
Highlight Mechanism Innovation and Speed up the Development of Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In recent years, with the deepening of rural reform as the driving force, Sichuan Province has made great efforts to cultivate multiple agricultural operators, build a new agricultural management system, and constantly promote the development of modern agriculture. At present, there are 7 state-level modern agricultural demonstration zones in the province, with national agricultural industrialization.

In recent years, with the deepening of rural reform as the driving force, Sichuan Province has made great efforts to cultivate multiple agricultural operators, build a new agricultural management system, and constantly promote the development of modern agriculture. At present, the province has 7 national modern agricultural demonstration zones, 9 national agricultural industrialization demonstration bases, and 800 modern agricultural demonstration zones of 10 million mu. 60 strong counties with strong modern agricultural industrial bases, 60 key counties for modern agricultural construction, 60 strong counties for cultivating modern forestry industries, and 46 key counties for modern animal husbandry have been established.

Focus on policy innovation and cultivate diversified operators of modern agriculture. Highlight various forms of cooperation and association to support the development and growth of farmers' cooperatives. The whole province has successively issued a series of opinions on promoting the development of modern agriculture, increasing policy support from the aspects of registration, finance, finance, projects, land use, electricity use, and personnel training, and promoting the pilot innovation of financial support cooperatives. Guide the development of farmers' professional cooperatives, promoting the vigorous development of farmers' cooperatives. Up to now, there are 38117 registered farmers' specialized cooperatives in the province, with a total of 679300 members and a total contribution of 76.679 billion yuan.

We will highlight appropriate scale operation and support the development of professional large households and family farms. Carry out the registration of family farms in accordance with the voluntary principle, and actively carry out the establishment of exemplary family farms. Establish special funds to support family farms, take direct subsidies, awards instead of subsidies, loans and other ways to support the development of family farms. Encourage agriculture-related financial institutions to develop loan products suitable for the production and operation characteristics of family farms, improve the loan methods, and further increase the credit line of credit loans to family farms. At present, there are 6267 family farms in the province.

We will give prominence to encouraging and guiding industrial and commercial capital to develop in rural areas and actively develop leading enterprises in the industrialization of agriculture under mixed ownership. The province issued the "opinions on supporting the development of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and vigorously promoting the" two drives ". We will vigorously implement the "vanguard" project of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, cultivate enterprise groups, expand the Sichuan Tea Alliance, build hundreds of billions of industries, and change the situation of "thousands of households growing tea, making tea in thousands of enterprises, and selling tea in thousands of brands." At present, there are more than 8500 leading enterprises of all kinds of agricultural industrialization in the province, including 60 at the national level and 589 at the provincial level.

Highlight and innovate the socialized service system of agriculture. We will carry out the establishment of agricultural socialized service demonstration counties, innovate service models, actively promote services such as the combination of technology and things, technology contracting, and full-process trusteeship, and actively develop technologies such as e-commerce for agricultural products and the Internet of things in agriculture. we will improve the "12316" service platform for farmers, integrate the resources of agriculture-related websites, and raise the level of agricultural information services.

Focus on scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the development of modern agricultural science and technology support. Improve the scientific and technological innovation capability of agricultural research institutes. Through the trial implementation of shareholding of scientific and technological achievements, scientific and technological personnel are encouraged to innovate and start businesses in rural areas, give full play to the role of "sky-top" and "site", write papers on the earth, and leave the achievements in the homes of farmers. We will meticulously organize the activity of "ten thousand agricultural scientific and technological personnel entering ten thousand villages and ten thousand families" to establish a scientific research management system that is scientific, standardized, efficient and in line with the system of modern institutions. We will actively promote the construction of national agricultural science and technology parks in Ya'an, Guang'an and Leshan, as well as more than 90 provincial-level agricultural science and technology parks. At present, there are four national agricultural science and technology parks in the province, ranking first in the western region.

We will focus on promoting the deep integration of science and technology commissioners with "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and leading enterprises, and enhance the ability of science and technology to support the agricultural industry and the rural economy. We will encourage leading enterprises to increase investment in scientific research and improve their ability to innovate independently. Support leading enterprises to digest, absorb and master major key technologies and core processes in the industry, and carry out integrated innovation. Innovate the mechanism of personnel training. We will speed up the training of a large number of modern enterprise management personnel who are familiar with the policies of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, master modern business concepts, and have a strong ability to serve farmers. The province has selected and dispatched 17000 science and technology commissioners, set up 1480 provincial science and technology commissioner teams, such as high grain production, established 1480 rural economic cooperation organizations, and implemented a total of 2980 science and technology development projects, with an annual output value of 1.29 billion yuan.

Focus on mechanism innovation to enhance the staying power of modern agricultural development. Innovate the mechanism for the integration of financial funds. In accordance with the principle of "no chaos in channels, no change in use, overall arrangement, centralized investment, responsibility of each department, and joint force", we will integrate and optimize all kinds of financial funds for supporting agriculture in the province, such as comprehensive agricultural development, agricultural technology popularization, agricultural infrastructure construction, rural public welfare facilities construction, financial poverty alleviation and development, and so on, so as to form a mechanism of departmental coordination and positive interaction. Focus on supporting projects for the construction of new grain production capacity, hundreds of billions of demonstration projects for modern agriculture, high-standard farmland construction projects, rural energy construction projects, modern crop seed industry upgrading projects, agricultural mechanization demonstration projects, the construction of the quality and safety system of agricultural products, township or regional public welfare agricultural technology extension system construction and other key projects of modern agricultural development.

Innovative ways of financial support. We will implement the credit loan system for farmers' cooperatives, increase the credit rating and quota of demonstration cooperatives, and strive to meet the loan needs of farmers' cooperatives for production and operation. We will actively cultivate new rural financial organizations in accordance with the law, with emphasis on developing new rural financial service institutions, such as village banks, loan companies, and rural mutual aid cooperatives. Improve the differential credit policy of agriculture-related banks. We will carry out pilot projects on mortgage loans for all kinds of rural property rights, and encourage financial institutions to actively carry out new credit businesses such as large-scale agricultural machinery mortgage, chattel pledge, warehouse receipts and accounts receivable pledge. We will speed up the innovation of agriculture-related loan guarantee, physical mortgage, fund issuance and settlement, explore the establishment of a common fund for the development of farmers' cooperatives, and build a financing guarantee platform for farmers' cooperatives. Establish a mechanism of policy complementarity and risk sharing between insurance companies and agriculture-related financial institutions. We will promote agricultural opening up and cooperation and attracting investment in agriculture. Use the West Expo and Sichuan-Taiwan Agricultural Cooperation Forum and other platforms to attract foreign investment and increase social capital investment in agricultural and rural construction.