has now become a beautiful demonstration village for rural construction. Walking on the winding path of the village, the surrounding green water and green mountains and the Huizhou-style buildings with white walls and gray tiles look like a vivid landscape painting, coupled with the production scenes of farmers picking and working in the fields.

"it takes a process for poor villages to get rid of poverty. Our village has been poor for so many years, that is, it has changed greatly in the past one or two years. First of all, I would like to thank the county for transforming the appearance of the village through the integration of funds, the living environment has become more beautiful and tidy, and the people's need to get rich is becoming stronger and stronger. " Hu Zhidong, secretary of the village branch, told reporters that the "two committees" of the village have thought of a lot of ways to lead the villagers to become rich. However, as long as we lead the farmers to grow what is difficult to sell, they can always get rid of the "strange circle." By chance, a merchant from Zhejiang came to Banshe Village for an inspection and took a fancy to this treasure land unknown to her. The two sides have reached a cooperation agreement that farmers in Banshe Village will grow alpine organic vegetables, and Zhejiang businessmen will provide planting technology and be responsible for marketing. Cooperatives have been set up in the village to transfer land, organize farmers and provide services. In the first year, the per capita income of the whole village increased by nearly 2000 yuan, and the village collective income broke the record of zero for the first time.

"you can see the mountains and the water, and you can keep your homesickness. Banshe Village is a model village built according to our vision. The poverty alleviation fund is only 30 to 500000 yuan per village, everything has to be done, nothing has been done thoroughly, and the strength is scattered. We concentrate our efforts on integrating the investment of each village and the 'elimination' of each village. " Liu Yawei, a female township head, spoke cheerfully and excitedly introduced to the reporter that the benefit of promoting poverty alleviation in the whole village is obvious. It can not only fundamentally solve the sustainable development of farmers to shake off poverty and become rich, but also solve the problem that there is no source of collective income at the village level.

"Jimei Shuizhai" is a new village promoted by Lixin County, a major agricultural county in northern Anhui, using poverty alleviation funds. It is formed by the merger of 41 natural villages of Shuanggou, Shuizhai and Houzhai administrative villages after the demolition of townships and towns, with a total population of 9816 and an area of 15360 mu of arable land.

Although it is located in northern Anhui, it has Jiangnan flavor: small bridge and flowing water, green trees into a forest, a two-story small foreign-style building is a new home for farmers, and children on holiday in the fitness square are playing basketball. "the life of our farmers is now no worse than that in the city." Zhang Li, a farmer who is on an intravenous drip in the infirmary of the community service center, told reporters that he used to live in a remote place and had to run for miles with a cold and fever to find a rural doctor. Now that farmers plan to live in a unified way, there is a community service center at the gate of the community, which is equipped with chess and card room, computer room, infirmary, administrative service center and so on.

"aim at poor villages, take villages as carriers, gather poverty alleviation forces from all aspects of society, and adopt a package of comprehensive measures to ensure that one village is promoted, one village is lifted out of poverty, and one village is rich. Since 2012, Anhui has launched the "Thousand villages push" project, which promotes the whole village of about 1000 poor villages every year. " Liu Yongchun, deputy secretary general of the Anhui Provincial Government and director of the Poverty Alleviation Office, said that in the new round of poverty alleviation and development, Anhui will continue to implement the "Thousand villages Project", which has been implemented in 1016 poor villages in 2013 and expanded to 1057 villages this year. Only by insisting on the organic combination of the whole village promotion with the new urbanization, agricultural modernization and beautiful rural construction, the integration of resources and the overall planning of strength, can we significantly improve the production and living conditions of poor villages, promote the development of industries with advantages with characteristics, and improve the self-development ability of farmers.

Strong industry can make farmers "hematopoietic" strong.

"teach people to fish" is not as good as "teach people to fish", carry out industrial poverty alleviation, guide poor farmers to "work in school and learn in work", so that they can shake off poverty and become rich through the improvement of their ability.

"the bridge has been repaired and the road has been repaired, but the people have not yet found a way out of poverty. We can no longer follow this old path of poverty alleviation. At present, poverty alleviation should pay more attention to supporting industries and lift farmers out of poverty forever. " As a state-level poverty-stricken county with a large population, Liang Dong, secretary of the Lixin County CPC Committee, has a clear understanding of poverty alleviation work, that is, to strengthen farmers' own "hematopoietic" function.

Daguan Village, Liujiaji Township, Lixin County used to be a low-lying field, and the people grew grain by the sky. After the integration of poverty alleviation funds and other projects in the village, the land has become flat and the road network, ditches and other basic supporting facilities are available. Today, it has become a famous base of ten thousand mu of fruits and vegetables.

Jiang Yelin, director of the Anhui Shuangfei planting Cooperative, who is busy in the fields, said that three years ago, he returned to his hometown to start a business and transferred 800 mu of land to build a vegetable greenhouse. The cooperative led 80 villagers to join the cooperative, with a net income of 2 million yuan last year. In the past two years, the construction of roads, greenhouses and other infrastructure has received nearly 800000 yuan of aid from poverty alleviation funds.

