
Director of the Bureau of Agricultural Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture: cultivate international grain merchants of land reclamation

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As strategic materials and special commodities, the use value of grain is irreplaceable, and the price elasticity of supply and demand is low. Practice has proved that the most effective way to play the decisive role of the market and the role of the government in the grain field is to cultivate the right to speak in the market.

As strategic materials and special commodities, the use value of grain is irreplaceable, and the price elasticity of supply and demand is low. Practice has proved that the most effective way to play a decisive role in the market and better play the role of the government in the grain field is to cultivate large international grain merchants with market voice, and to achieve the goal of macro-control with the hands of the government and market-oriented mode of operation. As a large agricultural state-owned enterprise, land reclamation should take the cultivation of international grain merchants as the strategic carrier and platform to ensure national food security and play an important role in the overall economic and social development.

The primary goal of cultivating large international grain merchants in land reclamation is to ensure national food security and to ensure that the price regulation of major agricultural products is at a reasonable level.

China is the most populous country in the world, and it is a big country of grain production, consumption and import. In recent years, with the rapid economic and social development, the relationship between supply and demand of agricultural products began to change to the total basic balance, structural shortage, and will be in a tight balance for a long time. Tight balance is not only an ideal state of food security, but also a state of high risk. In order to prevent insufficient supply from causing "expensive rice to hurt the people" and loose supply from causing "cheap grain to hurt farmers", we must always firmly grasp the initiative of macro-control. Therefore, the cultivation of large international grain merchants in land reclamation must proceed from China's national conditions and the new situation of food security, which can not be equated with the general transnational agricultural companies for the purpose of maximizing profits. nor can it be equated with the international grain merchants of developed countries for the purpose of dumping surplus agricultural products abroad. First of all, the international grain merchants of land reclamation are the international grain merchants who ensure the food security of our country, and they are the local grain merchants of our country. in the course of development, we should calculate not only the "economic account" but also the "political account" and "social account".

In order to cultivate large international grain merchants in land reclamation, we must strive to increase the production capacity of major domestic commodities and actively strive for the right to speak in the international grain and agricultural products market.

China's resource endowment of large population, land and water shortage determines that to ensure food security, we must concentrate our efforts on ensuring basic grain self-sufficiency and absolute safety of grain rations, and at the same time choose the opportunity to import grain appropriately and adjust the market. If we pin all our expectations on the international market, we will not only be controlled by others and pay a high price, but also unrealistic, unreliable and unsustainable from the point of view of the world food trade and distribution system. Land reclamation has the unique advantages of many production bases, and the international grain merchants of land reclamation are first of all producers, and they must always adhere to the policy that "our rice bowls should mainly contain Chinese grain." In the domestic land reclamation, we should base ourselves on the reclamation area, and then "get out of the reclamation area" through industrial services, strive to create a large green and mobile granary, and strive to directly control the total amount of commercial grain to reach more than 100 billion jin by 2020. it plays a key role in ensuring food supply, stabilizing market prices and providing disaster relief and emergency relief, and has really become a "handful of rice" to reassure the party and the country. At the same time, the big international grain merchants of land reclamation should set up a global vision, speed up transnational operation, layout warehousing and logistics facilities in the world's major grain surplus producing areas, grasp first-hand grain sources, and directly participate in the competition in the world grain market. from the source and fundamentally break the passive situation of a small number of monopoly oligarchs manipulating international grain prices, on the one hand, prevent the impact on domestic production and farmers' income through price transmission, on the other hand, It can also regulate the international food market and earnestly assume the responsibility of the big developing countries.

In order to cultivate large international grain merchants in land reclamation, it is necessary to vigorously promote the joint operation of alliances and build a "joint fleet" among different types of subjects.

From a worldwide point of view, the international grain merchants do not have a universal development model, although they have some common characteristics, they are more evolved based on the resource endowment, history, culture and economic system of the host country. The international grain merchants of land reclamation should not only absorb the useful experience of the international grain merchants of developed countries, but also give full play to the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, extensively mobilize and gather forces from various fields, and form a development model suitable for China's national conditions. Vertically, the international grain merchants of land reclamation should build the whole agricultural industry chain with traceable quality, from the cultivation of production capacity to supply capacity, and then to the cultivation of market competitiveness. we will form an integrated development pattern of industrial companies, state-owned farms, new business entities and traditional farmers driven by large-scale reclamation area groups, and form the ability to control agricultural strategic industries. Horizontally, on the basis of forming a close connection between the reclamation areas, the international grain merchants of land reclamation should comprehensively build strategic alliances covering local governments, scientific research institutes, financial capital, private enterprises, collective economic organizations and non-governmental organizations. we will vigorously develop the economy of mixed ownership and enlarge the influence and control of the state-owned economy of land reclamation.

Land reclamation international grain merchants are large grain merchants rooted in rural areas, have a production base linked by property rights, and form a new economic community with the broad masses of farmers, workers and farmers. The international grain merchants of land reclamation should not only occupy the high end of the industrial chain, but also lead farmers to enter the market with advanced factors of production to protect and promote their economic interests. By bringing the household management of farmers into the enterprise management system, on the one hand, large grain merchants of land reclamation have built stable channels for local employment and entrepreneurship for farmers, and promoted the process of local citizenization, professionalization and new urbanization of farmers; on the other hand, enterprises are used as carriers to realize the two-way flow and equal exchange of production factors between urban and rural areas, so as to stimulate the driving force of the synchronous development of the "four modernizations" in an all-round way.

(the writer is the director of the Bureau of Agricultural Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture)