
Thinking about planting material

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thinking about planting material

Nowadays, all kinds of immortals show their abilities in raising orchids, some with immortal earth, some with volcanic stone, and some with mud. In any case, it can be roughly divided into two schools, one is the traditional soil method, the other is the modern particle method. What to use is good, sometimes it really makes people changeable. hesitate about what move to make. What is the most suitable plant material, unexpectedly become Yilan to a certain level of confusion, let's taste the similarities and differences between various plant materials. Because of the environment, such as the dryness of the climate, the different materials of the pots (here, the pot is also used as the external environment for the growth of orchids), and the different plants (ripe grass, downhill grass, resale seedlings), it determines the premise of what kind of plant material we choose. As we all know, plastic pots, porcelain pots, and fine purple sand basins have to choose particles to avoid the agony of rotting roots because of their inherent defects in ventilation and ventilation. There is no such worry about using the mud basin. However, because of the beautiful appearance of all kinds of planting pots, it is difficult for some people to choose, so it depends on whether you want demeanor or temperature. For different plant quality, resale seedlings and downhill grass need a longer adaptation period of cultivation environment, and the good permeability of particles reduces the adaptation incubation time on the seeds to the shortest, so that bluegrass can only deal with the test from climate and geography. So that people do not hesitate to choose particles. As for the traditional old grass, this consideration is omitted. The above is only from the perspective of simple cultivation of orchids, but for the relationship between plants and flowers, it is foolish to think that plants are the key factor to determine flowers, which can be discussed later. With regard to the consideration of how to select plant materials, in fact, the ancients began to use particles and blue mud to co-exist, and analyzed the advantages of particles. For example, Wang Wei's account of "nourishing Yi stone for many years" in the Tang Dynasty and Huang Tingjian in the Northern Song Dynasty said that "Yi stone" and "sand and stone" here are part of what we now call "particles". The two literary sages have also clarified the advantages of using particles, that is, "flourishing over the years" and "luxuriant grass". Is this similar to our current practice of using granular materials such as fairy soil?. When it comes to the need for flower fragrance, it is necessary to "fertile soup tea", which shows on the negative side that there are only "sand and stone" and "Yi stone" particle plant, but not "Tang Ming", and flower "Fang" is difficult to make people satisfied. As we all know, the word "Fang" in ancient Chinese mainly refers to aroma. Today, the Orchid people have replaced Tang Ming with modern chemical fertilizers, but because of the single fertilizer, some people use a variety of organic humus to seek more comprehensive nutrients, in order to achieve the coexistence of grass, flower appearance and flower fragrance. But at the same time, this also brings a problem, that is, the concentration of fertilization and the mastery of time have become the tuition fees that some people must pay in the process of raising orchids. It is hard to hear that there has never been too much after using fertilizer. Although it is always said that thin fertilizer is applied frequently, but a little nap, the fat damage will make people cry and laugh, and can not tell others, because as long as they are people who raise orchids, even those who just started to raise orchids a few days ago know this way. It will teach you what to do, which is really a scratching problem that makes people break their teeth and swallow. As a result, some mud particles with humus appeared and became the first choice for orchid farmers, no matter where they were taken (some are hundreds of meters underground, some are special strata). Because it not only meets the requirements of permeability of orchid root planted in precision basin, but also maintains relatively comprehensive nutrients, it is widely used in all kinds of orchid species. Due to the reason of industrial production, the smooth and fine appearance greatly reduces its moisturizing performance, and the embarrassment of tilting to the bottom of the basin during watering reduces the desire of the plant material to be "moist" to almost zero. If it is soaked for a period of time, it will not take long to put it on the pot, and the particles will become real mud. On the contrary, it makes people lose their vigilance on Langen's ventilation. In fact, as a granular material composed of mud, if it lasts for a long time without blistering, it is impossible to imagine without the physical method of forging and hardening and the chemical synthesis of additional coagulant. Then it has become a question in people's minds whether the organic and nutritional components of this long-flooded and stubborn granular mud still exist and whether it can still act on orchids. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Orchid people added other kinds of stone particles to the granular mud in order to balance all sides. It can not only have good permeability so that it can produce more seedlings, but also have relatively comprehensive nutrients to enjoy good flowers. Therefore, this kind of particles composed of various materials has become the most fashionable and effective means of raising orchids. In this way, the plant particles of raising orchids are getting larger and larger, and the selected species of orchids have reached all of the national orchids. Even some orchid people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang who have always prided themselves on traditional orchid cultivation have abandoned the orchid mud that has been used in orchid cultivation for hundreds of years and use pond cornerstones, immortal soil, volcanic rocks and other granular plant materials, and the granular materials have a tendency to dominate the world. So is the particulate material beneficial but harmless? Is there any other effect (including side effects) of the detached and unintimate contact with Langen when planting orchids (including side effects) or losing the support of a lot of bluegrass plants? Has the famous saying "one pine, one empty" when the ancients planted orchids become a review of history? When it comes to the charm of particulate materials. Indeed, for the newly introduced bluegrass pot, as well as a variety of inexplicable diseases of the recovery of weak grass, granule material has its unique advantages. In other words, for orchid friends who have tasted the life growth of unsolved bluegrass, the use of granular materials should be a wise and easy choice. At the very least, it can help us get rid of the so-called "watering for three years" entanglement of growing orchids, so that we can turn our sleeves into the new world of orchid cultivation, which is seen by outsiders as difficult and cumbersome. Whenever you see the noodles dry, pick up the kettle and water it. Don't worry, as long as there is water in your kettle. In this way, according to our potted quality, according to our orchid species, according to our orchid species, according to our orchid raw and ripe, after we have grown comfortably for a few years, suddenly, we will find such a situation, how my orchid bloom, the same kind of orchid, how can be thinner than other people's petals, astringent color, light fragrance, see other people's orchids, thick petals, round middle palace, green color, that kind of waxy moist That kind of charm, that kind of spirit, looks like a fat baby full of life. I can't help but envy. And those introduced resale grass, planted for several years, or do not change the traces of studying abroad, "small flowers with little dark fragrance" is still the same. Congratulations, if you find this, then your level of orchid cultivation has been improved. Because you have been able to make it clear that the same kind of flowers exist in the level of flowers. That is, you can understand why some people of the same "Song Mei" can open lotus-shaped daffodils, some can open authentic plum petals, and some can open plum-shaped daffodils. Understand why some people come out with their shoulders sloping, their heads like the landlords during the land reform, drooping listlessly, while some people come out with their heads held high, high-spirited, like excited teenagers. Let's put aside the other factors that affect flowers and talk about the effects of plants on flowers. Because we are used to the existence of permeable granules that are easy to pick up the kettle and ignore their inherent defects-most of them lack some of the trace elements necessary for orchids. We only know that grass is too weak because of lack of nitrogen; it is easy to get sick to add potassium; light grass does not blossom because there is no phosphate fertilizer, so hurry to see more sun and control more water. What we have done is right, and it is also the most basic. However, it has no effect on flowers, and the level of flowers mainly depends on your balanced intake of trace elements. And these are hard to get by fertilizing. We all know that the growth of plants requires the existence and interaction of various elements, but in addition to orchids, what elements can add color and flavor and get some waxy moisture that can only be understood? Even if a certain function of an ingredient is known, how much is it used and how does it cooperate with other elements? For example: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chlorine, molybdenum, boron and other elements, some people may know its single function, but what will it be like when combined with other elements? If you know that one of the elements is missing, but do you know how much to supplement? All these make us ordinary people who raise orchids think about it at all. it can only be said to be purely on paper, and there is nothing we can do about it in the practice of raising orchids. So, can't those who grow pleasing orchids have great ability? No, no, no. There is no secret. Let's pull apart the green cloud grass or pebbles covered on the basin and lift that layer of cover to see what kind of plant material they grow. Oh, it turned out to be an orchid mud that has been planted for hundreds of years. The kind of humus that is everywhere in the original land of orchids, in addition to being sifted to return the fine soil as fine as powder to nature or to add coarse particles to the orchid mud to increase permeability, almost repeating the same topic for hundreds of years: "I am the best to grow orchids"! Indeed, orchid mud is for orchids to survive. It's just that the modern rhythm and picture are easy to popularize and easy to take, and forget about it. However, people in the orchid area have always been regarded as the first choice because of their convenience and low cost. I have always had a wish that someone can make a comprehensive analysis of the orchid mud as to how many inorganic elements it is made up of and what organic ingredients exist. Why to use it to grow orchid bacteria is easy to breed. Although we have to thank those people who have worked hard for the cause of orchids to create things beneficial to orchids for us to enjoy, orchids in Taiwan have also invented a kind of active soil that can produce orchids in three or four days. But compared with the plants that nature has given us for orchid, these separate additives have to lower their noble heads. The thick petals, fresh color and pure aroma make us face the dilemma of reconsidering the most commonly used and easily ignored plant materials, and also force orchid people who pursue flowers to rekindle their old love for orchid mud. Since it is not clear how much effect plant materials can play in addition to the other skills of cultivation, it is obvious that orchids planted with orchid mud can reach a higher level of flowers than other plants, then, is there any reason why we should not choose the orchid paste that orchids have been using for hundreds of years? Of course, you have to master the use of the planting material first.