Chen Hua, director of the poverty alleviation office in Lixin County, said: "this modern agricultural industrial base has benefited from the aid of poverty alleviation funds, and cooperatives have also enhanced their ability to help poor families get rich." With the support of the policy of industrial poverty alleviation, more and more farmers start their own businesses and become local experts at getting rich, as well as capable people who lead the surrounding poor families out of poverty.

Helping the industry has endless "magnifying glass" function. Yang Zhenlin, a farmer in Laibang Town, Yuexi County, was a poor household two years ago. "thanks to the help of leading enterprises, I was able to get out of poverty quickly and bought a house and a car." It turned out that he was driven by the local leading enterprise Mingshan Company to develop black-haired pig farming families to get rich. "We adopt the breeding model of 'company + farmers'. The company provides pig seedlings, feed and technology. Farmers take back pig seedlings for breeding for six months, and then send them to the company for sale." Chu Chengcai, deputy general manager of Mingshan Company, said that the selling price of black pork in Hefei supermarket is 700.80 yuan per jin, which is nearly 10 times the price of ordinary pork.

Yang Zhenlin got back two black piglets for free as a local poor house. six months later, he handed over the black pigs raised to Mingshan Company and received 4000 yuan. After tasting the sweetness, he then adopted more than 10 pigs, with a total of more than 300 pigs at present. Yang Zhenlin said that seeing that he, a poor household, had become a "nouveau riche," many villagers took the initiative to go to the company and ask to join.

It is reported that in recent years, Anhui Province has vigorously promoted industrial poverty alleviation, especially the reform of the poverty alleviation discount loan system, comprehensively liberalized loan-bearing financial institutions, increased financial discount input, and focused on supporting leading poverty alleviation enterprises at all levels. In 2012, a financial discount fund of 26.43 million yuan was allocated to support 276 enterprises of various types. In 2013, drawing lessons from the successful financial poverty alleviation case of Jinzhai, further strengthening cooperation with the Provincial Agricultural Bank and the Export-Import Bank, constantly innovating financial poverty alleviation work, arranging 29.5 million yuan of loans for poverty alleviation projects, and leveraging the poverty alleviation loan line to more than 3 billion yuan, we will support enterprises in poor areas to become bigger and stronger. Since 2011, a total of 45 million yuan of discounted interest funds have been allocated to support poor households to develop agricultural production, and 75 million yuan of special funds have been allocated to support the development of farmers' professional cooperatives in 43 key counties (cities and districts) to promote the adjustment of rural industrial structure.

The poor should enjoy more financial benefits.

The shortage of funds in rural areas has been a universal problem that has not been solved for a long time, and funds have become the scarcest resources for rural development. If we want to solve the problem of food and clothing and get rid of poverty and become rich, we need to turn the dead money into living money and let the limited poverty alleviation funds play the greatest role.

"take the will of the masses as the first signal, lift the masses out of poverty as the first goal, and take the difficult problems of the masses as the first starting point." This is a slogan posted in front of the poverty alleviation office in Jinzhai County. Jinzhai, located in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, has been listed as a national key county for poverty alleviation and development for many years, and its rural finance is a weak link. In the past, financial institutions generally did not set up business outlets in village groups, and the basic financial services needs of farmers could not be met. In 2012, Wu Bangguo, then chairman of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, visited the mountainous and reservoir areas of the county and gave important instructions on "invigorating rural finance in Jinzhai County and enabling finance to play a greater role in poverty alleviation and development." Jinzhai County has launched a comprehensive reform of rural finance, and the intensity and breadth of financial poverty alleviation to promote agriculture, rural areas and farmers and help development have been unprecedentedly strengthened.

"in the past, you had to save money and withdraw money to a town five kilometers away, but since the village had a financial services room, it was possible to deposit money and transfer money on your doorstep." Liu Feng, a villager of Gongdian Village, Baitazhai Town, Jinzhai County, told reporters. In the rural financial service room of more than ten square meters, the reporter saw that there was an all-in-one machine for deposit and withdrawal and a passbook boarding plane. The service room can provide 24-hour convenient financial services, benefiting about 6000 people in the three surrounding administrative villages. Jinzhai County also encourages financial institutions to rely on grocery stores and agricultural aid stores to set up withdrawal services for farmers in the village, so that villagers can enjoy financial services before they leave the village. Up to now, Jinzhai County has set up more than 300 agricultural withdrawal service points and built 20 village-level financial service rooms, realizing full coverage of rural financial services at the village level.

Last year, Huang Zhaofan, a poor family from Quanjun Village, Quanjun Township, Jinzhai County, joined a local tea company to become a member of a cooperative. With the enterprise as the borrower, he applied for an interest-free loan of 10, 000 yuan to develop tea planting, with a net profit of more than 5000 yuan that year. What he benefits from is the local first "five in one" financial poverty alleviation products. In view of the bottleneck that farmers do not have collateral and financial institutions cannot directly lend to farmers, the Provincial Agricultural Development Bank as the lender, the provincial guarantee group as the guarantor, the provincial agricultural development bureau as the full discount interest person, the leading enterprises in the agricultural industry as the borrower, and the peasant household as the actual user, issue 10 million yuan of loans to support agriculture of "ten thousand mu of Camellia oleifera and ten thousand mu tea garden".

In addition to inclusive financial services, Anhui has comprehensively launched a pilot project of mutual funds for poor villages in poor counties in recent years, which has not only effectively integrated idle funds in rural areas and activated "sleeping capital", but also solved the problems of farmers' difficulties in loans and shortage of development funds.

"thanks to the aid-the-poor society, I am what I am today." Li Yongfeng, a villager of Peiyuan Village, Lantian Town, Xiuning County, said that two years ago, he wanted to raise pigs in partnership with the villagers, but lacked funds. There is no mortgage, and there is no guarantee from a formal public official. Under the introduction of village cadres, Li Yongfeng joined the aid-the-poor cooperation. because he is a poor household, he can be exempted from paying the entry fee of 500 yuan. Li Yongfeng submitted an application for entrepreneurship and development to the mutual aid cooperation. after examination and approval, he received 30,000 yuan in mutual aid funds in less than a week. A year later, Li Yongfeng repaid the money on schedule. In the following year, Li Yongfeng borrowed 50,000 yuan from the mutual aid agency to expand reproduction. Today, his pig farm has begun to take shape, with nearly 200 pigs in stock.

If you want Jinshan and Yinshan, you need green water and green mountains.

Environmental protection has become the consensus of the people. therefore, more attention should be paid to the respect, protection and rational development of resources, instead of "fishing and burning forests while hunting". Poverty alleviation and development should give priority to planning and ecology.

Huangwei Village, Huangwei Town, Yuexi County is the location of the Rainbow Waterfall, a well-known local scenic spot. Due to the remote area, less land and more forests, economic development is relatively slow. "in order to keep the green mountains and green rivers, we have given up the opportunities for conventional development over the years, and all projects that may bring 'sequelae' will be abandoned. Local farmers have made a living by logging for generations, and now they have lost their livelihood for the sake of green development. We have been trying to open doors and lead the peasants to increase their income. With the development of scenic spots, we finally ushered in new opportunities. " Shu Hanbing, secretary of the party committee of Huangwei Town, said that they take tourism as a breakthrough, go all out to support the scenic spots to become stronger and bigger, and drive the surrounding people to shake off poverty and become rich.

Encourage farmers to start their own businesses and strengthen farm music. Now the farm music in Huangwei Village has grown from a dozen in the past to more than 40. On the other hand, in order to extend the industrial chain and expand the content of the scenic spot, the town also develops leisure agriculture, plans to build the whole town into nine agricultural bases, and develops experience sightseeing agriculture bases in line with the development of tourism.

"Last year, we organized farmers to set up a 1000 mu fruit demonstration base, used poverty alleviation funds to provide unified seedlings and technical services, and took the lead in setting up cooperatives. If the land is transferred directly, the government will save time and worry. However, from the perspective of farmers' income, the income is not as high as what they do. At the same time, the cultivation of fruits and vegetables is more beneficial to ecological protection. Next year, we will be able to pick fruit, and our expected income for each household will reach more than 10,000 yuan. " Shu Hanbing said.

The path is not limited to one style, and the purpose is to help the poor. Starting this year, Fan Xinrong, a poor family in Xuchong Village, Meishan Town, Jinzhai County, has a fixed income-using solar energy on the roof of his house to generate electricity. Not only do you use your own electricity for free, but you can also sell excess electricity to the power supply company to make money. The reporter saw a small photovoltaic power station erected on the roof of farmers' houses, and nearly 20 square meters of solar panels were particularly conspicuous. An electricity meter is installed on the wall next to the power station, and the meter screen shows that it has generated 300 kilowatt hours since the plant was built in early March this year.

"the purpose of building photovoltaic power stations is to solve the problem of electricity consumption for poor households. The use of solar energy resources not only has no pollution, but also can help them increase their income." Liu Zexiang, director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of Jinzhai County, told reporters that according to relevant state policies, users can receive a subsidy of 0.42 yuan for every degree of photovoltaic electricity generated, and the inexhaustible electricity can be sold to the State Grid, plus 0.88 yuan per kilowatt-hour of electricity. Jinzhai County used poverty alleviation funds for the first time this year to build photovoltaic power stations for poor households. The cost of a power station is 24000 yuan, while poor households only need to pay 8000 yuan out of their own pocket. The life span of each power station is about 25 years, which means that poor households have a stable income within 25 years.

"it's a long journey, and I won't stop pursuing it." With the development and changes of the world and national conditions, great changes have taken place in the subject, theme, object, content and way of poverty alleviation in rural areas. Today, high-spirited people in Anhui are vigorously implementing accurate poverty alleviation from village to household. Aim at poor villages and poor households, find out the situation one by one, provide help from village to house, and change "flood irrigation" to "precision drip irrigation". Set up files and cards for the poor, analyze the causes of poverty, arrange pairs of cadres, determine assistance measures, and finally achieve household-by-household poverty alleviation. At the same time, we should innovate the assessment mechanism of poverty-stricken counties and guide them to put poverty alleviation and development work as a "top priority".